Feb 10, 2025
IIS 160 PZ -Decolonization from Below Institution: Pitzer
Description: Hearing the demands and desires of those “from below,” those blocked from social mobility, introduces
students to decolonizing practices developed not by activists from the global north but by subalterns. We will
encounter both rural illiterate residents of the global south in history and fiction from India and North Africa to
the Americas, and also the subaltern as the erasure by modern universalized generalizations through their
inevitable exclusions. Refusing these exclusions makes the subaltern recognizable under Eurocentric modernity
and gives their demands traction, opening ways to decolonization as responsibility to those who generally go
unheard in the society and academy of the global north.
Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.
For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
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