Sep 23, 2024  
2022-2023 Pitzer Catalog 
2022-2023 Pitzer Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • HIST 131 PZ -Fundamentalism and Rationalism

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Fundamentalism and Rationalism in Comparative Context: Medieval Islam and Enlightenment Europe:

    This course embraces a robustly comparative framework, juxtaposing the Islamic renaissance of the 9th- 12th centuries with the European Enlightenment of the 17th- 18th centuries. We examine a set of theological and philosophical problems that these movements shared, problems including the nature of God, the role of human reason, free thinking, and the status of natural philosophy. We focus on different schools of thought while addressing the underlying themes of rationalism and fundamentalism - issues that continue to exert their influence. We will trace the comparative thread of the course through the writings of seminal writers in each tradition; they include al-Farabi, Spinoza, Avicenna, Descartes, Ghazali, Leibniz, Averroes, Kant, and Ibn Tufayl.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

  • HIST 132 PZ -Marx in Context

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Despite his lasting importance as a social critic and political thinker, Karl Marx is rarely appreciated as an observer of his own world. In this course, we will read Marx in the context of nineteenth-century Europe. As a working journalist, Marx was intimately familiar with the great movements and upheavals of his time. We follow him from the quiet German towns and idealist philosophy of his youth, to the great revolutionary metropolis of mid-century Paris, to the blaring factories of industrial Manchester and up through the unification of Germany. We will use Marx’s writings to make sense of that world, while, at the same time, attention to the history of nineteenth-century Europe will help us interpret his writings.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 134 PZ -Empire and Sexuality

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: (Formerly HIST172) The construction of gender and sexuality was central to British and French imperialism.  This course examines the formation of genders in colonial Asia and Africa from the 18th through the early 20th centuries.  We will look at men and women, colonizers and colonized, and hetero- and homosexualities in order to understand the connections between gender, sexuality, race and power.  Themes will include gendered discourses that defined political authority and powerlessness; the roles that women’s bodies played in conceptualizing domesticity and desire; and evolving imperial attitudes toward miscegenation, citizenship and rights.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: HIST172 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 136 PZ -A History of the Police State

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: There are many ways to explore the history of the police state, and this course offers only one of them. Beginning with Michel Foucault, we explore the conceptual foundations of the police state, concentrating especially on its development during the 18th century. From there we move successively eastward in space and forward through time, exploring the subject through histories, novels, diaries, and autobiographical accounts. We are all comfortable with the idea that certain repressive, despotic regimes were (and are) police states. The more uncomfortable question is what the United States shares with places like Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. It is a complicated question, one with many possible answers; its solution lies in the past.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

  • HIST 138 PZ -Seeking Human Nature: The History and Science of Innateness.

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: “Human nature” has long been invoked to understand and justify our behaviors. After the advent of Darwinian evolution and Mendel’s gene theory, however, the notion of “instinct” gained authority, reshaping categories like “race” and “nature.” We will track that shift and examine its effects on political economy and social policy.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: PSYC 138 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 140 AF -Slavery and Freedom in the New World

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 140 PO -Empire and Colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa

    Institution: Pomona


    For course info, please see Pomona College catalog. 

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.


    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

  • HIST 140 PZ -Contemporary Africa/Digital Archives

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This digital humanities course will examine contemporary African culture and politics from a historical perspective. In collaborative teams, students will create digital archives of Africa’s more recent past, generating and circulating knowledge by curating nontraditional source material, including photography, art, film, video, television, print, televisual and digital advertising, and new media. The aim is to privilege diverse perspectives within civil society. Major themes to be addressed include: colonial and Cold War legacies; race, gender, and sexualities in post-apartheid South Africa; environmental preservation and tourism in East Africa; and the “post-state” in West Africa in the nee-liberal age.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 142 PZ -Slavery and Slave Trading in Africa and Beyond

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Most people associate the word “slavery” with the enslavement and forced migration of African people to the Americas in the early modern era. Though this course does not overlook the momentous nature of this development in world history-and will thus examine it in detail-it also seeks to broaden our knowledge of slavery and slave trading by treating them as worldwide phenomena that date back to the classical age and remain with us still today. Accordingly, this course will consider: the definition of slavery and other forms of servile labor; the institutions and experiences of slavery in diverse historical contexts, especially in Africa and South Asia; why Africans were traded as slaves to the Americas and how this trade affected culture and society in Africa; and, lastly, the continuation of human trafficking in the modern world after the supposed “end of slavery.”

