Feb 07, 2025  
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog 
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Opportunities at Pitzer


Pitzer has developed a variety of special courses, seminars and programs beyond the regular course offerings. Among these are the First-Year Seminar program; the New Resources Program, designed for students who are regularly enrolled students of post-college-age; PACE, designed to provide intensive English language training for international students; Internships; Independent Study; and Study Abroad programs in the U.S. and abroad.

These opportunities are described below. For further information, please contact the persons listed in the sections below or the Dean of Faculty’s office.


First-Year Seminars

Pitzer’s first-year seminar (FYS) program, launched in 1973, is designed to help students become more literate people who think, read, write, and speak both critically and competently. First-year seminars are writing-intensive courses that fulfill the college’s Written Expression educational objective. Although each seminar has a different instructor, topic, and set of readings, they all focus on close textual analysis, broadly conceived, and effective writing strategies. Enrollment is required of all first-year students in the fall semester.

First-year seminars are distinguished from many other courses offered at an introductory level not only by their limited class size, but also by their pursuit of an interdisciplinary theme or problem rather than the intent to introduce students to a specific discipline or field. Reflecting the professor’s area of expertise and passion, the seminars are meant to pique students’ intellectual curiosity and encourage them to pursue a focused interest in depth. Many seminars incorporate activities outside the classroom, such as fieldtrips, engaging in discussion over a meal, and watching films or plays.

Drafting, giving and receiving feedback, and revising are central to the process-oriented view of writing that the FYS seeks to foster. Students are expected to write at least 25 pages during the course of the semester, including formal assignments and polished essays, informal in-class writing, and writing exercises outside of class. In response to feedback from their professor, from peers in the class, and/or from the Writing Center, students will have the opportunity to revise at least 10 pages of their written work.

Near the end of the fall semester, the FYS professor will provide an assessment of the students’ competence in writing. The evaluation, which will be sent to the students’ advisers, will state whether they have met the writing objective. Students who do not meet the writing objective through a first-year seminar will be required to successfully complete an appropriate writing-intensive course (i.e., an academic writing course or some other course designated as writing-intensive) before they graduate.


Seminars meet Tuesday and Thursday, 2:45-4:00, unless otherwise indicated.


Please also note that some seminars are part of Pitzer’s global-local initiative, sponsored by the Institute for Global/Local Action & Study (IGLAS). These seminars are indicated with an asterisk (*) and include an additional hour of global-local programming each week.

1. Impossibility. A set is determined as much by what it contains as it is by what it doesn’t. As humans, we are always trying to learn more about the set of all things “knowable.” One way to learn more about this set is to determine those concepts that can never be in it. In this class we will focus on those things which we can be absolutely certain are NOT knowable. The class will spend approximately two weeks on each of the following themes: the Undoable; the Unprovable; the Unsolvable; the Uncomputable/Undecidable; the Unmeasurable; the Unpredictable; the Unfair [D. Bachman, Mathematics]. This course meets on MWF, 9-9:50am.

2. The Cold War and American Culture.* Political Scientists typically examine the Cold War (1945-1991), as a series of events and offer explanations for why these events occurred. For example, there are a number of explanations and theoretical frameworks explaining the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis or the reasons for America’s involvement in Vietnam. The course examines American politics and culture during the Cold War. Specifically, it will examine how Cold War politics was represented in film, architecture, literature, and in other areas of American popular culture. The aim is to go beyond discussing key events and demonstrate how Americans experienced the Cold War. In addition to reading academic works on American culture during the Cold War, students will watch several Hollywood films made during that era in order to analyze how popular culture incorporated and projected political events [A. Pantoja, Political Studies; Chicana/o Studies]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM.

3. The American School System.* This course will examine the American public school system. Through a sociological analysis of texts and films, we will investigate the impact of various school processes such as tracking, teacher expectations, curriculum, and standardized testing on students from diverse backgrounds [R. Espinoza, Sociology]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM. 

4. Art, Identity and Popular Culture.* What is the relationship between ideas and experience of race, sexuality, and identity on the one hand, and of art and popular culture on the other? How are identities, our own and those of “others” in our imagination, produced in and consumed through art, film, television, advertising, music, etc.? Can making art and media change the world? Premised on the notion of art as political action, this course explores these questions through close readings of texts, films, and other art works. The course is organized around an exhibition and symposium about these issues to take place at Pitzer in September 2013 [R. Talmor, Media Studies]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM. 

5. Propaganda.*This first-year seminar will examine propaganda, past and present. We will look at everything from police state rhetoric to mass-market advertising, investigating the ways in which propaganda has been mobilized in different times and places [A. Wakefield, History]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM. 

6. Psychocinematics.* How do principles of human cognition inform our understanding of the film experience? T philosophical foundations; sensory and attentional feature of movies; knowledge, imagination, and narrative; and driving emotions with movies. The use of music to create meaning in film may also be developed as a fifth topic. Emphasis will be on the concepts and methods of cognitive science, and relating these to the experience of the film viewer. Activities include group discussion of assigned readings and films, and developing increasingly refined written responses to the material [T. Justus, Psychology]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM. 

7. Authoritarianism thru Film & Literature: A Look at Life, Politics & Society in Non-Democratic Regimes.* In this course we will explore life, society, and politics in authoritarian regimes by analyzing fictional and real places around the globe, as portrayed in films and books. Artistic works will be supplemented by scholarly and news articles that reflect students’ research interests. We will experience writing and research as fundamentally creative and communal processes that require evidence, interpretation, and imagination. Students will write a series of essays, engage in peer review, and give in-class presentations [B. Junisbai, Assistant Dean of Faculty/Political Studies]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM.

8. Environmental Documentaries: Controversy, Evidence, Persuasion & Critical Analysis.* This course aims to introduce students to current national and international environmental controversies through the exploration of their documentation in film. We will often look at documentaries that take different perspectives on an environmental issue. The main themes in this course will be energy, food and water [M. Herrold-Menzies, Environmental Analysis]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM.

9. The Politics of Breakfast.* Have you ever considered what goes into your breakfast? This seminar will explore the politics and history of breakfast foods as they make their way from global markets to local breakfast tables. Students will explore the history and countries in Latin America that produce and export bananas, coffee, cacao, sugar among other export commodities. Students will engage in a cooking demonstration and tasting exercise for some of these commodities, establishing a connection between the global chain and their local consumption, right down to their breakfast table [S. Portillo, Chicana/o-Latina/o Transnational Studies]. This course includes an additional hour of “global-local” programming every Tuesday, 4-5PM. 

