Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Pitzer Student Handbook


The present governance system was designed to offer opportunities for Pitzer students to become involved in all aspects of college business and decision-making. The large number of committees and the wide range of policy areas they address are evidence of this.

Students serve on all standing committees of the College. These committees report to College Council, the voting members of which are faculty members, staff council representatives and members of the Student Senate (see by-laws for details).

All College Council and committee meetings are open to the Pitzer community with a few exceptions (e.g. Academic Standards, Faculty Executive). Minutes of standing committees are sent out via email to all who subscribe to Students are encouraged to read the minutes, attend meetings and exercise their voice in Pitzer policy making.

College Council

The College Council is the main policymaking body at Pitzer. Generally, all policy recommendations that are made by the various committees are forwarded to College Council for discussion and eventual vote. If passed, these recommendations go to the President and as appropriate to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The College Council has the power to recommend requirements for academic degrees and honors, as well as make recommendations to the President regarding the establishment of new academic divisions and the creation of standing and ad hoc committees.

The President or the Dean of Faculty presides as the Chair at Council meetings. Council meetings occur several times each semester and may be convened at the call of the President, the Dean of Faculty, the Chairperson of the Faculty Executive Committee, or the Student Senate Chair. All faculty and student voting members are expected to attend such meetings. The agenda, normally prepared by the Dean of Faculty in consultation with the Chairperson of the Faculty Executive Committee, the Chair of Staff Council, the Student Chair and the President, is usually published at least 48 hours in advance. Agenda items that entail a major policy change are discussed one meeting prior to a vote.

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the College Council meeting as amended by such standing rules as the College Council meeting may designate. See by-laws of Faculty and Student Governance in the Faculty Handbook, Article Two regarding College Council meetings.

Student Senate

The Pitzer College Student Senate is hereby recognized by the students of Pitzer College as the official body protecting student rights and interests: facilitating student participation in policy-making at the College; increasing the quality of students’ educational and academic experience; upholding the core values of the College in all areas of student life; facilitating communication between students and staff, faculty, and bureaucratic organizations; recognizing and funding student organizations; representing the student body in College Council meetings and all official college business; and striving to improve the welfare of all students.

Student Senate is responsible for managing and allocating funding to all student clubs and organizations, assigning representatives to all campus committees, and acting as a conduit for the student voice on all campus issues. Student Senate is divided into three separate branches of power: the Executive Board, the Legislature, and the Judicial Council.

The Student Senate meets weekly on Sunday evenings at 7 p.m., unless otherwise publicized or noted.

All Student Senate positions are either elected by the student body or appointed by members of the Executive Board. Any current student at Pitzer College is eligible to run in these elections, and/or apply for an appointed position. At least three elections are held during the academic year to fill vacant seats, including one election at the beginning of each semester. The general election takes place at the end of each Spring Semester to fill positions for the coming academic year.

For more details, refer to the Student Senate website and the Constitution of the Pitzer College Student Senate.