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 144 PZ -Death and Dying in African History

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course analyzes diverse African experiences, perceptions and geographies of morbidity and mortality from the era of the slave trade, through colonial rule, to recent times. Students will investigate the following major questions: How have death and dying influenced identity and power relations among the living throughout Afric’s past? In what ways were meanings od death and dying connected to the natural world? How did Africans inscribe the natural environment with these meanings, and how did these connections change over time? How have Africans made meaning from human morbidity and mortality through their social, political, economic, and environmental struggles?

    Prerequisite(s): Please check current schedule for requirements

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 145 PO -Afro-Latin America

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 148 PZ -Gender and Sexuality in Africa

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Drawing on diverse historical case studies, life histories, biography, and film, this course examines the broad topic of gender in Africa through such themes as power and gendered rituals of transformation; slavery and the impact of trans-continental slave trades; colonial encounters; European constructions of black female sexuality; changes in African marriage practices and the meaning of marriage; same-sex relationships and homophobia; work, culture, and migrancy; women’s bodies and intimate colonial interventions- medical and moral; ethnicity and nationalism; poverty, famine, and the environment; and the social context of HIV/AIDS, its spread, and its prevention. The course will also discuss whether the application of western categories of gender is useful for understanding and analyzing the experiences of African men and women.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 153 AF -Slave Women in Antebellum America

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 158 PZ -Ecological History

    Institution: Pitzer College

    Description: This interdisciplinary course examines the historical relationship between humans and the  natural environment from a global perspective. We will explore broad themes including early  human environmental impacts, the agricultural revolutions, the collapse of early civilizations,  health and disease ecology, processes of deforestation and desertification, the transformation  in energy regimes, the paradox of population growth, the rise of environmentalism and the  conservation movement, and the crisis of modern agriculture and diet.  

  • HIST 160 PZ -Violent Dissent in U.S. Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Has political violence undertaken against the state or without state permission represented a deviation from (and an obstacle to) American political development, or has it been essential to American political development? Is non-state political violence aberrant or fundamental in American history? This course examines instances of violent dissent and resistance and the way they fit into the established narratives about the American past. The course will also examine the question of legitimacy, asking if Americans have always believed that government has a monopoly on legitimate violence.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 163 PZ -Propaganda

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Examination of propaganda past and present. We will look at everything from police state rhetoric to mass-market advertising, investigating the ways in which propaganda has been mobilized in different times and places.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 165 PZ -Baghdad and Constantinople: Imperial Urban, Religious, Intellectual and Cultural Landscapes in Competition

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the medieval Byzantine and Islamic empires from a comparative perspective (c.300AD to c.1300AD). The history, cultural achievements, and religious contexts of each city will be explored: Constantinople as the imperial center of Byzantine Christianity, and Baghdad as the center of the Abbasid Caliphate. The cities engaged in intense competition (c. 700-1200 AD) for mastery and control of the region an dof the classical Greek legacy. The course concludes with each city’s first major capture and destruction: Constantinople 1204, and Baghdad 1258. Particular attention will be given to the concepts of knowledge and culture as tools of imperialism. 

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 168 PZ -Diaspora, Gender, and Identity

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will interrogate the multiple conceptualizations of “diaspora” through the analytic lens of gender and in a diverse historical contexts, particularly in the early modern and modern eras and focusing on African, Chinese, and Indian diasporas. Until recently, studies have neglected women and gender in comparative diaspora histories. this course will therefore focus on cutting-edge scholarship dealing with identity reproduction, the role of marriage and sex in establishing networks across space and time, and tensions over sexuality, masculinity, patriarchy, community leadership, morality, and belonging.

    Prerequisite(s): 1 course in either history, anthropology or GFS. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 170 PZ -Hybrid Identities: Spanish Empire

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: In the Spanish Empire, many distinct peoples coexisted under one king and together created a diverse imperial society. This seminar examines the ways that religion, ethnicity, language, law and space defined or failed to define people in the Spanish Empire. We will pay particular attention to the processes of cultural encounter, domination, resistance and adaptation that formed identity. The course begins in Spain, exploring interactions between “old Christian” Spaniards, Jewish people converted to Christianity and Muslims converted to Christianity. We then turn to colonial Latin America and the Philippines to consider interactions between Spaniards and indigenous peoples such as Aztec, Inca, Maya, and Tagalog Filipinos.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Note(s): RLST Majors: HRT II