10. In the News. In this seminar, students will gain insight into major contemporary events by building and using core analytic and research skills. Our required reading is each day’s New York Times. This daily reading will be supplemented by other news sources, as well as relevant scholarship. In addition to following the news each day throughout the semester, each student will select one unfolding issue in the news to explore in depth. Students with the ability to read a language other than English will have the opportunity to use that language skill in this course. [D. Segal, Anthropology/History]

11. Environmental Toxicology. This seminar will begin with an overview of the physiology and biochemistry of toxins. Why is a particular compound toxic? Are developing systems uniquely vulnerable to the impact of toxic compounds? After a thorough grounding in the mechanisms of action of toxins, we will then begin to explore how various toxic compounds are distributed in the environment. We will learn how to assay soil and paint samples for lead content. We will learn how to employ a powerful analytical tool, GIS, to begin to explore the relationships between toxic environments, race, and social class variables. As we move into the second half of the semester, the course will begin to explore the economic and political dimensions of environmental pollution. This seminar will include a “toxicology tour” of the Los Angeles area. [A. Jones, Psychology/Neuroscience]

12. Race, Gender & Health in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. This course will review some of the key sociological and epidemiological scholarship on institutionalized racism and sexism within U.S. healthcare. We begin the course with a discussion and evaluation of the main theoretical perspectives used to discuss social inequality in healthcare. We then explore the history of colonialism and its role in subjecting people of color and women to disparate forms of care. Next, we will move into a discussion of access to healthcare. Throughout the course, we will engage the following questions: a) How does the healthcare system reproduce structural inequality?; b) How does one’s race and sex impact how practitioners and policymakers treat them as patients?; and, c) How have social and public health interventions mediated health disparities in the U.S.? [A. Bonaparte, Sociology]

13. Youth Culture. This course presents an overview of youth culture from the development of the idea of the teenager in the post-war period to the present day. It will use a variety of case studies in areas such as music, movies, television, and comics to examine how youth-oriented subcultures influence social, cultural, and political change. This course will also be interested in the ways that youth culture influences media industries creative and industrial practices.[E. Affuso, Media Studies]

14. Heroic Deviance. This course will look at the positive, altruistic and heroic side of deviant behavior. We will explore the nature of conformity and non-conformity, and we will learn about various deviant heroes from various societies and cultures. Sometimes, going against the grain, violating the rules, breaking the law and rebelling against one’s culture can be a good thing-even heroic. [P. Zuckerman, Sociology].

15. The Haunted Imagination. This course will explore the theme of the eerie, frightening, and uncanny in a broad range of British literature. What literary function do hauntings and the unseen play? What do these texts teach us about the limits of rationality and the power of the imagination? What cultural hopes and fears are brought into the light by the intrusion of the supernatural? What is the dividing line between insanity and being haunted? Why do we love to read literature that tries to scare us? Through encounters with some of the most famous and eerie specters stalking the pages of British literature, we explore the strange pleasures of feeling afraid and raise questions about the persistence of the past into the present. [S. Bhattacharya, English & World Literature]

16. Invasion of the Aliens. We will examine the possibility of contact with aliens, extraterrestrial life and the consequences for us. Starting in antiquity, we will explore beliefs that people held about the possibility of life elsewhere in our Universe, including Hindu, Jewish, and Christian thinkers. With the rise of science in the Enlightenment, there were new ideas about extraterrestrial life. We will read some of the Enlightenment thinkers’ ideas about such life. Moving into modern times, we will read H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, and study the Roswell UFO incident. Examining UFO reports, we will not concentrate on the reality of such reports, but on the psychology of those making the claims and what they reveal about human nature. Part of the class will be devoted to modern scientific thought about this topic, and will include the Drake equation and the Fermi paradox. Finally, we will discuss the possibility of communications with any such aliens, incorporating Lem’s Solaris and Saussure’s The Course. [S. Naftilan, Physics]

17. The Price of Altruism. Altruism, an act by one individual that benefits another, but at a cost to the one performing the act, has perplexed scientists for generations. Darwin referred to altruism as his “greatest single riddle.” In this seminar, we will consider various examples of altruism and the many ideas regarding the evolution of this puzzling phenomenon. This section is particularly suitable for students considering majoring in biology.[M. Preest, Biology]

18. American Culture in the 1980s. Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, and Ronald Reagan-the 1980s are often remembered as a gilded age of self-made success, when the desire to belong to the establishment replaced the liberal counterculture of the 1960s. Yet the decade was also one of tremendous social turmoil-of “culture wars” over American values, growing economic inequality, and anxieties about new technologies like the internet. This writing-intensive seminar invites students to investigate how popular culture challenged and reproduced the decade’s prevalent ideologies. Students will learn to craft arguments that intervene in authentic intellectual debates and to stage writing as a process predicated on peer review and revision. [A.Scott, Writing]


New Resources Program

Pitzer College established the New Resources program in 1974 to bring the small, liberal arts college experience to students of non-traditional college age. The program was founded with the conviction that a truly diverse campus is one eager to encounter the added dimension brought by students of a range of ages as well as backgrounds and interests.

To be considered for admission, applicants must be in good standing at the last institution attended and be 25 years of age or older. New Resources candidates may download the application online or request a hard copy from the Admission Office. In addition to the application for admission and a non-refundable $70 application fee, New Resources candidates must complete two essays, send official transcripts and submit two references from professors or employers.

New Resources students can transfer a maximum of 64 semester units or 96 quarter units from a community college. An additional 32 semester units or 48 quarter units may be transferred from an accredited four-year institution.  Transfer credit does not calculate into a student’s Pitzer GPA

Applicants for the New Resources program are required to have an on-campus interview with an Admission Counselor by May 1.

Further information about the program may be obtained from the Office of Admission by calling 909.621.8129.


 Summer Session

Summer Session at Pitzer provides an opportunity for students to continue and enrich their education in a rigorous academic atmosphere distinct from the traditional school year. Students may choose from a slate of undergraduate courses offered across the curriculum during two intensive six-week terms. All courses are taught by Claremont Colleges faculty.

