Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook

Residence Life Policies and Procedures

Students who choose not to adhere to the following policies may face judicial action. Please direct any questions to the Residence Life office at   


Masking tape or blue painter’s tape is recommended for putting up posters in residence rooms. Students can also use 3M Hooks and adhesives. The use of duct tape, nails, or screws are strictly prohibited.  


For the complete Alcohol and Drug Policy and California Laws please refer to the policy listed under the General College Policies section of the Student Handbook.  


No student may install equipment or make repairs to a residence hall room or common area without prior permission from their Residence Director or Facilities staff. Dismantling smoke detectors, alterations to your room vent, tampering with heating and cooling controls, painting your room, and tampering with your window screens is strictly prohibited. Exterior installation of antennas or satellite dishes for personal use is not permitted.   


Safety standards prohibit the use of cooking appliances which use heating elements in student rooms. Electrical appliances such as toasters, toaster ovens, hot plates, space heaters and refrigerators larger than 4.4 cubic feet are prohibited in our main campus residence halls. Refrigerators must have adequate ventilation on all sides. Microwave ovens larger than 1.0 cubic feet are prohibited. The electrical circuits are not designed to carry heavy loads, so the use of surge protector strips is recommended.  


The following are policies regarding suite balconies in Mead and at CCA.  

  1. No drinking alcohol on suite balconies, regardless of age.  

  1. No throwing trash or objects from balconies or windows.  

  1. No hanging items from the balconies or catwalks (without written permission from your Residence Director or the Facilities Office).   

  1. No open flames are permitted on balconies. Including but not limited to: all types of grills (propane, charcoal, wood or other), chimineas, tiki torches, and open flame lanterns.  

  1. No college owned furniture is allowed on suite balconies.  

  1. No smoking on suite balconies. All residence halls are completely non-smoking.  

  1. Residents may not paint murals on balconies without going to the Aesthetics Committee and Residence Hall Council for approval.    

  1. Residents may not use chalk, or any other temporary paint or substance, to mark or decorate the exterior hallways, walkways, or balconies.  


Students are encouraged to have a bicycle on campus. When not in use, bicycles should be securely locked to bicycle racks. It is prohibited for you to chain bicycles to trees, poles, fences, handrails, benches, stairwells and fire hose connections due to fire/life safety hazard, and emergency evacuations. Bikes will be removed from these locations and impounded without notice. To retrieve an impounded bike, you must provide ID and a detailed description of the bike to the Facilities Department Green Bike Program. A $50 fee will be required to release the bike to the owner. If unclaimed after two weeks of impound, bikes will be donated to the Pitzer Green Bike Program (GBP).  

  • During Winter Break, the campus is closed and all bicycles need to be removed from the bicycle racks and stored in your personal room. Bicycles may not be stored inside common areas of buildings.  

  • During Summer Break, all bikes need to be removed by the Monday following graduation.  Bike racks will be cleaned out during the first week of summer and all bikes left on the racks will be cut off and donated to the Green Bike Program (GBP).   

*Pitzer College is not responsible for any stolen items, including bicycles. 

Building Evacuations, Fire Alarms and Smoke Detectors  

One approved fire drill per semester will be conducted in each residence hall. The ResLife staff will discuss the evacuation plan and meeting locations during a hall/floor meeting. The participation of everyone is required.  

The removal of, or tampering with, firefighting equipment is a violation of state law, and the setting off of “false” fire alarms endangers the lives and property of the Pitzer College community and is prohibited. This includes tampering with your smoke detector (i.e. removing batteries, etc.) or fire extinguisher. This violation of state law can result in a fine of up to $1,000 and a possible jail term of up to one year. Judicial action will take place against an individual or group that violates this policy.    

Please see the Fire Alarms and Building Evacuations policy, applicable to the entire Pitzer College campus.  

