Oct 24, 2024  
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog 
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Life on Campus

Pitzer: A Residential College

Pitzer College is committed to the belief that residential life is an important component of the educational experience.

The College brings together students of widely varying backgrounds in a common pursuit of learning. Residential living enables them to share their intellectual and academic pursuits as well as their personal diversity. It provides opportunity for individual growth through community involvement and interpersonal relationships. Few learning situations in life are more challenging or rewarding.

Pitzer has six residence halls. Atherton and Pitzer are four-story buildings and house 140 students. Sanborn is a three-story building and houses 178 students. Atherton, Pitzer and Sanborn rooms are double occupancy with two rooms sharing an adjoining vanity, bathroom, and shower. Mead, made up of six three-story towers connected by catwalks, houses 222 students in eight person suites. East hall and West hall opened in the of Fall 2012. East hall is a three-story building and houses 152 students. West hall is a four-story building and houses 156 students. All residence halls include laundry facilities, study rooms, lounges and kitchens. Atherton Hall is the home of the Office of Admission. West hall will be the new home of the Intercollegiate Department of Media Studies, Pitzer Archives, and the Office of Study Abroad and International Programs. In addition, Mead Hall has a study-library equipped with basic reference books and library tables. All student rooms include internet access.

Each residence hall has a Residence Director and a staff of resident assistants. A Hall Council is set up annually for each residence hall as a forum for addressing and meeting the needs of the community. They also provide valuable information and programs for the residential community.

Single rooms are reserved for juniors and seniors. New students are assigned doubles (and roommates) by the Residence Life staff. Rooms are furnished with a bed, desk, chair, bookshelf, dresser, and closet space. Four students share semi- private bathroom facilities.

Students who secure housing during Room Draw are required to live on campus for the academic year. Students who secure campus housing and submit an off-campus application after Room Draw will only be approved if the college is able to find a replacement for the reserved bed space, therefore approval is not guaranteed. If a student applies for off-campus status during the academic year, approval is not guaranteed.

Students who are dismissed will be required to vacate the residence halls within 48 hours of notification of dismissal. Refunds will be calculated on a case by case basis.


Housing During Vacations

Semester charges are only for the period when classes and examinations are scheduled. The Residence Halls are open during the Thanksgiving and Spring break periods. The Residence Halls are closed during the winter break and during the summer vacation.

Off-Campus Housing

Students can request to live off-campus for a given academic year by submitting a formal application to the Housing Office. Initial decisions will take place prior to Room Draw for students falling under the following priority status:

  1. Married students, or students with children.
  2. Students 24 years of age and older.
  3. Students who live with their parents/guardians. 
  4. Seniors.

Students not meeting one of the conditions above will be placed on a wait list maintained in the Housing Office. If there is not adequate space in the residence halls, applications from these students will be considered. In this case, off-campus status is granted primarily to upper class students. Seniors who enter into a residency agreement waive their right to automatic off-campus status. Based on class rank, their applications will be granted only if there is not adequate space in the residence halls, or if they meet any of the criteria for priority status.

All students are financially responsible for room and board charges unless notified in writing that they have been granted off-campus status. Students who abandon or do not claim their assigned space can be located to other spaces within the College housing at the discretion of the Housing Coordinator. Students granted off-campus status based on false or misleading information will have their status reversed and will be responsible for all applicable room and board fees.

Current first-year students (rising sophomores) requesting to live off-campus must meet with the Housing Coordinator prior to approval. Off-campus status is granted for one academic year. Students wishing to be considered for off-campus status for the following year must reapply within the published deadline.

Student Belongings

The College does not assume responsibility for loss or damages to personal property. If students are not insured by other means, the College advises the purchase of student property insurance.

For more specific information concerning housing policies, regulations and procedures, students should consult the Student Handbook, a copy of which is given to all students when they enter each year.

Food Services

A spacious self-service dining room is located on the first floor of McConnell Center where most students in residence eat. Full board is 16 meals per week-brunch is served on weekends. Also available are meal plans with other options. Students are assumed to be on full board unless they sign up for one of the other options. (A limited number of students may apply for exemption from any board plan.) Cooking in individual rooms is in violation of health and fire codes and is strictly prohibited. Food, coffee and other refreshments are also available at the Grove House, The Pit- Stop and the Gold Student Center. McConnell food services are not available during break periods.

Motor Vehicles

Undergraduate students living on or off campus who plan to own or maintain vehicle on the campuses of The Claremont Colleges shall register such vehicle with the Campus Safety Department during College registration at the opening of each. Students living in the residence halls are not permitted to bring cars to campus their first two years due to parking limitations. College regulations governing the use of motor vehicles are set forth in the Student Handbook and students maintaining motor vehicles in Claremont are responsible for familiarizing themselves with these regulations.

Code of Student Conduct

The Pitzer College Code of Student Conduct is based on the principle of responsible community membership. Students bear full personal responsibility for provisions regarding academic dishonesty, as well as their compliance with local, state and federal laws. In addition, they are also expected to govern their conduct with concern for other individuals and for the entire College community.

Actions that violate the Code of Student Conduct and that may result in disciplinary action are outlined in the Student Handbook. It is the responsibility of every student to become familiar with and follow the policies and procedures of Pitzer College.

