Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook

Law Enforcement Policies

Law Enforcement Policies

Civil Law Enforcement on Campus Policy

Community law enforcement officers have the right and responsibility to react to law violations on the campuses of colleges and universities in the same way and under the same constraints as in other parts of the community. By tradition and present mutual understanding, the Department of Campus Safety will usually be informed first of possible violations of law. They will deal with the immediate situation and, if advisable, notify the appropriate law enforcement officers and cooperate with them to investigate the possible offense.

Protocol for Contacting Local Law Enforcement for Assistance

  1. When a disruptive situation on a campus or campuses reaches a stage where a police presence is deemed necessary to restore normal college operations, the President, President’s designee or the CEO of TCC or the CEO’s designee may seek police intervention.

  2. When police intervention is required and arrests ensue, the police assume that the Colleges or TCC will bring trespass or other legally appropriate charges against those arrested.

  3. In a non-peaceful situation that poses a threat to public safety, the police role is altered. Actions that endanger or threaten to endanger persons or property may result in police intervention, arrests and charges even if not initiated by College officials. Non-peaceful situations may be policed and prosecuted without College involvement.

  4. When police are called to manage or to intervene in a disruptive or non-peaceful incident, the situation becomes a police matter. The police will determine appropriate action -what steps it is necessary to take and what level of force should be used.

Approved by the Council of The Claremont Colleges, August 28, 2001. This policy is not to be amended or changed without approval of the Council.