Cable Television  

Each residence hall living room (E. Sanborn Living Room, West Hall Living Room, and Mead Living Room) has cable TV. Students are welcome to contract with Spectrum Cable individually if they would like cable TV in their rooms. Once an appointment with Spectrum has been scheduled, the student should place a Facilities work order so a representative from Facilities can be present to let Spectrum into the proper electrical closets in the building.  


Facilities employs custodians and maintenance personnel to keep the residence halls clean and in good order. As members of a responsible community, it is up to the residents to always clean up after themselves. Public areas are regularly cleaned and maintained by staff include hallways, lobbies, residence hall living rooms, recreation rooms, community kitchens, and laundry rooms. If these common areas are neglected and left excessively dirty, access to the area may be suspended by the Residence Director or Facilities staff. Students are responsible for keeping individual rooms, bathrooms, and suite living rooms clean. Limited cleaning supplies can be checked out from the Residence Life Office located in East Sanborn Hall C300, or the CCA Housing Office for CCA residents.   

Common Area Damage Charges  

Residents sharing rooms and common living areas are held financially responsible for cleaning and damage charges considered above and beyond normal wear and tear. Unless an individual or group of individuals take responsibility for damages in public areas, financial responsibility for damage to College property will be assigned to the smallest identifiable population within the residence hall. Common area damage charges will be assessed at the end of each semester.  

Emergency Medical Assistance  

In the event of an accident or severe illness, immediately contact Campus Safety (909-607-2000) and explain the nature of the problem. In the case of an illness not requiring immediate emergency care, Student Health Services can be contacted at 909.621.8222.  

College staff (including Resident Assistants, ResLife professional staff, and on-call staff) are not permitted to transport students for medical care. For information on accommodations due to illness or other medical issue, visit the Pitzer Academic Support Services website.  

Emergency Maintenance Assistance  

If an emergency maintenance situation (such as a flood, electrical problem, or broken window) occurs during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM) please contact Facilities at 909-607-2226 immediately. If it is outside business hours, and you are not able to locate a Resident Assistant, call Campus Safety at 909-607-2000 and tell them you have a maintenance problem. Facilities/ Maintenance and custodial staff are authorized to enter student rooms for cleaning, maintenance, and/or repair without the student being present or prior notification.   

Event Registration  

All large-scale social events must be registered through Campus Life.  No large-scale social events can be registered in, or near, the residence halls. For more information, please see the Event Registration & Hosting Guidelines online.

Fines and Charges  

  1. Rationale for Damage Policies   
    It is the policy of the College to charge individuals responsible for damages which occur or items which are lost from the residence halls. Charges reflect the cost of replacement and/ or repairs. Furthermore, it is the policy of the College to attempt to establish financial responsibility for damages that occur in public areas of a residence hall for which individual responsibility cannot be ascertained. Costs for acts of unclaimed vandalism may be charged back to those residing within the smallest identifiable space where the vandalism occurred.  

  2. Damages and Losses within Individual Student Rooms  
    All losses and damages which occur within an individual student’s room beyond the range of fair wear and tear are charged to the resident(s) of the room. The Room Completion Report (RCR) completed at the beginning of each resident’s occupancy protects the student from being held liable for previous damage. Individual student rooms are inspected upon checkout. Bathrooms are inspected for damages, violations and cleanliness during the winter break and again at the end of the year. Bathrooms and rooms should be cleaned so that they are “move-in ready” when students depart at the end of their time in housing.   
    At the end of the academic year, charges are assessed for damage and loss through year-end inspection and checkout procedures. Charges are billed to individual student accounts. For students not returning the following year (graduating or withdrawing), such charges are deducted from their deposit and if the charges exceed the amount of the deposit, the difference is billed to the student’s account.  