When individuals fail to exercise discretion in personal affairs or fail to respect the rights of others and to live up to their obligations to the community, they may be counseled informally or asked to attend a meeting called by a member of the Dean of Students’ staff. For more serious situations, the College Judicial Council may hear cases. This Council is a student/faculty group empowered through the College bylaws to hear cases of alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct. The College reserves the right to dismiss students for cause at any time. Specific judicial procedures are described in full in the Student Handbook.


Pitzer Resources

Pitzer provides a variety of special resources and facilities:

Academic Support Services

If you have a documented learning, physical or medical disability and would like to request accommodations, please make an appointment to meet with a staff person in the Office of Academic Support Services (Scott Hall 134, 909.607.3553). Further information regarding documentation, services available and individual advocacy can be found in this office: http://www.pitzer.edu/student_life/student_affairs/academic_support/index.asp


The John R. Rodman Arboretum began informally in 1984 as a movement by some students and faculty to save indigenous vegetation surrounding our campus. The Arboretum is now an official part of Pitzer College and comprises the entire campus.

A major element of the Arboretum is the display and research of southern California “native plants,” but we don’t limit ourselves to just natives, since many species that we grow come from Asia, South America, South Africa and other Mediterranean climates. We propagate sustainable plants of special interest, such as succulents, not only for aesthetics but also for academic study.

The Arboretum consists of two main areas:

  • The first is made up of many different gardens covering the whole campus and includes a cactus garden, native woodlands garden, intercultural garden, memorial garden, Pitzer farm project (which includes a vegetable garden, as well as a small fruit orchard) and a grassy area known as the “Mounds”.
  • The second area, known as the “Arboretum Natural Area” or the “Pitzer Outback,” contains about 3.5 acres of interior sage scrub (a mixture of coastal sage scrub and chaparral) characteristic of washes below the mountains of southern California. It is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the state. The college preserves this natural area and is in the process of restoring It to its pre-disturbed condition to the extent possible. Restoration was begun by students, faculty, and staff In 1989 and will continue for many years.

Courses utilizing the Pitzer Arboretum include ART 103 PZ -Environments Workshop , ANTH 012 PZ -Native Americans and Their Environments ; Environmental Analysis EA 010 PZ  (Environment and Society), EA 074 PZ -California’s Landscapes: Diverse Peoples and Ecosystems EA 104 PZ  (Doing Natural History), EA 031 PZ -Restoring Nature , EA 140 PZ -The Desert as a Place EA 146 PZ -Environmental Education  and EA147 (Ecology, Community and Design).

Audio-Visual/Instructional Technology

The Office of Audio Visual (AV) is a center for the storage, location, development and use of audio-visual resources. Students and faculty members are encouraged to use our collected audio recordings, DVDs, videotapes and other film recordings, as well as other non-print media to assist classroom and research presentations. In addition, a large inventory of information and equipment in these media is available for use by students in the preparation of individual projects for classroom or thesis work.

Center for Asian Pacific American Students

(CAPAS-Mead Hall, 909.607.9816)
The Center for Asian Pacific American Students (CAPAS) seeks to enrich and develop social, intellectual and personal growth in our students by providing Asian American resources as well as a welcoming, supportive environment. The Center serves as an advocate for the Asian and Pacific Islander community and promotes an educational dialogue that embraces the unique experiences of ethnic communities, part of the cultural fabric of our institution.

CAPAS provides a variety of resources to promote and enhance academic, cultural, social and political experiences for students. The center offers the following services: Asian American Resource Library, Video Library, Community Services, Computer Station, Programming (academic, cultural and social), Scholarships, Internships, Job Opportunities, and an on-line student newsletter “Voices of the Margin.” In addition, we provide limited one-on-one support and use of the TV/DVD, study lounge, full bathroom and kitchen and outdoor patio. CAPAS is dedicated to diversity by involving all members of the community in its programs and activities. www.pitzer.edu/capas.

Career Services

Scott Hall 126, 8:00 am - 5:00pm M-F, (909) 621-8519

The mission of Career Services is to help students and alumni plan for life after leaving Pitzer.  We provide guidance toward achieving personal, professional, and career goals as engaged, socially responsible citizens of the world.   Career Services offers a comprehensive array of services, resources, and programs addressing career-related issues.

Students who already know exactly what they want to do after graduation should visit Career Services so we can help them further explore and reach their goals.  Students who have no idea (or only a hazy idea of) what they want to do after graduation should DEFINITELY visit Career Services so we can work progressively and thoughtfully on mapping out a plan that will lead to a rewarding start to post-graduate life.  We have years of experience helping students to: identify professional skills; explore career interests; research a variety of career paths; make networking connections with alumni and parents; find intership opportunities; refine resumes and cover letters; improve internviewing skills; connect with employers; prepare graduate and professional school applications; and negotiate offers.

The earlier that students visit us during their academic career at Pitzer, the more we can help them create and achieve a personalized, effective career plan (job, grad school, fellowship, gap-year, travel).  The earlier that students visit us during each academic year, the better chance we have of helping arrange productive internships and summer plans that lead to post-graduate success.

Community-Based Learning Programs

Pitzer has many opportunities available through the following organizations located on-campus:

Community Engagement Center (CEC).