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 171 AF -History of African American Women in the United States

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 173 AF -Black Intellectuals and the Politics of Race

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 173 PZ -Religion, Violence and Tolerance, 1450-1650

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines religious and social transformations in Europe from 1450 to 1640. Focusing on common people’s experiences, we will explore the relationship of religion to social action and tolerance during an era when Latin Christendom broke apart into a religiously divided Europe. We will examine how religious ideas, practices and debates fueled social conflict and protest and under what circumstances religious toleration and intolerance were possible.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Note(s): RLST Majors: HRT II

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 175 PZ -Magic, Heresy and Gender in the Atlantic World, 1400-1700

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the history of witchcraft, magic and forbidden versus approved belief in the trans-Atlantic world from 1400 to 1700. We will begin in Europe and then turn to Spanish America and New England to examine the contributions of Africans and Native Americans to both the practice and ideas of witchcraft. Special focus will be given to the role of the devil and the ways that gender influenced decisions to condemn or accept ideas about magic and nature.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Note(s): RLST Majors: HRT II

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 176 AF -Civil Rights Movement Modern Era

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 179A/B/C/D HM -Special Topics in the History of Science

    Institution: Harvey Mudd

    Description: For course info, please see Harvey Mudd College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 180 PZ -The Other Talented Tenth: African-American Female Intellectuals and the International Call for Civil Rights. 1816-1900

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Throughout the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, African-American female intellectuals used their abolitionist tactics of non-violence to reach an international audience. Their goal was to raise awareness about the horrors of Southern slavery, lynching, and practices of Jim Crow. They were invited to speak at international conferences, networked with foreign thinkers, and forged life-long professional alliances with their male counterparts. This course explores the personal letters, journals, poetry, Friendship albums, newspapers, and anti-slavery novels to underscore the critical contributions they made during the era of emancipation. Moreover, how their work helped to frame the paradigm of activism used by the modern civil rights movement leaders of the 1950s and 1960s.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 181 PZ -Explorations in Deep Time

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: At the end of the seventeenth century, the bottom dropped out of time. Those accustomed to thinking of the Earth and of humanity, according to biblical timescales now had to confront the possibility of “deep time,” the possibility of a time whose magnitude defied the imagination. We will examine that shift and its consequences, as it played itself out through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with ramifications into the present.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 183 CM -The Fall of Rome and the End of Empire

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 183 HM -Science and Technology: North American Culture

    Institution: Harvey Mudd

    Description: For course info, please see Harvey Mudd College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 185 PZ -Information Revolutions x.0 and z.0: the Printing Press and Internet

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: We are constantly reminded that we are living through an information revolution - a historically unprecedented transformation, spurred by ceaseless technological change. But ours is not the first “information age,” nor is it self-evidently the most revolutionary. This course explores two information revolutions - the printing press in the 15th and 16th centuries, and digital communications technologies in the 20th and 21st - to uncover their similarities and differences, and to gain an understanding of the interrelationship between our communbications technologies and our social and political organization.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 187 PZ -The History and Politics of World Soccer

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course surveys the history and politics of world soccer. We will see how culture, politics and history play themselves out upon the stage of stadium and field, from fascist Italy to visionary Uruguay to indomitable Cameroon. We will see how the World Cup has become a catalyst for political and cultural debate, and how it has made, and destroyed, political regimes. And we will try to understand the game as others, in different times and places, have seen it: a game freighted with meaning and beauty

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 188 PZ -Anxiety in the Age of Reason

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Many enlightenment authors expressed confidence in the relentless progress of knowledge, but they also exuded skepticism and unease about reason. New questions about nature and new approaches to studying it, unleashed fears about humanity’s place in the world. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz worried that the specter of infinite time might eliminate the need for God; David Hume doubted the necessity of cause and effect; Immanuel Kant limited reason to make way for faith. Each of these writers used reason to question the religious and metaphysical foundations of knowledge. But reason also created its own fears. This course is about those fears and what lay behind them.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 189 PZ -Frankfurt School

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course focuses on the history and writings of the Frankfurt School, the group of theorists associated with the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt. The Frankfurt School would become enormously important, especially as a foundation for what is now often (and somewhat uncritically) called “critical theory.” This is an advanced seminar. Students will be expected to have some knowledge of the sources that Frankfurt School thinkers considered foundational, among them Kant, Marx, Weber, and Freud.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 012 PZ or by permission of instructor. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 189A PO -US Environmental History

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 197 PZ -The Seminar in History

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to selected major historians and subfields of history, Required of all history majors for graduation. Should be taken in junior year or first semester of senior year. Open to non-history majors with consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HIST 199 PZ -Senior Thesis.