  3. Housekeeping in Common Areas  
    All students are expected to keep the common areas of the residence halls, including the laundry rooms, kitchens, and study rooms, in a reasonable state of cleanliness. When an excessive mess is found, it is the responsibility of the residents of the residence hall to clean it up. In the case of a common area, the smallest identifiable group of residents has the responsibility of restoring the area to reasonable cleanliness.  
    During the semester, the Residence Director of the affected building will contact residents with next steps. If the conditions are not up to standard by the end of the time period set by the Residence Director, a fine will be assessed to each person responsible for the clean-up task. If no people are identified, the cleanup costs may be charged to those residing in the smallest identifiable space where the mess occurred. It should be noted that in some cases this means that students not directly responsible for the mess will be held responsible for the cleanup.  

Fire Safety Regulations  

Any items mentioned in the Student Handbook which are prohibited may be confiscated and will not be returned if discovered by ResLife Staff.  

  1. Corridors, stairways, and exit doors are to be kept clear of obstructions at all times.  

  1. Electrical appliances such as toasters, hot plates, saunas, space heaters, microwaves larger than 1.0 cubic feet and refrigerators larger than 4.4 cubic feet are prohibited. Refrigerators should be energy star rated and must have adequate ventilation on all sides.  

  1. Multiple plug extension cords constitute a severe fire hazard and the danger of electrical shock. These items are prohibited in residence hall rooms when they are utilized for more than one appliance. Only the use of UL listed plug strips containing built-in fuses are permitted.  

  1. All candles, incense, halogen lamps, fireworks, smudging and oil-fueled lamps are prohibited. These items are prohibited even if they are intended for decoration, recreation or ceremonial use.  

  1. No flammable liquids are to be used or stored in the residence halls at any time.  

  1. Excessive amounts of combustibles such as paper products or textiles stacked in rooms, attached to and/or covering walls and ceilings, covering lights or used as room dividers are prohibited.  

  1. Nothing can be attached to or hung on the ceilings; this includes, but is not limited to posters and tapestries.  

  1. Corridor decorations shall be made from non-flammable materials or treated with appropriate flame-retardant solutions. All trees, tree branches, and tree limbs must be treated with an approved flame-retardant solution and have tags affixed certifying that they have been flame proofed.  

  1. The following are strictly prohibited: pipes, cigarettes, hookahs, water pipes, fireworks, and any glass or homemade smoking devices. If any of these items are found, they may be confiscated and will not be returned.  

  1. Under no circumstances will fires be allowed on-campus (this includes all activities related to fire such as, but not limited to, fire dancers, tiki torches, etc.). due to the highly flammable vegetation in the area.  


Students may not remove any college issued furniture from their rooms in any residence halls including CCA. This includes, but is not limited to bed frames and mattresses, coffee tables, desks, and couches. Bed lofting or bunking parts may only be removed or requested by filling out a work order through Facilities. Do not leave dismantled bed lofting or bunking parts out in the hallway or walkways.  If your furniture is left in the hallway for more than 24 hours then it is subject to confiscation and any missing furniture will be charged to the residents.  If students dismantle their bed during the academic year, they must re-assemble the bed prior to departing the residence halls or they will be fined. Furniture containing water is not allowed in the residence halls. This includes hot tubs, pools, water beds, saunas, etc.  

Common area furniture includes furniture in study rooms, living rooms, WES Single Suites, Mead suites, CCA apartments, etc.  Common area furniture is not to be removed from public areas. If a piece of common area furniture is discovered in your room or apartment, you can be charged up to $150 with an additional $25 a day until the furniture is returned. Furniture in Mead suite living rooms is considered common area furniture. If a room and/or suite furniture is missing or damaged, the room and/or suite will be billed collectively unless an individual or group of individuals takes responsibility. Please note that College owned furniture is not allowed on exterior hallways, or suite balconies.  