CEC supports research, education, and direct engagement that contribute to the understanding of critical community issues and enhance the resources of local communities and organizations, schools and institutions. Community-based education opportunities are available through service-learning internships, community-based research, volunteering, and workstudy hours for students. Assistance with internship site placement, training, transportation, funding, and awards (including senior thesis awards, summer internships, and post-baccalaureate fellowships) are available. CEC also supports faculty with grants, awards, engagement-related funding, building community-campus partnerships, developing community engagement courses or enhancing curriculum development to include community-based research or service. Contact cec@pitzer.edu or 909.607.8183.


Is working toward the day every child in America enters school prepared to succeed. To that end, Jumpstart recruits and trains achievement-oriented college students to deliver an innovative early education program via yearlong one-to-one relationships with preschool children. Pitzer College student AmeriCorps members are paired with children from low-income backgrounds in the classroom setting and work together on language, literacy, social and initiative skills for one year. Workstudy and volunteer positions available. Contact 909.607.9290.

Claremont Educational Partnership.

The Claremont Educational Partnership is a mutual agreement between the Presidents of The Claremont Colleges and the Board of Education for the Claremont Unified School District to promote increased cooperation between The Claremont Colleges-individually and collectively-and
the schools of the Claremont Unified School District. Contact Bonnie J. Clemens, Assistant to the CEO, Claremont University Consortium, at bonniec@cucmail.claremont.edu or 909.607.3679.

Claremont International Studies Education Project (CISEP).

The primary mission of the Claremont International Studies Education Project (CISEP) is to improve in measurable ways the quality of instruction offered to students at all levels, from Kindergarten to post-secondary, in the Eastern Los Angeles County and Western San Bernardino County region. It does this by creating a more supportive context for teachers to expand their content knowledge of International Studies and World History while learning to use that knowledge most effectively in relation to the relevant State Board of Education approved academic content standards in History-Social Science. CISEP is co-sponsored by academic centers at Pitzer College, Scripps College and Claremont Graduate University. Contact 909.607.9399.

CLASP-Claremont After-School Programs.

At neighborhood centers in Claremont, tutors help at-risk elementary-school children with their homework. The four nonsectarian centers are located in affordable housing complexes and local churches all within a 5-minute drive of the campus. Claremont School District teachers and site supervisors provide guidance and support for the tutors. Contact lissa_petersen@pitzer.edu.

The Community-Based Spanish Program.

Integrates classroom instruction with practical learning experiences in the local Spanish-speaking community. This application of what is learned in class in a vibrant community context heightens the development of fluency and promotes a new depth of intercultural understanding. It is offered as SPAN 031 PZ -Community-Based Spanish Practicum  (0.5 cr) and SPAN 100 PZ -Spanish in the Community: Children of Immigration   (1 cr). Students in the Pitzer in Ontario Program can take these courses concurrently. Contact Ethel_Jorge@pitzer.edu or 909.607.2802.

Writing Center

Located in Mead Hall 131, just across from the fountain, the Writing Center offers student writers free one-on-one conferences with experienced fellow writers trained to consult on assignments in any discipline, application essays, and cover letters. The Writing Center is one of Pitzer’s most popular academic resources, holding over a thousand appointments each year. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment using the outline scheduling system, but walk-ins are welcome. Visit the Center’s website for a list of hours for fall and spring semesters. 

Computer Facilities

The main campus computing lab in Bernard Hall houses 18 Mac and 18 Windows computers.  These are primarily used for electronic communications, instruction and research. All have multi-media capability and are directly attached to the Pitzer College network with internet access. It is 24-hour accessible.

Pitzer has several classrooms with computers for hands-on instruction.  The Kenneth and Jean Pitzer Computer Classroom in Broad Hall 213 houses 18 Windows computers. The Social Sciences Statistics Laboratory in Broad Hall 119 houses 18 Windows computers for the use by Social Science faculty and students in statistical research and instruction. The Fletcher Jones/Booth Ferris Language Laboratory in Broad Hall 208 houses 17 Mac computers for use in language instruction. The West Hall houses a Mac Laboratory with 16 Mac computers and a Digital Editing room with 8 Mac computers.

All classrooms on campus provide a full multi-media capable service including data/video projection teaching station, DVD player, video/audio play and record, etc.  The classroom in Scott Hall additionally has a smartboard and lecture capture facilities

There are print stations throughout campus study rooms for students’ convenience. And there are several computers in dorm living rooms where students can collaborate on an ad hoc basis.

The Office of Information Technology runs various network, email, web, file and print servers for use by the Pitzer community. All buildings on campus are connected with a fiber-optic  based network, and have access to computers located on campus, the Honnold-Mudd Libraries’ electronic services (including their on-line catalog and various bibliographic  databases) and a high speed connection to the Internet.

Normal computer usage of these facilities (including access to the Internet) is available without charge to Pitzer students and faculty. Print credit of approximately 300 pages of black and white printing is provided each semester, and color printing is available for a nominal fee.

The campus wireless network covers all the residential halls. We continually add additional wireless access points to our academic and administrative buildings; we are concentrating on classrooms to ensure adequate coverage and optimal performance. The Claremont Colleges as a whole are building an infrastructure that will allow seamless network connectivity while roaming the campuses with a laptop computer or other wifi-enabled device.