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

History of Ideas

  • HSID 001 PZ -Introduction to the History of Ideas

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An exploration of the shift in Western attitudes toward human life in the second half of the 19th century. Readings include Wells’ Invisible Man, Stevenson’s Jekyll and Hyde, Stoker’s Dracula and Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 005 PZ -History of Philosophy: Ancient-600 BC-425 AD

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A survey of the history of European philosophical thought from the time of the ancient Greeks to the middle ages. Readings include selections from the works of Plato, Aristotle and Boethius. Appropriate for all students.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 009 PZ -History of Philosophy: Modern

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A survey of the history of European philosophical thought from Shakespeare’s time to the 1800s. Readings include selections from the works of Descartes, Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Appropriate for all students.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 119 PZ -Metaphysics & Metaphysicians: Poets & Philosophers

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: In the seventeenth century, developments in science and metaphysics revolutionized the way people perceived the world and wrote about it. This course will examine the revolution, focusing on the relation of metaphysics to poetry. Readings from Donne and others.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 122 PZ -Alien Gods

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A look at three mystical and magical religious traditions: Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, and Hermeticism.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 123 PZ -Philosophy of Magic and the Occult

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A look at the practice and theory of the modern occult movement, with emphasis on “The Golden Dawn.” Appropriate for all students.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 136 PZ -The Emotions

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A philosophical look at the nature of emotion in general and at the natures of the particular emotions of guilt, shame, embarrassment, anger, jealousy, and envy.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 140 PZ -The Philosophical Dialog

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: In this course, we will read several philosophical dialogs and examine the arguments in them, while asking the literary question of why their authors were attracted to this form. Readings will range from Plato’s Euthyphro to John Perry’s recent Dialog on Personal Identity and Immortality.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • HSID 150 PZ -The Detective Novel

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An explanation of the evolution of detective fiction in relation to its changing historical and cultural context. Readings from Poe, Doyle, Christie, Hammitt, and Chandler.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.


    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • GFS 191 PZ -Senior Thesis or Project

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

Critical Global Studies

  • CGS 010 PZ -Introduction to CGS

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will introduce students to the field of international and intercultural studies. The course objective is to acquaint students with key concepts and practices defining human societies and their relations, such as colonialism, development, revolution, national and transnational, globalization, ideology, identity, culture, and knowledge. The course also exposes students to disciplinary, area studies and newly emerging conceptualizations of the field.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 017 PZ -History and Political Economy of Natural Resources

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course surveys the modern history and political economy of natural resources. Though we will focus on gold, diamonds, and oil, the course also addresses larger issues of resource exploitation within specific historical, political, and economic settings. We begin with the so-called “scramble for Africa,” when European nations carved up Africa between them at Berlin Conference in 1885. This scramble for Africa and its resources was later extended to other regions of the non-western world, such as the Middle East. The course will then explore the role of natural resources in internal and global conflicts, from the colonial to the post-colonial periods, focusing on how those conflicts played themselves out in Africa and the Middle East.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: HIST 017 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 038 PZ -Nature, Movement and Meditation in Qigong

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Qigong is an ancient Chinese philosophy and practice. This course will have two major components: 1) history and theory of Qigong within Chinese culture, and 2) Qigong practice based on the Wei Tuo Eight Minute Drill that balances energy components of the human body for both physical and psychic health. Here the human ecology of the interaction between Qi energy in the natural environment and human beings will be investigated. This course will not only provide access to information and knowledge “about” another culture, but also will provide an opportunity to experience how another culture accesses knowledge.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 050 PZ -Power and Social Change

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: “Power to the People!” “Knowledge is power.” What does one mean by power, and how may altering power relations lead to social change? This course will critically examine different theories of power, the relationship between power and violence, and how power can be used to liberate as well as dominate and manipulate. Students will examine works from various interdisciplinary fields and movements, such as Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, anti-colonial and postcolonial movements, and indigenous and grassroots movements.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 060 PZ -Interdisciplinary Knowledge & Global Justice