In Pitzer, Atherton and Sanborn Halls (PAS Halls), and West, East, and Skandera Halls (WES Halls) students may place couches, benches, chairs and stools between their door and their neighbor’s. Items placed between doors shall not protrude into the walking path or block any doors from opening and closing properly. No college owned furniture is allowed outside in the hallways. Excessively dirty or damaged items are not permitted, as determined by Facilities or the Residence Director. All items must be removed from the corridors when halls close at the end of spring semester. If items are not removed, the residents whose rooms are closest to the item will accrue the removal costs.  

In Mead and at CCA, furniture cannot be placed in any of the public areas outside the building (for example, against the building, near windows, in the courtyard, etc.   


Students are welcome to invite off-campus friends or family to visit and stay overnight on main campus and at CCA. The following guest policies are intended to protect the quality of life for all within our residential communities.  

  1. Students who wish to host a guest must have the approval of their roommate/s and suitemates. The right of a student to live in reasonable privacy supersedes the right of a student to host a guest.  

  1. Guests are required to carry a valid form of ID at all times.  

  1. Any student found in violation of the guest policy could result in the student losing their right to host future guests. Any guest found in repeated violation of the guest policy may be banned from the residence halls.  

  1. A guest may stay up to 96 hours (4 days) within a two-week interval. A longer stay may be discussed with the Residence Director.  

  1. There is a limit to 3 guests at any one time, per room in the residence halls.  

  1. Guests are not allowed to sleep in any common areas.  

  1. Student hosts are responsible for informing their guests of all College policies and their guests are responsible for abiding by the policies, as well as all state and federal laws. Guest status can be revoked if at any time the guest violates College policies or state or federal laws. Guest status may also be revoked if the guest is behaving in a manner that disrupts the community as determined by a College official.    

  1. Student hosts will be held accountable for the conduct of their guests and for any violations incurred by them. 

  1. Guests who are minors require written permission from a parent or guardian to be on campus.   

  1. No guest under the age of 21 is to ask for, accept, or consume any alcoholic beverage while on the property of The Claremont Colleges.  

  1. Many events hosted on the other Claremont College campuses require guests of students to show a guest pass. Please see the specific policies for each campus (Event Resources: 5C Guest Pass Policies for Event Attendance.)  

  1. Students cannot rent or sublet their residence hall rooms.  


All hammock requests must first be submitted to the Residence Life office. Residence Life will connect with Facilities to discuss location and structural stability prior to installation and communicate approval/denial with Residence Life. Status of installation will be communicated to the student by Residence Life. Hammocks that do not meet the requirements will be removed immediately without notice.

Health and Safety Checks  

To maintain a healthy, safe environment in our residential communities, periodic health and safety checks of common areas and student rooms are conducted by Facilities and the ResLife staff. These room checks are for preventive and corrective actions. Notice of these checks will be posted 24 hours in advance. If your room does not meet suitable standards, you will be given 24 hours to correct the problem. If while conducting the check any prohibited items are found, they may be confiscated and will not be returned. Students will be referred for Community Standards follow-up. Staff are authorized to enter student rooms for these checks.

Heating and Air Conditioning  

All residence halls have central heating and air conditioning. Tampering with heating and cooling controls is strictly prohibited.  

  • The WES & PAS HVAC systems have a preset temperature range (between 68-72º) and the system will automatically provide air conditioning or heating based on that setting range. Please do not attempt to access the thermostat by tampering with the cover guard. Damage to the cover guard will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct and billed to the student. Each room has a sensor in the main window which shuts off the HVAC system when the window is open.   

  • The Mead HVAC system has a preset temperature range (between 68-72º) and the system will automatically provide air conditioning or heating based on that setting range. The system sensors take some time to automatically adjust the indoor temperature when outdoor temperature changes. Always keep the “Heat/AC” switch in the “ON” position, except during break periods.   

If the air conditioning or heating is not working, fill out an online work order form and notify your Residence Director. The Facilities Department receives work orders during business hours. If your request is outside of these times and requires immediate attention, contact Campus Safety.  