 The Ecology Center

The Ecology Center, located upstairs in the Grove House, sponsors activities, workshops and lectures, serves as a clearinghouse for environmental information, provides opportunities for community-based internships in environmental fields, acts as a campus watchdog, and houses a resource center. The College has adopted the following Statement of Environmental Policy and Principles: Pitzer College strives to incorporate socially and environmentally sound practices into the operations of the College and the education of our students. Pitzer exists within inter-reliant communities that are affected by personal and institutional choices and the College is mindful of the consequences of our practices. A Pitzer education should involve not just a mastery of ideas, but a life lived accordingly. We are thus committed to principles of sustainability and dedicated to promoting awareness and knowledge of the impacts of our actions on human and natural communities.

Gold Student Center

The 12,000 square foot Gold student Center opened in 1995, complete with a fitness room, swimming pool, the student-run Shakedown Café, a multipurpose room, art gallery, meeting room, and student organization space. Pitzer Activities (PAct) is based here and a broad array of services to the campus community are provided through the service desk. The building is closed for renovation and will reopen in August 2014.

Grove House

Originally built as the home of a Claremont citrus grower, the Grove House was saved from potential demolition by moving it to the Pitzer Campus, north of Mead Hall, in 1977. Here at Pitzer the house has a new lease on life, serving as a campus social center. Built in 1902, during the height of what has been termed the American Arts and Crafts Movement, it is an impressive architectural example of the California bungalow style, characteristic of that period. Restored and furnished in a manner appropriate to its heritage, the Grove House provides students, faculty and visitors with comfortable spaces to meet, study, or have lunch. The Grove House kitchen offers a daily menu including a homemade lunch entree, sandwiches, bagels, fresh baked cookies, coffee, tea, and an assortment of fresh juices. Other spaces in the house include The Ecology Center, The Bert Meyers Poetry Room, the Hinshaw Art Gallery, a women’s center, a guest room, and meeting room. The house also regularly hosts a variety of events, including poetry readings and band performances.

Institutional Research Office

The Office of Institutional Research at Pitzer College functions to provide reliable information and analyses in support of planning, decision-making, and policy formation, to assist in the development and implementation of a plan for assessing student learning outcomes, and to coordinate mandatory and voluntary reporting of institutional data to internal and external constituencies. To learn more about the College, go to our Institutional Research web page at: www.pitzer.edu/ offices/institutional_research.

Office of Academic Assessment

The Office of Academic Assessment works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students to promote educational effectiveness through Pitzer’s Educational Objectives and to advance practices related to outcomes-based assessment. The office further supports faculty and field groups to develop student learning outcomes, conduct assessment activities, and review data relevant to curriculum development, strategic planning, program review, and WASC accreditation.

Office of Graduate Fellowships

The Office of Graduate Fellowships, located in Fletcher 212, provides a resource to assist students in exploring the numerous national and international undergraduate and post-baccalaureate fellowships and scholarships available for both current students and recent alumni. For more information, visit the Office of Graduate Fellowships web page at: www.pitzer.edu/academics/fellowships or contact Sandy Hamilton at 909.607.9108.

W.M. Keck Science Center

This modern and spacious building of 81,000 sq. ft. provides a teaching location for most of the science courses offered by the Keck Science Department of Pitzer, Scripps and Claremont McKenna Colleges. These classroom and laboratory facilities are fully equipped with modern instruments for student use. Chemistry experiments and projects may be conducted with the use of sophisticated analytical tools such as visible/ultraviolet, infrared, atomic absorption and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrophotometers, gas chromatographs and a high-performance liquid chromatograph, a GC-mass spectrometer, fluorescence spectrophotometer, and a diode-array UV-visible spectrophotometer. Biology students have access to such advanced equipment as a thermal cycler for PCR, UV/ vis spectrophotometer, ultracentrifuges, electrophoresis apparatus, fluorescence microscope with camera attachment, and sterile room for tissue culture work, equipment for neurobiological research, and a vivarium. The department owns a field vehicle and field equipment for marine, freshwater and terrestrial studies in ecology and environmental science. A biological field station is adjacent to the campuses and students have access to field stations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Physics students have access to two astronomical observatories where students can conduct research. The department also possesses an atomic force microscope used to study service properties of materials and microstructures of biological systems. Physics students learn to master experimental analyses through computerized data acquisition techniques. The Keck Science Department offers students various opportunities to gain financial support for research during the summer. Our summer research program has a history of producing student-faculty co-authored papers that appear in professional journals.

Marquis Library and Reading Room

For the convenience of students who wish to use a quiet, on-campus study room with basic reference materials, a study lounge and browsing library has been established in Mead Hall. Books may be taken out for a limited time. The Library subscribes to The Los Angeles Times and The New York Times as well as journals such as The Economist, Newsweek, The New Yorker and The Nation. Reserve class materials and a computer connecting with the main library (Honnold) are also available.

Media Studies Facilities

The Mosbacher/Gartrell Center for Media Experimentation and Activism at Pitzer College is a modern production center containing editing suites, lab stations and an Instruction studio along with venues for student screenings, visiting artists’ presentations and critiques of student productions. Production equipment available in the center includes portable broadcast quality hi-definition video cameras, 8mm, Super 8 and 16 mm cameras, sound equipment, lighting tools, and camera support packages. Post-production facilities include a copy/animation stand, Super 8 editors, 16 mm and super 8 telecine equipment and twelve Final Cut Pro Studio non-linear digital editing systems supporting enhanced effects and titling, animation and digital sound editing features. The Production Center is constantly updating and replacing equipment to follow current media trends and has recently lead workshops on the Canon Mark ii digital SLR and compositing techniques, as well as Maya, and various professional animation software options. Sound, lighting, and video offerings often evolve based on student interest.

