WRIT 100A PZ -Writing Center Theory & PraxisInstitution: Pitzer Description: "Good writers are born, not made" - so the common misconception goes. Yet research shows us writing is a social practice developed through regular practice, challenging new tasks, and constructive feedback. In this seminar we investigate theories from writing studies to examine our own diverse experiences in writing. What does it mean to call something "good" writing? What ideological and cultural assumptions underwrite definitions? What can scholars tell us about why so many of us struggle with the writing process? And what are some strategies we can use to help ourselves and others grow as writers? Aimed at students interested in cultivating the habits of effective writers, educators, this class is both theoretical and practical in its orientation. For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal. Please check course schedule for requirements.
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