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Designed as an introduction to theoretical debates central to interdisciplinary critiques of objectivist epistemology and methodologies, the course provides students with interdisciplinary methods for research and other knowledge practices. Students will be exposed to a range of alternative ways that interdisciplinary fields frame questions, conduct research and engage in action by challenging the political and ethical terms of the academy, muddying the fiction of the theory/practice divide, exploring the kinds of theoretical, ideological, and material praxis that constitute interdisciplinary inquiry. Ethics, politics, epistemologies, authority, evidence, protocols, priorities, and feasibility will be discussed as students design a research project in interdisciplinary knowledge production to be used in External Studies independent study projects and/or in senior projects.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: Knowing and Telling

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 067 PZ -Theory and Practice of Resistance to Monoculture: Gender, Spirituality, and Power

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Course examines historical and contemporary resistance to monocultural patters of knowledge and social relations supporting capitalist modernity. Resistance to monoculture has historically emerged from groups surviving the onslaught of monoculture, including women; the underclasses; and peoples of third worlds and first nations. The knowledge systems of these groups suggest how to practice constructive social change.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Note(s): RLST Majors: PRT

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 070 PZ -Whose Justice?

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: If justice occurs under the terms of the modern nation-state, then how is justice served for those violated by the nation-state: the colonized, refugees, outlawed social movements, and those who queer national norms? This course explores justice under the modern nation-state and forms of justice that interrogate the assumptions of the modern to work across social differences and introduce notions of justice from within and beyond Eurocentric rights, courts, and objectivity. Readings will be drawn from court cases, social movements, novels and indigenous narratives, parody and humor, feminist and queer performances, modern documents, and postmodern social theory.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

    Please check course schedule for requirements.

  • CGS 075 PZ -Introduction to Postcolonial Studies

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An exploration of the ways in which resistance to colonization has shaped colonized peoples and colonizers alike past and present. Social movement websites, films analytical readings, and short fiction will survey various perspectives (Marxism, postmodernism, feminism, queer theory) on postcolonial studies. The course will introduce methods of constructing seemingly “natural” objects (nation, landscape, historical fact, women) in ways that decolonize social and material relations and knowledge.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 080 PZ -Introduction to Critical Theory

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A survey of social and cultural critiques at an introductory level, this course will prepare students for advanced level critical thinking, interdisciplinary solution building and social change work. We will begin with theoretical frameworks in established fields of social critique, such as feminism, anti-colonialism, cultural studies, critical race theory, critical legal/justice studies, and women of color theory. The course also introduces postmodern theories in postcolonial studies, poststructuralist feminism, post-Marxism, border studies and queer theory. Suitable for first- and second-year students, as well as upper level students who feel they have not yet been sufficiently exposed in their education to critical and/or theoretical thinking.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 085 PZ -(Re)Learning Love for the Land

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The failure of colonial settlers to respect the land has resulted in global cultural and climate changes with large scale destructive impacts, including nearly complete devastation of indigenous subsistence and knowledge practices. This course introduces ways that Indigenous peoples past and present practice constructive, reciprocal relations with animal and plant inhabitants on the land, seas, and skies through readings and concrete practices. Meetings with indigenous community members practicing love for the land combined with field encounters with southern California native plants will open up ways to live out love for the land again. While the course focuses on California, students will also explore human-land relations in their own heritages and other sites.

  • CGS 095 PZ -Engaging Difference

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The overall goal of this interdisciplinary course is to assist participants to develop intercultural competence especially intercultural sensitivity and cross-cultural research. The course will give students a skill set for conducting global/local research on study abroad and the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the role that culture plays in intercultural communication.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 101 PZ -Health and Health Care in Costa Rica Pre-departure Seminar

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Students who plan to participate in the Costa Rica Summer Health Program are required to take this course during the spring semester immediately before their program. The seminar covers an introduction to epidemiology and health care in Costa Rica as well as units on history, environment, economy and politics, and a workshop on intercultural learning.  Students are required to learn how to understand and analyze various sources of population and public health data, write a series of four short papers, give an oral presentation with an accompanying background paper, and complete a series of exercises dealing with the kinds of intercultural challenges they will likely confront during their homestays and internships in Costa Rica.

    Note(s): Restricted to students participating in the Costa Rica Summer Health Program in the summer immediately following the class.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

    Please check course schedule for requirements.