Jean M. Pitzer Archaeology Laboratory

The laboratory is a resource used to enrich courses in archaeology, human paleontology and folk arts. It contains many prehistoric and contemporary artifacts, as well as casts of hominid and other primate skeletal specimens. In the laboratory, students have the opportunity to gain direct experience handling, comparing and analyzing the evidence for human and cultural evolution. Students may also study the diversity of human material culture, both past and present.

Ruth and Lee Munroe Laboratory for Cross-Cultural Research

In recent years, the laboratory has provided space for joint faculty-student research that has resulted in nine co-authored articles that have been published in professional anthropology and psychology journals.

Pitzer Resource Centers

Various spaces at the College have been designated as resource centers and study rooms where students and faculty can meet informally, read current literature in their fields and find information about speakers and other events.

Fletcher-Jones Language and International/Intercultural Studies Resource Center. Broad Hall 209.
Social Sciences Resource Center. Broad Hall 117.

Psychology Laboratory

The Psychology Laboratory on the first floor of Broad Hall provides classroom and research facilities for psychology. One-way vision rooms may be used for observing children’s behavior and social interactions in small groups and for monitoring interviewing techniques. Additional small rooms are available for individual research projects. The Psychology Statistics Laboratory in Broad Hall is a state-of-the-art microcomputer classroom in which students can learn to use several types of software designed for the statistical analysis of psychological data.

Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC)-Mission Statement

The purpose of the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) is to develop opportunities for conversation and reflection among faculty, students and staff around topics of teaching and learning. The TLC aims to facilitate the creation of a culture of critical reflection on teaching and learning by responding to the needs expressed by all constituencies of the College. Since the committee is composed of representatives from all three groups, the process of learning is viewed as one that we all share and that by its very nature transcends the boundaries of the classroom and the campus to include everything that we experience. By supporting ongoing networks of communication throughout the campus community, the TLC seeks to bring a higher level of understanding, deeper reflection and renewed purpose to our efforts to become responsible global citizens in the increasingly complex and interrelated world in which we live.

Tutoring Assistance

Tutoring assistance is provided free of charge to Pitzer students. For information on being a tutor, contact the Office of Student Affairs (909.607.3553).

Intercollegiate Resources

The following are freely available to and used widely by students at all The Claremont Colleges:

Huntley Bookstore

175 E. Eighth Street
Established in 1969 with a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Huntley, Huntley Bookstore provides essential services to the students, faculty and staff of The Claremont Colleges. As the source for all course required textbooks and support materials used at The Colleges, the bookstore carries many academic trade and reference titles, new releases, The New York Times bestsellers, academic study aids, school and office supplies, clothing and gift items as well as magazines, snacks, soft drinks and postage stamps. Huntley Bookstore provides both Apple and PC hardware and software at academic pricing as well as a complete selection of computer supplies and peripherals. The Huntley Bookstore also is an authorized repair coordinator for Apple Notebooks and desktops.

Huntley is open year round with a variety of additional services. These include: copyright clearance, course pack production, special order services, and a full service Website on which you may purchase textbooks, clothing and gift merchandise. Huntley’s Website is located at www.bkstr.com.

Store hours are 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Summer hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.

For further information please call 909.621.8168 or 909.607.1502.

Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies (IDAAS)

The Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies (IDAAS) contributes to the intellectual and cultural life of The Claremont Colleges with its focus on the Asian and Pacific Islander issues and experiences through Interdisciplinary teaching and research. Their curriculum includes courses in the humanities, social sciences and interdisciplinary study. Carrying forward the community-based origins of Asian American Studies, IDAAS provides innovative opportunities such as the Margo Okazawa-Rey Summer Fellowship, community-based theses, and student-run topical seminars. Situated In the greater Los Angeles area, IDAAS engages students in community-based learning framed by critical inquiries and analyses. The IDAAS office is located in the Lincoln Building on the Pomona College Campus.

Intercollegiate Department of Africana Studies (IDAS)

The Intercollegiate Department of Africana Studies organizes and coordinates a curriculum in Africana Studies taught by faculty whose individual appointments are with both the Department and one of The Claremont Colleges. Africana Studies courses are part of each College’s curriculum. The office is located in the Lincoln Building on the Pomona College Campus.

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, the largest botanic garden dedicated exclusively to California native plants, grounds itself with a philosophy of biodiversity and the importance of bringing conservation applications to the public through horticultural education, scientific research and sales of native plants. The Garden is located on 86 acres in Claremont. RSABG, a private, nonprofit organization, offers educational programs and special events throughout the year and is home of the Botany Department for Claremont Graduate University. The Garden offers a superb selection of California native plants for sale at Grow Native Nursery in Claremont and Westwood, L.A. The Garden is open daily from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., except January 1, July 4, Thanksgiving and December 25. Free Parking; Accessible paths throughout the Garden. The California Garden Shop is open daily from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Admission: free for RSABG members; $8 adults; $6 seniors and students; $4 children 3-12. For more information please call 909.625.8767 or visit www.rsabg.org.

Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station of The Claremont Colleges

The Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station (BFS) serves as a natural outdoor laboratory for many disciplines at Pitzer College and all of The Claremont Colleges. Unique within urban surroundings, the BFS is within a short walking distance of the Pitzer campus. Field Station land supports coastal-sage-scrub, chaparral, oaksycamore and grassland vegetation types as well as parcels in various stages of ecological succession. Aquatic studies can be made on a lake-marsh ecosystem and several seasonal ponds. As an ecological laboratory, the BFS meets many ecological, environmental, and field research needs of students, faculty, and the larger community. 

 Leadership in Environmental Education Partnership (LEEP)

This program trains college students to develop and teach outdoor environmental education curricula to diverse groups of elementary school children at the Bernard Biological Field Station. LEEP was established in 1998 as an inaugural program of the Claremont Education Partnership.  Contact Paul Faulstich or 909.621.8818.

Outback Preserve.  The Outback is a 3.5 acre part of campus comprised of alluvial sage scrub, a rare and endangered ecosystem. Through the Environmental Analysis program and the Pitzer Arboretum, students, faculty, and staff are engaged in ecological restoration of the Outback Preserve. In addition to serving as an educational resource for classes, incorporating community outreach programs, and providing service learning opportunities, the Outback provides a space for quietude, recreation,  and natural beauty.

The Claremont Colleges Library

The Library partners with The Claremont Colleges in learning, teaching, and research. Library resources are available to all members of The Claremont Colleges academic community. Librarians and staff provide assistance with locating and using both traditional and electronic sources. The Library also offers reference assistance via email and instant messaging. One of the major activities of the Library is teaching students how to find, evaluate, and effectively use information. Research instruction for classes and other groups, as well as individual appointments for instruction and research assistance, may be scheduled by faculty or students. Classes in Honnold/Mudd Library are held in either the Keck Learning Room or Keck 2, the Library’s hands-on classrooms.

Honnold/Mudd Library provides a variety of study and collaboration spaces, including group study rooms, a media viewing room, a presentation practice room, and a cafe. Library computers, a wireless network, and laptops that may be checked out allow students and faculty to use online information resources throughout the building.

Most of the books Pitzer students need are centrally located in Honnold/Mudd Library, which house the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities collections. The Library’s large collection of electronic resources provide ready access to a wide variety of bibliographic, full-text and multimedia information. Through the internet, it is possible to search Blais, the online catalog, or any of hundreds of databases, including services such as Lexis-Nexis Academic and ISI Web of Science. Full-text resources include electronic books and journals, as well as specialized resources such as the ACM Digital Library, Congressional Quarterly Library and Grove’s Dictionary of Art Online. The Claremont Colleges Digital Library (CCDL) provides access to a growing number of digital collections from The Colleges, as well as from the Library’s Special Collections. Digital collections such as Early English Books Online and North American Women’s Letters & Diaries make available thousands of additional primary source materials. Most of these resources are accessible via the Internet to students, faculty and staff of The Claremont Colleges in their dorms, labs, offices and homes, as well as in the Library.

The Library’s holdings include some 2 million volumes. The Library also have extensive holdings of electronic journals, magazines and newspapers: currently we provide online electronic access to over 35,000 journals. Honnold/Mudd Library is a depository for United States government publications, with a collection of historic documents dating back to the late 1700s and many recent publications in electronic formats. The government publications collection also has extensive holdings issued by the State of California, the United Nations, other international agencies and Great Britain. The Library has a large collection of microforms, including long runs of newspapers, early printed books from England and the United States and anthropological source materials in the Human Relations Area Files. The Asian Studies Collection in Honnold/Mudd has a collection of materials in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages. Among the Library’s special collections are the Oxford Collection, comprising books about the university and the city of Oxford and the Renaissance Collection, which focuses on the life and work of Angelo Poliziano, both available from Special Collections in Honnold/Mudd Library.

The Library offers Interlibrary Loan service and maintain partnerships which provide access to books, articles and other materials not held in our collections. The Link+ system consists of many libraries In California and Nevada, with whom we partner to share resources. Affiliated libraries in Claremont include Denison Library at Scripps College; the George C. Stone Center for Children’s Books, a division of Claremont Graduate University’s Center for Developmental Studies in Education; the library of the Claremont School of Theology which has strong collections in biblical studies, theology and Church history; and the library of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden which maintains a large botanical and horticultural collection.

Claremont School of Theology

The Claremont School of Theology was founded as the Maclay College of Theology in 1885, became the Graduate School of Religion at USC in 1894 and moved to Claremont in 1957. A multi-denominational seminary of the United Methodist Church, The School of Theology educates a multicultural student body for religious leadership. The school has enjoyed relationships with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) since 1960 and the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont since 1962.

The courses of study lead to the Master of Divinity, Doctor of Ministry, Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. These degrees, in a variety of fields, provide education required for parish ministry, counseling, religious education, and leadership in religious and non-profit settings. Program emphasis can Include Urban Ministry, Peacemaking, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Religious Education, Ethics, Theology, Philosophy of Religion, or Interreligious Studies, among many others.