Courses are regular, full-credit offerings of Pitzer College. Students earn one full-course credit (4 semester units) per course completed. Summer courses are open to students of The Claremont Colleges as well as students in good standing at other four-year colleges and universities. Housing and board options are available. Summer Session 2014 is tentatively scheduled to take place as shown below. Specific course listings are generally published in January.

Session I May 19 through June 27
Session II June 30 through August 8

For more information, please see the Summer Session Website at www.pitzer.edu/summer


Pitzer College Study Abroad for the Liberal Arts and Sciences

Pitzer College embraces a unique set of educational objectives that encourage students from all majors to think about the world in ways that expand their understanding of other cultures while working to translate that knowledge into action that will benefit the communities they become a part of here and abroad. This type of learning is fostered by the Pitzer curriculum in Claremont and at our study abroad sites around the world.

To further its educational objective of intercultural understanding, Pitzer has carefully developed its own study abroad programs and cultivated exchanges with overseas universities that support responsible exploration of the world and sustained engagement with its diverse communities. Pitzer programs employ a nationally recognized cultural immersion model integrating intensive language instruction, family stays, a core course on the host culture and the opportunity to pursue an independent study project. The same model informs our Pitzer exchange programs, which require students to navigate a different educational system, often in another language, at selected institutions abroad while bringing international students and their diversity of linguistic and cultural perspectives to the classrooms and residence halls in Claremont. Pitzer is a member of an organization called International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP) to provide additional options for study locations.

A semester of study abroad is not an experience that is considered separate from the rest of a Pitzer education. Students are expected to complete coursework prior to going abroad that will facilitate a sustained engagement with another culture. Ongoing critical reflection is expected of all study abroad participants through a portfolio of writing and opportunities for independent research projects. Having a study abroad program fully integrated into a Pitzer education is a key factor contributing to the record breaking number of prestigious post graduate grants and fellowships like the Fulbright, Watson, Rotary and Coro awarded to Pitzer students since 2003. Students who study abroad comprise 85 percent of those winning such awards. Pitzer leads the nation for a school its size in the number of Fulbright awards received.

A semester of study abroad is a demanding academic experience that may not be for everyone. Seen not as a “break from college” but as a key component of Pitzer’s challenging liberal arts and sciences curriculum, Pitzer Study Abroad has strong support from faculty. Roughly 67 percent of Pitzer students will complete a study abroad program during their undergraduate career at Pitzer. Nationally less than 15 percent of U.S. college students study abroad and only 40 percent of those do so for a semester or longer. In comparison, nearly 90 percent of Pitzer students who study abroad are on full semester or year-long programs. The remaining students participate on Pitzer’s own six-week summer programs that are particularly demanding due to the intensive program structure. The College is pleased that the destinations chosen by Pitzer students are more diverse and widely distributed around the globe than the national averages with the majority of Pitzer students choosing programs outside of Western Europe and the English-speaking world. Pitzer College encourages students to stretch beyond their comfort zone to become engaged, thoughtful and critically reflective citizens both of their own country and the contemporary world.


Pitzer Study Abroad Options

Exchange in Argentina through ISEP: The culture of this vibrant nation blends European and South American traditions to form a unique heritage all its own. Students with four semesters of Spanish completed prior to participation may select from a broad range of courses at one of two institutions in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s lively capital city, or at a third university in the historically rich city of Cordoba.

Pitzer Exchange in Australia: University of Adelaide: With more than 2,000 international students from 70 countries, the University of Adelaide has produced two Nobel Prize winning graduates and nearly 100 Rhodes Scholars. The University of Adelaide has major strengths in biological sciences, physical sciences, environmental sciences and social sciences. Students live in university dormitories with Australian students and other international students.

Pitzer College in Botswana: Pitzer in Botswana offers students an in-depth, cross-cultural learning experience organized around a challenging schedule of language training in Setswana, field projects and a core course on Botswana and regional development. Students live with host families and have the opportunity to pursue independent research and internships. Botswana is one of Africa’s most economically successful and politically stable countries. This “African Miracle” is home to 1.8 million people inhabiting 226,900 square miles of vast savannas, the Kalahari Desert and beautiful national wildlife parks. Botswana’s citizens enjoy standards of health, education and economic well-being rivaled on the continent only by neighboring South Africa.

Pitzer Exchange in Brazil: Open to students with advanced Spanish skills, this exchange with Universida de Federal de Roraima in Boa Vista offers students an intensive Portuguese language course as part of the required course load and the opportunity to live with a Brazilian host family. Boa Vista is the capital of the state of Roraima located in the north region of Brazil. Boa Vista’s estimated population is 250,000.

Exchange in Bulgaria through ISEP: The American University in Bulgaria is located in the southwestern part of the country in the city of Blageovgrad. A GPA of 3.0 is required for applicants interested in taking coursework in a broad range of social sciences including European history, political science, international relations and journalism.

Exchange in Chile through ISEP: This volcanic land of “Fire and Ice” has some of the most diverse landscapes in the world. Students with four semesters of Spanish prior to participation may choose between Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, one of the most prestigious institutions in Chile and located in the cultural and legislative capital and main commercial harbor in Chile, or Universidad Católica del Norte in the coastal city of Antofagasta.

Pitzer Exchanges in French-Speaking Canada: Students select from one of several participating institutions in Quebec, Canada. McGill University in Montreal offers classes taught in English across the curriculum. Several other institutions throughout Quebec province offer coursework entirely in French as an option for students who have completed French 44. Students find their own housing in the local French-speaking community and live as regular members of a neighborhood in Montreal, Quebec City or Sherbrooke.

Pitzer College in China: Pitzer in China offers a unique in-depth learning experience in Beijing, China’s capital and the heart of cultural and political life. Among the broad modern avenues and picturesque traditional hutongs, you will find the nation’s leading universities, medical schools and centers of art and media. The program is affiliated with Beijing University, the premier institution of higher education in China. Students follow a structured and demanding schedule of intensive Chinese study, live in dormitories with Chinese students have a brief home stay with a Chinese family, take a core course on Chinese society and culture, and complete an independent study project. Students may also choose to take an elective course in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), advanced Chinese, or calligraphy. Other elective courses can occasionally be arranged on a case by case basis.