It is prohibited to use portable air conditioners and heaters which, in addition to being a safety hazard, will prevent the room air conditioning and heating system from working properly. 


Each residence hall is equipped with coin and/or card operated laundry machines. In main campus residence halls, Claremont Cash or quarters must be used (see Claremont Card Center for additional instructions about how to add Claremont Cash to your ID card).  At CCA, only quarters are accepted. You must provide your own laundry detergent and supplies.  Pitzer College is not responsible for the replacement of items stolen, damaged or lost due to negligence on the part of the student. Any students that observe a machine not working should immediately put in a work order through Facilities. 

Musical Instruments & Sound Equipment   

Student rooms, suites, or common areas are not appropriate places to play most musical instruments or have loud sound equipment (i.e. electric guitars, drums, and/or subwoofers). Certain types of instruments, such as acoustic guitars, may be played at a low volume in the residence halls provided they do not cause a disturbance. If you would like to arrange a location for music practice, please contact the Music Coalition/Orange Jam student organization for access to the music practice space.  


The primary mission of Pitzer College is education and in pursuit of this goal, students have the right to quiet time in which to read, study, or sleep. Thus, all residence halls have quiet hours from 11 p.m. to 9 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. on weekends. Extended quiet hours are in place during the week before finals and final exams. All other hours should be viewed as consideration hours, emphasizing mutual respect and courtesy.  

If you are being disturbed by noise at any time, you have the right to request a decrease in the level of noise. If the person or persons causing the noise do not cooperate, you may want to contact a ResLife staff member to assist you. If an individual severely disrupts the community through repeated or significant noise disturbances, that individual is subject to the conduct process. As an academic community, quiet hours are instituted during the last week of classes as well as finals week. Please be aware of others’ need to concentrate, sleep and study.  

  • During the last week of classes there are partial quiet hours which are 7 p.m. to 9 am.  

  • During finals week there are 24-hour quiet hours until the residence halls close.  

  • Failure to comply with partial quiet hours or 24-hour quiet hours can result in fines or other sanctions.  

On-Call System  

Residence Life has an on-call system, in which there is always an administrator on-call for Pitzer, live-on staff member on-call for the entire campus and RAs/CAs on-call each night until one hour after quiet hours begin.  The on-call staff member can be reached by cell phone. The cell phone numbers are listed on multiple posters in every residence hall and on every RA’s door. Please note: The RA on your floor is not always the RA on-call.  CCA residents can contact the CCA office or Community Assistant on-call at (909) 607-8506. 

Painting of Common Areas and Rooms  

The personalization of common areas and hallways must meet guidelines of the individual hall policies. Please go to your Residence Hall Council or the Office of Residence Life for further information. The painting of student rooms, including bathrooms, is not allowed. Please see the Public Art Guidelines on the Campus Aesthetics Committee website for further information about art installations on campus.  

Personal Property  

Pitzer College does not insure against loss, theft, or damage of any personal belongings, including water damage. We strongly urge you to insure possessions through private means. Do not prop any unattended doors and be sure to lock your room and suite doors at all times.  

Personal Security Cameras/Recording Devices 

Students cannot install any equipment used for the sole purpose of audio or video monitoring within the residence halls (including rooms, suite and community common rooms, bathrooms, hallways, etc.). 

Pest Control  

If you notice a pest problem, contact the Facilities Office directly. Your cooperation in properly storing food and quickly reporting any pest problems will assist us in maintaining a clean and sanitary environment.  Students are expected to follow the directions of Facilities and/or Residence Life staff to assist in the elimination of any pests in the residence halls.  


Only non-meat-eating fish in aquariums up to 10 gallons are allowed. All other pets are prohibited within student rooms and common areas. Prohibited pets include, but are not limited to: snakes, rabbits, cats, dogs, mice, rats, hamsters, etc. Visiting pets are not allowed. If a prohibited pet is found in a resident’s room, a fine of $50 will be levied along with an additional fine of $25 a day until the animal is removed from the residence hall. If not removed within a week of violation, a local shelter will be contacted to come in and remove the pet(s).   