In 2011, CST co-founded Claremont Lincoln University as an Interreligious graduate school that offers accredited degrees, advanced certificates, and custom-designed curricula for effective leadership across cultural, religious, spiritual and secular value systems. The new University also serves as the hub of a history-making consortium of professional schools that educates religious leaders in their respective traditions while sharing a common curriculum for understanding across religious, intellectual and cultural boundaries. For more information, go to www.ClaremontLincoln.org

The Claremont School of Theology has a number of research affiliates that provide study opportunities for students and scholars. The Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center houses the only complete set of photographic copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls outside of Israel and is the site of significant manuscript research. The Center for Process Studies houses the world’s largest library of published and unpublished works on the holistic worldview of Alfred North Whitehead and sponsors seminars, conferences, publications and membership programs. The School of Theology Library contains over 210,000 volumes and receives approximately 300 periodical subscriptions In the areas of biblical, theological and ministry studies, and more than 30,000 electronic journals. The library also houses the Denman Collection of Ancient Coins, the Robert Flaherty Film Archive and many
rare volumes.

The library, classes and seminars of Claremont School of Theology are open to juniors and seniors of Pitzer College through cross-registration procedures. See Registrar’s office for policy for Pitzer students. 

Intercollegiate Student Services

The Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS)

The Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS) is located at 757 College Way, immediately south of the Honnold Library. MCAPS has a staff of psychologists, consulting psychiatrists and graduate psychology interns who provide therapeutic and preventive/educational services to help students develop emotionally and cope with the stresses of college life. Individual, couples and group therapy are offered and are provided confidentially. Workshops and structured groups are offered on topics such as Stress Management, Eating Disorders, Relationship Issues, Enhancing Self Esteem, Graduate/Re-Entry Support and Sexual Abuse. Referrals are made to mental health resources in the community when necessary.

Students with personal concerns or those simply wishing to talk with someone are welcome. There is no charge for the services of the psychologists and/or the psychiatrists at the center. For an appointment, call 909.621.8202.

Student Health Service

The Student Health Service (SHS) is located in the new Claremont University Consortium Student Services Center at 757 College Way. It is the primary outpatient healthcare center for all students at The Claremont Colleges and stresses preventive medicine and health awareness. The Student Health Service is open 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday and Friday, Thursday SHS is open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. while school is in session, with extended hours until 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Appointments are highly recommended for all visits and can be scheduled in advance by telephone. Phones open at 8 a.m. for appointments by calling 909.621.8222 or ext. 18222. If you call early, same-day appointments are usually available. There is no charge for regular scheduled appointments or emergency care. Emergency care is available during regular business hours for serious illness or trauma as determined by the triage nurse (e.g. bleeding, possible fracture and allergic reactions). A $10 charge will be assessed for any missed appointment not cancelled two hours in advance. Walk-in students will be seen in the order of arrival during the hours of 8:30-10:30 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. There is a $10 charge for walk-ins. Please be prepared to wait as patients are seen between appointments. Students do not have to pay for fees at the time of service. Payment can be made by Visa or Mastercard, Claremont Cash, cash or check. Referral for subspecialty consultation, hospitalization and surgery can be arranged by the Student Health Service but will not be financed by the College and payment is the responsibility of the individual student. All students must have an entrance health history and physical examination form on file to use the services. Completed Forms may be submitted via mail or e-mail. The e-mail address is available on the SHS website. These forms are required for initial admission to Pitzer College as a first-year or transfer student. Forms completed by a family member/relative who is an MD/nurse practitioner will not be accepted. All students’ records are confidential. Medical records are not made available to anyone without the student’s permission. The College does not assume responsibility for medical care of its students beyond the capacity of its existing health facilities. An accident and sickness medical-expense insurance plan is available to students to protect against major costs. If students are not covered by parents’ medical insurance, the plan should be purchased. Designed to supplement the care provided by the health and counseling services, it includes benefits forpsychological services, accidental injuries, hospitalization, surgery, doctor visits in the hospital, emergency care and ambulance service. Premiums for coverage are listed in an insurance-plan brochure mailed to each student prior to arrival on campus. Additional information is also available from the Student Health Service or on their Website at www.cuc.claremont.edu/shs.

Office of the Chaplains

The Office of the Chaplains guides and nurtures students in the explorations, observances, and questions of religious and spiritual life. Assisting students in making contact with members of their community of belief, the chaplains coordinate and oversee a wide range of worship services, events, programs, and pastoral counseling for the Buddhist, Catholic, Christian Science, Hindu, Jewish, Latter- Day Saints, Muslim, PAGAN, Protestant, Unitarian, Zen, and other communities. At McAlister Center for Religious Activities, located adjacent to Honnold/Mudd Library, is a chapel, fireside lounge, library, and the Chaplains’ offices. Office of the Chaplains is located at 919 N. Columbia Avenue, 909.621.8685.

Asian American Resource Center (AARC)

The Asian American Resource Center’s (AARC) mission is to build a stronger sense of Asian Pacific American community, raise awareness of issues affecting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, develop student leadership and act as a resource for the campus community. AARC collaborates with other ethnic groups, academic departments and campus offices on a wide range of educational, cultural and social programs such as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, the Arts Initiative, Asian American Studies and Social Justice Lecture series. AARC also provides an Asian American Studies Library of printed and visual materials. The AARC is located at the Smith Campus Center, Suite 240 on the Pomona College campus, 909.621.8639.

The Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA)

The Office of Black Student Affairs, through its academic services and cultural programs, helps create a campus environment for students of African descent that will help them attain their undergraduate and graduate degrees. OBSA assists students in developing appropriate educational plans, mature career paths, emotional autonomy, coping skills, feelings of self-worth and independence, a positive ethnic identity, mature relationships with peers, accountability, social awareness, and a responsible lifestyle. Our programs and services include Academic Strategies Workshops, the New Student Retreat, Seven College Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration, Black History Month programs, Community Forums, Ujima Peer Mentor Program, leadership training, speakers series and poetry readings. All programs and services are open to all students of The Claremont Colleges. OBSA is located at 139 E. 7th Street and can be reached at 909.607.3669 (FAX: 909.621.8969).

Chicano/Latino Student Affairs (CLSA)

Chicano/Latino Student Affairs is committed to the academic and personal growth of Chicano/Latino students. CLSA provides academic and support services, as well as educational programs. CLSA programs enhance cultural identity, promote social awareness and develop student leadership. The programs include the New Student Retreat, Sponsor Program, Latino Heritage Month, Día de la Familia, César Chávez Commemoration, Alumni Career sessions, Open House, monthly lunches, study breaks and Latino Graduation. CLSA also provides academic and personal advising, as well as graduate and career development sessions. CHISPAS, our electronic newsletter, serves to distribute information to Latino students. Chicano/Latino Student Affairs is located on the second floor of Tranquada Student Services Center, at 757 College Way. You may reach us at 909.621.8044. 

Culture, Media, Sports and Recreation

Throughout the year, a great many special academic, cultural, artistic, musical and other entertainment programs are presented at Pitzer and at the other Claremont Colleges. Some are professional, others are amateur or student programs. Pitzer students participate with Scripps, Harvey Mudd and Claremont McKenna students in the Concert Choir; the Pomona College Orchestra and Band are open to all those qualified.

Students serve on the Campus Life Committee, which both initiates and funds a wide variety of activities including lectures, conferences, films, parties and outings. There are student-run poetry and music series, art shows and a diverse group of movies shown in several 5-college film series.

Bridges Auditorium

For over six decades, this facility-one of the larger college or university auditoriums in the West-has provided programs of major cultural significance for the colleges and the larger geographic area.

Byron Dick Seaver Theatre

Conceived of as a “teaching theatre,” the state-of-the-art facility contains a 350 seat proscenium theatre, a 100-seat experimental theatre, studio spaces, classrooms, offices and other facilities for theatrical production. It is a most fitting home for the Theatre Department for the five Claremont Colleges.


The Other Side, a Pitzer student magazine, gives students an opportunity to gain valuable experience in newspaper work and provides an important medium of communication and information for the campus. A five-college student newspaper, Collage, is published on a weekly basis and has traditionally enjoyed a high rate of participation by Pitzer students. In addition, Pitzer publishes a weekly news report/calendar, a Student Handbook, an alumni magazine and The Participant.

Sports and Recreation

Pitzer College, with Pomona College, supports a broad program of intercollegiate athletics for men and women. Pomona-Pitzer is a member of the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, locally and is associated nationally with Division III of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Men’s teams include baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, track and field, and water polo. Women’s teams include basketball, cross country, softball, soccer, swimming, track and field, tennis, volleyball, and women’s water polo. In addition, coeducational club teams compete in both badminton and fencing, while competitive opportunities with greater student direction are encouraged through club sports teams in lacrosse, rugby, sailing, cycling, skiing, men’s volleyball, and ultimate frisbee.

Pitzer’s newest facility for sports and recreation is the Gold Student Center. A large pool, basketball courts, a climbing wall and exercise equipment provide many opportunities for a healthy and enjoyable leisure time.

Pitzer students are also welcome to use all the recreational facilities of The Claremont Colleges, as other Claremont students are welcomed at Pitzer’s facilities. Among the five undergraduate Colleges, there are two gymnasiums, six swimming pools, 22 tennis courts and many playing fields.

The City of Claremont

Located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains, Claremont has grown up around the Colleges which collectively take its name. Like those Colleges, it is mostly residential and its citizens have always sought to make it a pleasant and stimulating place to live and study. Because Claremonters have often come from other parts of the country in response to its collegiate attractions, Claremont looks different from most Southern California suburbs; in fact, it is only within recent years that intervening cities have grown sufficiently to make Claremont truly a Los Angeles suburb. Claremont citizens are proud of the city’s schools and parks and testifying to a long-standing Claremont tradition, the Los Angeles Times has cited Claremont for its unique use of trees in establishing the character of the city. Although the city has shunned major commercial development, a number of unusual shops and galleries have grown with the city. Claremont is 35 miles east of Los Angeles and has a population of 35,000.

Southern California

Whether your interest is rock, reggae, Bach, or jazz; whether you find Disneyland or the Getty Museum or the Music Center captivating, Southern California provides it. With a population of more than ten million, the greater Los Angeles area is one of the world’s cultural centers-the center of a culture more diverse, less definable and more inclusive than any other in the country. Claremonters can also enjoy beaches, deserts, or mountains; all these parts of the Claremont student environment are within about an hour’s drive. There is also a Metrolink train connecting Claremont to downtown Los Angeles.