Pitzer College in Costa Rica: Pitzer in Costa Rica immerses students in two communities in Costa Rica while taking intensive Spanish and studying tropical and human ecology at the College’s own Firestone Center for Restoration Ecology on the Pacific Coast. Language skills improve while living with one host family near San Jose and completing an intensive Spanish course. In the second home stay in a community near the Firestone Center, families serve as important resources for students’ understanding of the regional ecological issues that will be studied in an independent research project. The courses in tropical ecology and human ecology are taught at the Firestone Center by faculty from The Claremont Colleges.

The Costa Rica program also offers a Spanish Track that emphasizes linguistic and cultural competence in Spanish, integrating appropriate disciplines in the comparative study of global/local education, health, and/or ecological issues. It uses Pitzer’s Firestone Center for Restoration Ecology (FCRE) as a base to engage in sustained longitudinal social science research projects of benefit to communities in the surrounding District of Baru. Students who participate in the Spanish Track in the Pitzer in Costa Rica semester spend the first half of their 16-week semester at the same language institute in San Jose. They spend the second half of their semester in the Baru area near the FCRE. Students must have intermediate levels in Spanish to participate in the Spanish Track.

Pitzer Exchange with Sarah Lawrence in Cuba offers students the opportunity to be exposed to a culturally and politically unique society. Students may take courses in the humanities, social sciences and the arts at the University of Havana alongside Cuban classmates. Students may also take film history at either the University of Havana or at the Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, and performing and visual arts at the Instituto Superior de Arte. All courses are taught in Spanish. Students will be housed in a guest house run by the small farmers’ organization, ANAP. The guest house is centrally located and near the University of Havana.

Exchange in Denmark through ISEP: Aalborg University is Denmark’s youngest, most innovative and internationalized university with an interdisciplinary approach to teaching. Courses available in English include international cultural studies, psychology, economics, philosophy and political science. Students will live in student dormitories or local residences, arranged through ISEP.

Pitzer Exchange in Ecuador: The program is located in Quito, one of the most spectacular cities in South America, and affiliated with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE). Structured to deeply involve students in Ecuadorian life and culture, the program offers a core course on Ecuador, intensive Spanish language courses or electives at the university for those who have advanced Spanish language skills, and an independent study project. Students live with Ecuadorian families in the suburbs of Quito, providing a unique opportunity to improve their conversational Spanish while exploring the richness and complexity of urban life. A second, rural home stay experience with a highland, Quichua speaking family allows students to participate in indigenous life and culture.

Pitzer Exchange in England: University of Bristol. The University of Bristol declares its priorities to be learning, discovery, enterprise-teaching excellence, internationally distinguished research and scholarship and effective knowledge transfer. Bristol’s track record in all three accounts for its position in the first rank of UK universities and its excellent reputation in Europe and the wider world. Located less than two hours west of London by train, Bristol offers a wide range of coursework. University-arranged, off-campus accommodations are available to exchange students.

Pitzer Exchange in England: University of Birmingham. The University of Birmingham is a leading research university in one of the most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities in Europe. At the heart of England’s industrial belt, the University of Birmingham offers a wide selection of courses in languages, literature, history, multidisciplinary programs, social sciences, government and politics, engineering, and health sciences. Accommodation is available in university-arranged housing.

Pitzer Exchange in England: University of Essex. The University of Essex is the United Kingdom’s most internationally diverse campus university with students from 130 countries included in the current enrollment of 8,000 students. Academic departments span the humanities, social sciences, science and engineering and law and management. Students are typically accommodated in residences near the campus.

Pitzer Exchange in France: Sciences Po. Sciences Po, with campuses In Paris, Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Poitiers and Reims is the prestigious university at which many of France’s political leaders have studies. Like Pitzer, it has a very explicit commitment to diversity. Classes are available In French and English in the following fields of study: Economics, International Relations, Law, History, Political Science and Sociology. Students with less than four semesters of previous French language study enroll in an intensive French language and culture studies program with French as a foreign language and can take social science courses taught in English. Each of the regional campuses has different foci. Students in Paris are housed with host families. Students enrolled at one of Science Po’s regional campuses reside In student residence halls.

Pitzer Exchange in France: The University of Nantes. The city of Nantes is two hours from Paris by train and is located close to the Atlantic, at the western end of the Loire river valley with approximately one million people living in the greater Nantes area. The University of Nantes is a large, well-known university with proportionately few foreign students among the 40,000 French students. Classes in the fields of languages, literature, history, geography, sociology, political science, economics, and psychology are taught in French and are open to students whose competence in the French language is up to the challenge. International students are housed in university residences and integrated with local French students.

Pitzer Exchange in France: The University of Valenciennes. Valenciennes, in northern France near the Belgian border, prides itself on its reputation for friendliness and getting around the city is convenient and safe. Its appeal includes a vibrant economy and an attractive way of life. The University of Valenciennes enrolls 12,000 students and offers a full range of subjects. Classes are taught in French and French language courses for non-native speakers are also available as support courses. Students live in a university residence on the campus or may rent a room from a local family. Students without strong French language skills may choose from a limited number of courses taught in English with an option to do an internship in Brussels in the spring semester.

Pitzer Exchange with Sarah Lawrence College in Paris. Sarah Lawrence College in Paris offers students exceptional opportunities to pursue their studies in the humanities, the social sciences and the arts. The breadth of these choices combined with Sara Lawrence’s highly personalized approach to education, makes this program a unique opportunity. Sarah Lawrence has partnerships with a number of French institutions. Students may select courses at any one of these schools, as long as they have the required proficiency In French and appropriate academic background.

Pitzer Exchange in Germany: The University of Erfurt’s long history dates back to 1392, when it was established as Germany’s third university, after Heidelberg and Cologne. The city is a culturally lively and historically interesting location for students interested in economics, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy and social sciences. Students should complete at least one year of German language study prior to participating in the program. Students may continue German language studies at intermediate and advanced levels. A home stay with a local family may be possible or students will be housed on campus.

Pitzer Exchange in Germany: University of Koblenz-Landau, situated in the historic city of Landau in southeastern Germany, offers classes taught in English in literature, cultural studies and linguistics. Students can take German language classes at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Additionally courses are offered in German to students with appropriate levels of language competence. Single room dormitory accommodations are available on the Landau campus.

