Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook

Public Art, Posting Publicity and Soliciting

Public Art, Posting Publicity and Soliciting

Public Art Policy

The Public Art Policy, formerly known as the “Outdoor” Art Policy is overseen by the Campus Aesthetics Committee. To propose any new public artwork or to request removal any existing public artwork from the residence halls or any other Pitzer College campus location, as described in sections 1 and 2, you must first contact the Campus Aesthetics Committee. Please see the public art guidelines and policies published by the Campus Aesthetics Committee on Pitzer’s website.

  1. Residence Hall Policy
    Applies to all public or semi-public spaces inside the residence halls and exterior walls of the residence halls.

    All proposals must go through the Campus Aesthetics Committee (CAC) first. CAC will then send over the approved proposal to Residence Hall Council (RHC) for a secondary review and final approval. All residence hall murals need to get approval from both bodies before moving forward.

    1. Financial responsibility for the original art lies in the hands of the artist, and costs incurred during any removal of art (should it be deemed necessary by the CAC & RHC) will be absorbed by the associated hall governance body, if Facilities is unwilling to do so. Artists must therefore be prepared to pay for this process themselves or to locate another source of funds. 
    2. All art will therefore remain up indefinitely in its entirety unless questioned by the community through the following appropriate measures.
    3. If any art is at any time found offensive by any member of the community, they may bring a grievance to the CAC and suggest that it be painted over in its entirety. The CAC will notify RHC of this grievance. RHC will work with this community member to schedule a meeting time for voting to take place. In such case, the issue at hand and the time of the meeting must be effectively publicized more than a week before any voting takes place. This may be done through appropriate communications including, but not limited to, emails, flyers, table tents, and campus mail. If the piece in question is on one of the exterior non-courtyard walls of the residence halls, anyone attending the RHC meeting - including non-residents - will have a vote. If, on the other hand, it is not, the issue will be voted on by residents of the hall only.

      **If there is no RHC in place, CAC will communicate with Residence Life Professional Staff to get involved in the approvals of residence hall murals and any grievance processes.**
  2. Non-Residence Hall Policy 
    Applies to locations not covered by section 1 - that is, the interior and exterior walls of all campus buildings, structures and areas except for inside or on a residence hall.

The following provisions apply to sections 1 and 2 (above):

  1. All proposals for public artwork on campus must be submitted to the Campus Aesthetics Committee for approval.

  2. All public artwork that has been approved by the Campus Aesthetics Committee will remain unless questioned by the community in accordance with the grievance policy.

  3. All proposals for public artwork located inside or on a residence hall must be submitted to the Campus Aesthetics Committee. If the artwork is approved by the Campus Aesthetics Committee, it then must be submitted to the Hall Council of the residence hall for which the artwork is being proposed to be installed or displayed for final approval.


  1. Public Art Grievance Policy

The Campus Aesthetics Committee values community voice. As such, the following process is in place so that the voice of the community can be heard and allow for an open dialogue.

Initial Grievance: When a grievance is voiced regarding approved artwork, the committee will try to contact the artist(s) and address the grievance of their art/mural project. The committee will work with the artist to try to conceptualize, design modifications or select alternative site for their artwork. If artist cannot be contacted, the committee will make recommendations for the artwork.

Contacting the Artist: If artist is contacted, the committee will work with the artist to try to conceptualize, design modifications or select alternative site for their artwork. If artist cannot be contacted or does not wish to be involved, the committee will make recommendations for the artwork.

Working with the Community: If there is still dissent with an art/mural project OR the artist and CAC cannot come to a consensus, the grievance should be brought to the attention of the community.

  • In such a case, the grievance at hand, and the time of a meeting must be effectively published more than a week before any voting takes place. Effective publishing may be done through, but is not limited to mails, flyers, table tents and/or campus mail.
  • If quorum, as described in section 13.1 of the Faculty Handbook, is present at this meeting the issue will then be voted on by the Committee.
  • Where there is a grievance voiced about any public artwork on campus the grievance will be referred to the Campus Aesthetics Committee.

Posting Publicity Guidelines

If any of these guidelines and procedures are not observed, staff members have been instructed to remove flyers, posters and banners immediately.

Publicity Guidelines

  • Flyers, posters and banners are to be approved prior to posting on campus.
  • Students receive approval from OSA for their publicity. Staff and Faculty may seek approval through their own departments.
  • Banners or other kinds of large-scale advertising must be approved and then cleared for placement prior to posting on campus.
  • Chalking of campus walkways, etc. is not permitted unless approved by the Office of Student Affairs.  Chalking on vertical surfaces, buildings, or covered walkways is never permitted.
  • All flyers, posters and banners for an event need to have the following information: name(s) of the sponsoring organizations/ people, title of the event, date/time/location of the event, and contact information of event host.
  • Postings for events can not include pictures or references to alcohol, nor can they promote the availability or consumption of alcohol.
  • Recommended number of flyers or posters for the campus is no more than twenty-five (25) for events and meetings open to Pitzer staff and students. No more than three (3) banners are recommended.
  • Posting for reasons other than event or meeting publicity (e.g. housing available, services or goods available from Claremont Colleges’ people, etc.) are subject to the above: recommended number of flyers or posters is five (5) or one (1) banner.
  • Commercial offers and other solicitation from non-Claremont Colleges’ sources are explicitly prohibited unless approved by the Office of Student Affairs.
  • The Pitzer Mail Room, as a matter of policy, will not stuff all student boxes.
  • Flyers, posters and banners must be removed by the sponsoring organization or people who posted them immediately after the event and please recycle!

Posting Guidelines

  • Post on public bulletin boards, with a maximum of one per board. Do not post over others and post only on open, non-designated/ labeled bulletin boards.
  • Do not post on glass doors or painted surfaces, such as residence hall doors, classroom doors and the pillars along the mounds.
  • Please respect our campus art and refrain from posting on or over any piece of artwork.
  • Use staples or thumbtacks for posting on bulletin boards. All postings not on bulletin boards must be hung with blue painters’ tape.
  • Do not use electrical tape, duct tape or scotch tape for posting.
  • Any organization/people consistently abusing these guidelines and procedures will no longer be permitted to publicize at Pitzer College.
  • The Office of Student Affairs reserves the right to limit or stop distribution of publicity deemed offensive.


There are many ways to publicize your event besides the usual posting of flyers, posters or a banner. You can use word of mouth, table tents, message boards, social networking media, etc. Be creative, but please observe the posting publicity guidelines and procedures at Pitzer and the other colleges, which were developed to provide effective publicity, while using a minimum of natural resources. If you have any questions when creating your publicity, feel free to contact any member of the Student Affairs staff for assistance.


The College does not allow soliciting, promoting, or selling any product or service by anyone from outside the College unless they have written permission from the Office of Student Affairs