For information about Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals in housing, refer to the Housing Accommodations policy. 


Pranks that endanger or could be perceived as a threat to another person’s safety, wellbeing, and/or security are prohibited. It is expected that students are conscious of their actions and conduct their life at Pitzer with respect for all who visit, reside, and work in our communities.

Propping of Doors  

The propping of doors endangers the safety of every hall resident. Propping includes, but is not limited to, taping or stuffing the door mechanism, leaving your door “unlatched”, and placing any object which obstructs the door from being fully closed. The exterior doors in the residence halls are locked 24 hours, 7 days a week. Keep your hall safe: do not prop unattended doors!    

Residence Hall Council (RHC)  

Residence Hall Council (RHC) is the planning and governance organization of the residence halls. Students involved in RHC, whether they hold an office or not, take an active role in planning activities and programs geared towards fostering a positive living community, and in approving the use of Hall funds. They also represent students in voicing concerns and suggestions related to the quality of residence life (i.e., facilities, programs, services, and general maintenance.) All residents of the hall are encouraged to attend RHC so that they may be aware of the inner workings of the hall.  


Students are strictly prohibited from the roofs of all campus buildings. Roofs include, but are not limited to the lower Mead lobby roof and any area outside of the fenced in sundecks of Mead, PAS and WES halls.  


Removal of residence hall window screens is prohibited. Residents may be held financially responsible for the removal of and damage to the screens and conduct sanctions may be imposed. Windows may not be used as points of entrance to or egress from residence hall rooms.  

Security Screens  

Select rooms in Mead Hall have security screens which have sealed tabs that help keep windows secure. Residents may be held financially responsible for damage to the screens and judicial sanctions will be imposed for the misuse of the security screens.  If a security screen tag is found to be broken, the residents of the room will be charged.  

Smoking Policy  

Students living in the residence halls have the right to exist in a smoke-free environment. As a supplement to Pitzer’s policy on smoking, the following guidelines are to be followed in the residence halls:  

  1. Smoking is not permitted in the individual rooms or bathrooms.  This includes vaping.  

  1. All public and common areas in the residence halls are non-smoking areas. These areas include, but are not limited to: all common rooms, living rooms, study areas, kitchens, sundecks, elevators, hallways (including exterior walkways), suite areas and Mead balconies.  

  1. All residence halls are designated as nonsmoking and this includes a 25-feet perimeter around each residence hall.  

  1. The following are strictly prohibited: pipes, hookahs, water pipes, and any glass or homemade smoking devices. If any of these items are found they will be confiscated and will not be returned.  

Social Networking  

Students are encouraged to take proper safety precautions when voluntarily posting personal and/or identifying information on social networking websites, and blogs (e.g. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, for example). Pitzer College as a matter of practice does not actively monitor language or actions on such sites. Generally, the College will defer to the user policies of the individual social networking website or blog. However, the College may hold students accountable for Student Code of Conduct violations found on such social networking websites and blogs.  

Student Organization Spaces/Private Offices in Residential Complexes 

ResLife does not have direct access to private offices in the residential complexes such as Mail Room, Media Studies, Study Abroad, Jump start etc. Student organization spaces such as BSU, MIX, PISA etc. are not overseen by ResLife and abide by the following agreement. 

  1. ResLife will not provide lockouts or access to the space. 

  1. ResLife will not provide non-Pitzer students exterior access to the building. 

  1. ResLife professional staff will meet with the leaders of the group once a year to touch base on the use of the space. 

  1. All activities in the space must abide by the Pitzer College Student Handbook. 

  1. ResLife will need to access the space once each semester for health and safety inspections. 

  1. Spaces will be cleaned and maintained by Pitzer’s custodial staff based on accessibility and any facilities or cleaning requests should be made directly via a work order. 