Exchange in Ghana through ISEP: Located on the western coast of Africa, Ghana is one of the most peaceful and politically stable countries in Africa. Students enroll in classes taught in English with local students at the University of Ghana. Fall participation is strongly advised so that students can take advantage of a required Twi language course. The most appropriate fields of study are African Studies, geography with resource development and the social sciences. One of the University’s objectives is to ensure that its students have an understanding of world affairs and the histories and cultures of African civilization. Students will live in student residences.

Pitzer Exchange in Hong Kong: Lingnan University. A major objective of Lingnan’s liberal arts education is to provide students with international exposure and whole-person development, particularly through bilateral cultural exchange. This is achieved by sending students abroad to experience different cultures, and by admitting non-local students for exchange or degree studies, so that they can experience Lingnan University’s liberal arts environment as well as enrich it. Lingnan University seeks to equip students with language and communication skills in order to cope with Hong Kong’s multilingual environment.

Exchange in Hungary through ISEP: At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, students enroll in classes taught in English in Central European studies, engineering and social science. Alternately, students may study Central European languages and cultures, at the University of Debrecen with offerings in linguistics and British, Canadian and American cultural studies. Students are housed in local accommodations.

Pitzer Semester in Israel: University of Haifa. Through the International School, students may choose from a variety of courses taught in English, participate in an internship program, and take Hebrew and Arabic language courses. Students will also participate in a pre-semester intensive Hebrew Ulpan that is one of the most effective language learning programs in Israel.

Pitzer Exchange in Italy: Pitzer in Italy places students in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna region in the city of Parma. Home to Verdi, Toscanini, the country’s oldest university and Europe’s finest Romanesque cathedral, Parma offers a vital, friendly and authentic Italian setting off the tourist track yet within access of Milan and Florence. The program allows students to rapidly develop their language skills and arrive at a more profound understanding of Italian culture through an interdisciplinary core course and a half-credit course on Italian Renaissance Art while pursuing a community- based service learning project (independent study). According to interests, students are assigned to a volunteer organization in Parma (health, education, immigrant assistance, environmental, etc.) for a full immersion experience that combines

Italian language, socio-anthropological training and field work. Students with sufficient Italian language skills have the option of a studio art community-based service learning project at the Paolo Toschi Art Institute in drawing and painting (oil, tempera, watercolor), TV/film direction, graphic and computer design, sculpture, or theater (acting and/or directing).

Pitzer Exchange in Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University. This university was founded in 1889 and relocated to the current campus in Nishinomiya, Japan, outside of Kobe, in 1929. At least one year of Japanese language study is required to be eligible for the program. Courses in Japanese and Korean language and culture are available to exchange students, as well as environmental studies courses at the Sanda campus. Students with sufficient Japanese language skills may select from any of the regular courses taught at the university. Students live with host families.

Exchange in Korea through ISEP: Students may select from one of three institutions in the capital city, Seoul: Korea University, Ewha Woman’s University or Yonsei University. No previous study of Korean language is required and a limited selection of course options is possible in English. Housing arrangements vary depending on the campus selected.

Exchange in Latvia through ISEP: Latvia, the heart of the Baltic States, has made a successful transition from Soviet Republic to member of NATO and the European Union. The University of Latvia, located in the historic city of Riga, is the largest in the Baltic region, where students may take courses taught in English in Baltic studies, as well as anthropology, economics, history and international relations. Latvian and Russian language courses from beginner through advanced levels are also available. Housing arrangements vary depending on the campus.

Pitzer Exchange in Mexico: Autonomous University of the Yucatan. The Autonomous University of the Yucatan, located in Mérida, offers a wide range of coursework in Spanish with Mexican students, giving occasion for a high level of cross-cultural interaction and collaborative work. Pitzer students need to be fluent in Spanish to qualify (minimum of four semesters of Spanish or its advanced equivalent). University-arranged homestays are available at or near the Yucatan campus.

Pitzer Exchange in Morocco: Al Akhawayn University. Set in the Atlas mountain region, Ifrane has been around for centuries with the earliest permanent settlement dating from the 16th century. The fall semester begins with an Arabic language course taught in Fes (or Fez), the third largest city in Morocco and an UNESCO World Heritage site. Students then relocate to the campus of Al Akhawayn University with classes in a broad range of liberal arts subjects. Courses are taught in English. Exchange students are expected to continue their Arabic language studies in addition to the other courses selected. Students live with Moroccan students in campus dormitories.

Pitzer College in Nepal:  Pitzer in Nepal is the College’s longest-running program and has gained recognition for its highly effective approach to language and cultural training. An intellectually and physically demanding schedule blends family stays, language classes, lectures, field trips, community projects and independent study. A trek and family stay in a Himalayan village, allow participants to learn first-hand about a surprising wealth of cultures and climates. The integrated curriculum enables students to interact more closely with the people and cultures of Nepal.

Pitzer Exchange in Singapore: Singapore Management University. Set up as Singapore’s first private university, SMU occupies a state-of-the-art city campus located in the heart of Singapore’s civic, cultural and business districts. SMU is home to more than 6,000 students and comprises six schools. Students must take Introduction to Malay or Chinese language and a course on Singapore while at SMU. Students are welcome to take any other courses from across the curriculum.

Pitzer Exchange in South Africa: University of KwaZulu Natal. Located in Durban, near the Indian Ocean, the University of KwaZulu Natal provides instruction in English across the curriculum. Special courses are available in Zulu language, cultural studies and media studies. The University of KwaZulu Natal offers a unique slice of the diversity of South Africa for a student of culture. Within a square mile one is likely to meet South African Indians, Afrikaners, Xhosas, Zulus, San, Sothos, Ndebeles and English-speaking peoples. University dormitory accommodation is offered.

Pitzer Exchange in Spain: University of León. The city of León is one of the most historic sections of Old Castile with a bustling market area and ample historic buildings to view. The University of Leon maintains high standards in both teaching and research in over 30 departments with particular strengths in biotechnology, natural resources and environmental sciences. Courses are taught in Spanish with regular Spanish university peers or students may enroll in a program of intensive Spanish language classes for the full semester. Students typically live in university- arranged accommodations which may consist of home stays or dormitory living, depending on availability.


