2020 -2021 Pitzer Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
At Pitzer, history invites students to understand the contours of their world its political boundaries, its economic systems, its social structures and its cultural practices as historical products. It pushes them to question assumptions and to approach the present through the prism of a rich and variegated past. It uses investigation and interpretation, both to explore the unfamiliar and to reconsider what we think we already know. Thus, courses in history encourage students to analyze documents critically, to evaluate historical arguments thoughtfully and to examine theories of history and culture. Far from being a simple chronicle of facts, history demands that students consider how the past is used and remembered.
Pitzer Advisers: C. Johnson, H. O’Rourke, D. Segal, A. Wakefield, U. Willoughby
AP Credit: Students scoring a 5 on the AP History exam will receive credit for one history course, which may be counted as one of the eleven courses required for the major. The AP credit, however, will not be accepted as a substitute for HIST 011 PZ , HIST 012 PZ , HIST 025 PZ , HIST 026 PZ or HIST 197 PZ in meeting the major requirements designated above, nor can it be used in the development of a student’s thematic or topical focus within the major.
Transfer Credit: o recieve credit for history courses from outside the Claremont Colleges, studens must get approval from the History Field group beforeI enrolling.