  1. Residence Life and the Office of Student Affairs is not responsible for the security of any items left within the designated space. 

  1. Residence Life and the Office of Student Affairs strongly discourages students from storing personal or valuable items in the space during break periods. 

  1. Residence Life and the Office of Student Affairs reserves the right to make modifications to this agreement based on safety, security, or community needs. 

Sun Decks  

There are designated sun decks throughout the residence halls. The policies for use include:  

  1. Do not climb outside gated/fenced in space onto the roof.  

  1. Do not throw anything off the sun decks.  

  1. No smoking, alcohol or drugs allowed on sun decks.  

  1. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves.  

  1. Respect the space and those who maintain the sundecks.  


Please dispose of all trash in the designated dumpster or trash cans for your building, place recyclables in the blue recycling bins, and redemption items in the proper bins. Any trash found in common areas, in hallways, or in other areas of the residence halls will be disposed of and any charges will be fined to the smallest identifiable population (i.e. the rooms nearest to the trash).  Do not throw trash off balconies, into planters, or out of windows. During move-in and closing time periods the trash areas in the residence halls will be closed and residents are asked to dispose of their trash in the dumpsters located around the residence halls.  Keeping our campus clean is a responsibility we all share.  


Students should not damage College property or the property of other students within the halls. Financial responsibility for vandalism to College property will be treated as common area damage and be assigned to the smallest identifiable population within the residence halls if the individual(s) are not identified. Students found responsible for the damage will be charged for the cost of repair and/or replacement of property and may receive additional sanctions for the act of vandalism itself.  Students should not throw objects, such as trash, fruit, sports equipment, etc., against any of the on-campus buildings or residence halls.   These activities disturb the community and may cause damage to buildings.  

Weapons, Firearms, Explosives and Other  

The following items are absolutely prohibited in the residence halls, and in vehicles anywhere on campus. These items include, but are not limited to, guns (including BB guns, pellet rifles, paint guns and other weapons which propel projectiles), ammunition, knives, switchblades, swords, other bladed weapons, fireworks, and any objects that can be used for blunt force. These items are prohibited even if they are intended for decoration, recreation, or ceremonial use. In addition, combustibles in containers, such as gasoline cans or camping fuel, are never allowed in the residence halls.  

Wheels in Hallways  

The use of skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, etc. in the residence halls, including the exterior walkways in Mead, PAS, and West East, and Skandera Halls is prohibited.  Additionally, activities such as football, Frisbee, soccer, and any other sport that utilizes projectiles are prohibited in residence halls. 


Please be kind to our plumbing and only flush toilet paper. DO NOT flush disposable/flushable wipes, menstrual products, paper towel, or any non-toilet paper product. Thank you for helping our pipes flow smoothly.  

against any of the on-campus buildings or residence halls.   These activities disturb the community and may cause damage to buildings.  

Weapons, Firearms, and Explosives 

The following items are absolutely prohibited in the residence halls, and in vehicles anywhere on campus. These items include, but are not limited to, guns (including BB guns, pellet rifles, paint guns and other weapons which propel projectiles), ammunition, knives, switchblades, swords, other bladed weapons, fireworks, and any objects that can be used for blunt force. These items are prohibited even if they are intended for decoration, recreation, or ceremonial use. In addition, combustibles in containers, such as gasoline cans or camping fuel, are never allowed in the residence halls.  

Wheels in Hallways  

The use of skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, etc. in the residence halls, including the exterior walkways in Mead, PAS, and West East, and Skandera Halls is prohibited.  Additionally, activities such as football, Frisbee, soccer, and any other sport that utilizes projectiles are prohibited in residence halls. 


Please be kind to our plumbing and only flush toilet paper. DO NOT flush disposable/flushable wipes, menstrual products, paper towel, or any non-toilet paper product. Thank you for helping our pipes flow smoothly.