1.   Pitzer Exchange in Spain: Spanish Institute for Global Education (SIGE) and the University of Sevilla.This program is coordinated through SIGE, twenty minutes outside of Sevilla. The institute offers an orientation program and a three-week refresher Spanish class for students with intermediate and advanced Spanish language skills. Students are then eligible to take special courses arranged for foreigners at the University of Sevilla. The university classes cover topics related to Spanish area studies in fields such as literature, history, international relations and language. Students live in homestays throughout the area and commute by bus to classes each day.

Pitzer Exchange in Turkey: Middle East Technical University (METU). Based in Ankara, the capital of Turkey with a population approaching 5 million people, students on the METU exchange can select from a wide range of courses taught in English that they attend together with their Turkish peers. The university has strong offerings in the sciences, sociology, political studies and economics. While appropriate for students in any major, METU is an ideal choice for natural science students who want to explore a new culture while maintaining a competitive standing in their major. Combined with Pitzer’s cultural immersion model, through which students can study Turkish language and culture and live with a local familyfor the first few weeks of the program and then in METU residence halls with Turkish students, participants get the best of all possible worlds: a rich investigation of a fascinating culture at the crossroads of European and Middle Eastern civilization as well as a first-rate education.

Pitzer Summer Health Program in Costa Rica: Pitzer Summer Health Program in Costa Rica provides participants with an opportunity for a Spanish-speaking, cultural immersion experience and a first-hand look at health care in Latin America. The integrated curriculum combines intensive Spanish language study and family stays with health-related internships in San Jose, the Costa Rican capital city and a core course focused on health issues. Students accepted to the program must be enrolled in courses on campus in the prior spring semester to attend lectures and orientation during the spring semester. Several excursions help students gain a broader perspective on health and environmental issues.

Domestic Exchanges are possible with Spelman College (GA), Colby College (ME) or Haverford College (PA). Additional exchanges are available with the CIEL institutional partners- Alverno College (WI), Berea College (KY), Daemen College (NY), The Evergreen State College (WA), Fairhaven College (WA); Hampshire College (MA), Joseph C. Smith College (NC), New College (FL), New Century College (VA), Prescott College (AZ), and Marlboro College (VT).

Non-Approved Programs

In addition to the choices given above, a small number of students may be approved to attend programs administered by other institutions and organizations. To be eligible for a non-approved program, students must demonstrate a significant level of appropriate academic preparation for the specific program selected and that the program meets a strong academic need that cannot be fulfilled on one of the already approved options listed above. The External Studies Committee will give preference to applicants for programs that focus on intercultural and language education and offer a strong fit with Pitzer’s graduation guidelines. Depending on the number of applications, approval for a non-approved program is highly competitive so students should select an alternate option from the Pitzer programs and exchanges.

Note: This list of program options may change without notice. Consult with an adviser in the Office of Study Abroad for more information.


Preparation is required for students who intend to participate in study abroad.

Students are encouraged to plan well in advance and are required to consult with their faculty advisers early in their academic career. Some programs have specific prerequisites, including the completion of courses related to a particular language, region, culture, or issue. In cooperation with the other Claremont Colleges, Pitzer offers a rich selection of appropriate courses in international, intercultural and language education. The Office of Study Abroad can provide interested students with advice on their program choices and help students make the most of what is almost always a life-changing educational experience.

The opportunity to participate in a study abroad program is a privilege and the application process is competitive. Students typically participate on study abroad programs in their junior year or the first semester of their senior year and those students are given priority. Class standing is determined by the number of courses completed so students normally should have completed at least 16 courses but not more than 25 courses prior to the semester of participation. Students may participate as sophomores if appropriate to the student’s academic plan and space is available on the chosen Pitzer program or exchange. Sophomores are not eligible for non-Pitzer programs. Ordinarily, second semester seniors and all first-year students are ineligible.

Participation in study abroad is generally limited to one semester during enrollment at the College. Students wishing to have a year-long or other study abroad experience may be eligible to do so through an exchange by demonstrating how the second experience fits with their overall educational plan at the College.

Students typically begin the application process by consulting early with their faculty adviser about their plans and attending an information session in the fall of their sophomore year. There is a preliminary application deadline in early December and a supplementary application deadline on the first Monday of February for both fall and spring semester programs. Priority is given to students who follow the advising procedures and meet all application deadlines.


For students participating in study abroad, cost is the same comprehensive fee (inclusive of tuition, fees, double room charge and full board) as a semester at Pitzer College. Students make a contribution to the cost of the airfare ($550 for the 2013-14 academic year) and the College will cover the remainder of the airfare charges out of Los Angeles for the first semester of study abroad. Students are responsible for the full airfare on any additional semesters of study abroad. Students traveling on dates that differ from the program dates or departing from airports other than Los Angeles may be responsible for the additional airfare charges. Normally, the costs for tuition, housing, food and the remainder of the airfare expenses are covered in the fees that Pitzer collects from each student. In cases where the total program costs paid by Pitzer, including the College’s own direct expenses, exceed the comprehensive fee, students may be asked to pay the difference. All fees, charges and expenses are payable in U.S. dollars in Claremont, California. There are other costs associated with overseas study that students should plan for in their budget. Students are advised to consult with a study abroad adviser early in the process about any additional expenses.

Financial Aid

Financial aid awards are transferable to semester programs approved by Pitzer College and the External Studies Committee. Financial aid is not available for summer programs with the exception of the Summer Health Program in Costa Rica. Pitzer College does not provide financial aid for students from other colleges and universities participating on Pitzer programs and such visiting students are advised to consult their home institution for information on whether their financial aid package can be applied to a Pitzer program.


Academic credit for the Pitzer programs and exchanges in Botswana, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador (partially), Japan, Italy and Nepal is treated as any other grades received in Claremont. Credit for all other exchange programs and pre-approved non-Pitzer programs will follow the Registrar’s policies for transfer credit. Students must check carefully to ensure that the course load abroad is the equivalent of four course credits or a full semester load at Pitzer College allowing for normal progress toward graduation. Students are required to study the host language in any non- English speaking destination unless already fluent in that language. In addition, students are required to take at least one area studies course and may receive credit for one or two other courses in any discipline as available at their chosen program. Please consult the Office of Study Abroad and the Registrar about the amount of credit typically awarded for each program. Faculty advisers will determine whether courses taken abroad can be used to fulfill requirements of a major or a minor. The coursework completed on a study abroad program may be used toward the residency requirement of 16 courses completed while registered at Pitzer.

No Pitzer College credit will be granted to Pitzer students for study abroad programs during the academic year without prior approval of the External Studies Committee and payment of the regular Pitzer College comprehensive fee and airfare contribution. This applies to any course work taken outside of the United States or outside the campus of another U.S. institution during the regular academic year. This policy does not apply to summer programs or to courses enrolled in or completed by students prior to their admission to Pitzer College.

Application Process

Applications for participation in study abroad programs for Fall 2014 are due by Monday, November 4, 2013. Applications for Spring 2015 are due on March 31, 2014. Priority is given to students meeting all Pitzer application deadlines. Students applying for non-approved programs for either the fall or spring have one application deadline, which is November 4, 2013.

Selection Process

Selection for any particular program is based on a student’s college record, the strength of the application essays, academic preparation and suitability of the chosen program to the College’s goal of intercultural understanding. The competitiveness of the applications will vary based on the number of applicants, the limited availability of some exchanges or the allotment of limited spaces on non- Pitzer programs. All applicants are required to list a Pitzer program or exchange as an alternate choice. The External Studies Committee, consisting of faculty, students and staff will make final selections. In the event that the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of spaces available for studying abroad, priority for programs with limited spaces will be based on class standing and the strength of the application. Some qualified students may be asked to delay their participation to another semester or to select an alternate program. Students on academic or disciplinary probation or with outstanding debts to the College are ineligible for participation in study abroad.

Further information on study abroad is available through the Office of Study Abroad. Students are encouraged to drop in or contact the office by e-mail at studyabroad@ pitzer.edu, or visit the Pitzer College Study Abroad Website at www.pitzer.edu/studyabroad.

 English Language and American Culture Studies

Pitzer’s English Language Programs develop advanced levels of English proficiency for international students. Programs include the International Scholars program for incoming students; the International Fellows Program (IF) with the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University; and English Language and American studies for incoming International Exchange Students. See also International Students section.


Community-Based Education Programs Community Engagement Center (CEC)

The Community Engagement Center (CEC) at Pitzer College is committed to teaching students to be responsible citizens of local communities by linking a liberal arts education to concrete action. CEC supports Pitzer faculty, students, staff and community partners in forwarding social responsibility and community engagement in surrounding neighborhoods through research, service, advocacy and action.

CEC works in the community creating partnerships not to dispense “expert” solutions to pre-defined needs, but to identify and engage resources-both human and material-within the community. Among its core partnerships are the Pomona Labor Center and Fernando Pedraza Community Coalition, both programs of the Pomona Economic Opportunity Center (PEOC); Camps Afflerbaugh-Paige, a youth detention camp located in La Verne; Prototypes Women’s Center in Pomona, which serves at-risk women and their children; Jumpstart an AmeriCorps program aimed at increasing early childhood literacy and closing the achievement gap; and lastly, our Native American community cultural and educational partnerships. At these sites both faculty and students are provided with extraordinary opportunities to engage in applied research, service, and advocacy activities. Ongoing programs include teaching English as a second language to day laborers, facilitating writing and spoken word programming for incarcerated youth at Camps Afflerbaugh-Paige, providing tutoring, mentoring and childcare at Prototypes, working with preschool children (including parents and organizations) to increase literacy, and facilitating college pipeline programming and cultural exchanges with local Native tribes.

In addition to these core partnerships, CEC works with dozens of local community organizations and schools on themes related to social, cultural, political and environmental justice and community-building. CEC endeavors to support faculty and students with the logistics of community engagement (travel, funding, and programmatic resources) as well as pedagogical and methodological tools related to research and service. Through on-going relationship-building with community partners and advocating of community-based learning and teaching within the college culture and curriculum, CEC advances Pitzer’s learning objectives related to social responsibility and intercultural understanding.

CEC recognizes and honors the students, staff, faculty, and community members (past and present) who founded each of Pitzer College’s community engagement programs and give thanks to all those who sustain these partnerships day after day.

CEC is located on the first floor of Scott Hall. Contact us at cec_staff@pitzer.edu or phone 909.607.8183. For further information, visit our website at www.pitzer.edu/offices/cec or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CECPZ.


Munroe Center for Social Inquiry

The Munroe Center for Social Inquiry at Pitzer College promotes interdisciplinary research and public discussion of important issues concerning society, cultures and public policy. Each year the Center sponsors a themed series of events, including lectures, seminars, panel discussions, exhibitions, screenings, and performances. Students of the Claremont Colleges can apply to be Student Fellows of the Center for each spring semester. MCSI Student Fellows enroll in MCSI 195 PZ  , which involves attending all of the spring events of the Center, small group meetings with the Center’s visiting speakers, and the preparation of a semester long research paper or media presentation. The position of Student Fellow in the Center is limited to 18 students, with 12 spaces reserved for Pitzer students and up to six spaces available for students from the other Claremont Colleges. Applications are available from the Dean of Faculty’s office and on the Center’s website and are due in November 2013. In the spring of 2014, the Center’s theme of inquiry is Technology. The Director for 2013-17 is Professor Alexandra Juhasz. For more information about the Center, see www.pitzer.edu/mcsi

Pitzer in Ontario Program

Pitzer in Ontario is a comprehensive, semester-long, three-course community-based education and cultural immersion program in Ontario, California, with theoretical foundations in the social sciences and a strong emphasis on experiential education. The program integrates an extensive internship with interdisciplinary coursework that provides the analytical framework from which social and urban issues can be effectively evaluated. The core course, Critical Community Studies, provides a transdisciplinary, theoretical and contextual framework for the Pitzer in Ontario program. The Social Change practicum course incorporates an intensive internship experience to provide students with a focused exposure to the roles particular agencies play in addressing urban issues and a hands-on experience in playing a proactive role in the local community. The primary goals of the Qualitative Methods course is to use the classroom itself to generate empathy toward conditions of research and to enable the creation of a mutually beneficial research project at the internship site. See here  for course descriptions. 


Accelerated (“4+1”) Degree Programs with Claremont Graduate University

Claremont Graduate University (CGU) offers superior undergraduate students at The Claremont Colleges the opportunity to work simultaneously toward the completion of their undergraduate degree requirements and a master’s degree in selected academic fields.  Depending on the students’ qualifications, these programs will involve some shortening of the time normally required to complete an undergraduate and a master’s degree. The tuition and time savings are calculated on a case-by-case basis, but on average students save a semester of graduate study in time and tuition costs. For more information, visit: http://www.cgu.edu/pages/623.asp.

Below is a list of all the academic programs you can apply through the 4+1 Program. Note that each program has individual requirements and procedures. Students must be recommended by their respective colleges and normally apply to the program by January of their junior year. Those accepted into the program normally begin coursework at CGU in their senior year. 

Please email a CGU program representative via the addresses listed under “CGU contact.” They will be happy to answer all of your questions, give you a tour of campus, arrange a meeting with an academic department, or even arrange for you to attend a class or meet with a faculty member. Applications are available through the CGU Office of Admission and Records, on the CGU website, as well as through the CGU academic departments. The application fee is waived for students within the Claremont Consortium.



CGU Contact

Pitzer Contact

Applied Women’s Studies


contact CGU directly

Archival Studies


contact CGU directly

Arts Management


contact CGU directly



contact an economics faculty member



contact CGU directly


Education: Teacher Ed



contact CGU directly


humanities@cgu.edu or (909) 621-8612

contact CGU directly

Financial Engineering


contact CGU directly



contact CGU directly

Information Systems


organizational studies professor,Jeff Lewis




contact CGU directly





consult with the mathematics faculty early in your undergrad career (math@pitzer.edu)


Media Studies


humanities@cgu.edu or

Eve Oishi, Associate Professor of Cultural Studies, (eve.oishi@cgu.edu)

contact a media studies faculty member

Museum Studies


contact CGU directly



contact CGU directly



contact a philosophy professor

Politics & Policy



contact a political studies, organizational studies, environmental analysis, or sociology faculty member





consult with a member of the psychology field group



Public Health




contact CGU directly



contact CGU directly


Combined Bachelor/ Medical Degree Program with Western University of Health Sciences (“Pitzer-WUCOM” linkage program)

A unique linkage program between Pitzer and Western University of Health Sciences in nearby Pomona, California, allows students to complete the BA degree from Pitzer and the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree in seven years.

Admission to this program is highly selective. A joint Admission Committee admits a maximum of six first-year students into the program each year. The Admission Committee expects that applicants have taken some of the most challenging courses offered at their high school, including Honor/AP/IB biology, Honor/AP/IB chemistry, Honor/AP/IB physics and Honor/AP/IB calculus. In addition, we expect to see community involvement and motivation for a career in primary care medicine. Finalists are required to come for a day-long personal interview with the Admission Committee at Pitzer and Western University in late March. Interview dates change from year to year, so we advise you to check our website for the most up-to-date information.

Admitted students will study at Pitzer for three years, fulfilling the Education Objectives and premedical requirements, interacting with Western University clinics and physicians, and undertaking medically related internships. Upon completion of their third year at Pitzer and having maintained a minimum overall GPA of 3.20 in the non-science courses, a minimum of 3.30 in the science courses, and a minimum of 24 on the scored sub-tests of the Medical College Admission Test, and demonstrated personal dedication and traits suitable for health professions and career development, students will be admitted to Western University of Health Sciences where they will pursue the four-year course of study for the DO degree. This is followed by internship and residency. For further information, visit: http://www.pitzer.edu/admission/westernu/index.asp and http://www.pitzer.edu/admission/westernu/Wucom.pdf. Applications are available through the Office of Admissions.


Combined BA/BSE in Management Engineering

A five-year program, offered in conjunction with other institutions, allows students to receive both a bachelor of arts Degree in Management Engineering from Pitzer and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from the second institution. The first three years of study are undertaken on the Pitzer campus. After this, students enroll in the engineering programs at other institutions. Upon completion of the two-year engineering program, graduates simultaneously receive an engineering degree from the second institution and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Pitzer. Although a formal program exists with Columbia University, students can transfer to other engineering programs. It is essential for students to plan courses carefully and early in the program. Details of specific course requirements, recommendations, and general program expectations may be obtained from Keck Science Department Professor Jim Higdon (jhigdon@kecksci.claremont.edu) or and by visiting: http://www.jsd.claremont.edu/majors/managementengineering.asp.


Pitzer students have access to thousands of internship opportunities in Southern California and around the world each year through Career Services (ClaremontConnect, Nationwide Internship Consortium) and the Community Engagement Center (CEC). Internships during the academic year and over the summer are incredibly important experiential learning opportunities that can have a substantial impact on a student’s ability to achieve their post-graduation goals.  Pitzer students should strive to have at least one, and preferably two or three substantive internships during their time at Pitzer.  In addition to the many internships that Pitzer students can find through ClaremontConnect, Career Services is always building new relationships with Pitzer alumni and parents who are looking to specifically hire Pitzer students to make significant contributions to their organizations as interns.  Due to the generosity of many alumni and parent donors, Career Services also awards a limited number of stipends to students each year to support substantive summer internships through the Pitzer Internship Fund.  In 2012-13, the Pitzer Internship Fund awarded $64,200 to 42 Pitzer students to support summer internships that would otherwise be unpaid.  

Independent Study

Independent Study is a creative option for students wanting to explore an area in more depth. The provisions for Independent Study are intended by the faculty to foster students’ intellectual development. It is hoped that students will develop the capacity to plan and execute projects of their own conception and will acquire a competence in original research and writing beyond that required by the regular courses of instruction. For more information see the section on  Independent Studies  .

Teacher Education

As preparation for teaching all subjects in an elementary school classroom, students must pass the MSAT (Multiple Subjects Assessment for Teachers) of the PRAXIS Series and the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) which they are strongly encouraged to take before their senior year. Interested students should see Professor Mita Banerjee (mita_banerjee@pitzer.edu) or Professor Maya Federman (maya_federman@pitzer.edu) and should contact Career Services (http://www.pitzer.edu/offices/career_services/) for information regarding teaching as a career. The Office of Teacher Education at Claremont Graduate University (http://www.cgu.edu/pages/1642.asp) also has specific information regarding its Internship Program.