  • CGS 109C PZ -Chinese Philosophy, Culture and Traditional Medicine

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This is an intermediate course on theory, history, and practice of Wei Tuo QiGong. Students will study and practice the Shao Lin Tu Na exercises and meditation to better understand and experience the cultural and medical context of qi gong. Students will reflect upon the concepts of the mind/body relationship, time, consciousness and dreams.

    Prerequisite(s): IIS 038 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 110 PZ -(Mis)Representations of Near East and Far East

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 113 PZ -Science, Politics and Alternative Medicine

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This seminar will study healing practices from around the world. It will include three aspects: 1) the philosophical, historical and political dimensions; 2) the local knowledge and theories of healing and illness in four traditions-Amerindian and Chinese and two from among the following: Mayan, African, Santeria, Curindera, Brazilian spiritualists, etc.; and 3) a review of the clinical efficacy of these complementary and alternative medicines provided by the Western biomedical sciences, as well as their political acceptance within the U.S.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: POST 190 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 120 PZ -State and Development in the Third World

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course analyzes the role of the state in the development process in Third World societies. It explores state policies toward rural development and industrialization, as well as socio-political forces which influence the implementation of development policies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 122 PZ -Contemporary Political and Social Movements in the Third World

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores the rise, the nature and the objectives of popular movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Using political economy and comparative approaches, the course examines: (1) recent theories of social movements and (2) the roots of rebellions, protests and resistance as expressions of unsatisfied needs. Case studies include: Islamic, ethnic/racial, women’s and ecological movements.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 123 PZ -Third World Socialism

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The variety of historical experiences and dilemmas in the transition to socialism in the Third World will be explored through six case studies: China and Vietnam, Cuba and Nicaragua, Tanzania and Mozambique. A comparative perspective will focus on issues such as colonialism and imperialism, development and the peasantry, constraints of the international system, ideology and mass mobilization, democracy and the state.

    Prerequisite(s): Social Science background. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 125 PZ -African Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The focus of this course will be democracy in Africa. More specifically, it will involve an examination of the struggles over the forms democracy takes, a review of democracy’s internal and external advocates, a study of the relationship between democracy and development and an analysis of the factors which led to the adoption and demise, of forms of democracy in a variety of African countries.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 127 PZ -Environment and Development in the Third World

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The course explores the dynamics of positive and/or negative relationships between environment and development in the Third World. Its theoretical perspectives are complimented by an experiential requirement in which the students will occasionally visit the maquiladora enterprises along the U.S./Mexico border.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 128 PZ -War on Terror

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Surveys, analyses of the War on Terror focusing on national policy, gender and sexuality, religion, legal issues, and political economy. Sources range from state elites and women or subaltern groups in conflict zones to postmodern theorists drawing on history, the Geneva Convention, films, websites, novels, and humor.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: POST 128 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 130 PZ -Credible Fears: Critical Asylum Studies

    Institution: Pitzer College

    Description: The global refugee crisis is one of the most urgent issues of our times. This course offers an introduction to one aspect of this crisis: the legal framework governing how individuals seek, attain, or are denied asylum in the U.S. We will focus on the key principles and elements of U.S. asylum law, the established U.S. policies and practices asylum-seekers must navigate, recent developments, and hot-button issues. We will also explore the historical and philosophical background that gave rise to the development of international refugee law. Why does asylum exist? Who merits asylum and why?

  • CGS 141 PZ -Agricultural Economic Development in the Third World

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course focuses on the role and problems of the agricultural sector in Third World development. It explores 1) economic theories and models of agricultural development and institutional policy and issues; 2) problems of food vs. export production, price system and distribution, rural development and food crisis which often results in famines, scarcity and malnutrition.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ or ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 146 PZ -International Relations of the Middle East

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the dynamics of the international relations of the Middle East, with special emphasis on the African-Middle Eastern dimension, namely, “south-south” relations. Political, economic and socio-historical interactions between the Middle East and Africa are analyzed within the framework of international relations. It explores the manifestations of African-Middle Eastern relations in regional issues and conflicts, e.g., Arab-Israel wars and tensions, the Horn of Africa, North Africa; and non-conflictual aspects, e.g., economic cooperation. The impact of major powers is also examined.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 150 PZ -U.S.-Chinese Rivalry in Africa

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores the great power rivalry over the vast Africa’s natural resources. It focuses principally on U.S.-Chinese rivalry. The course discusses economics strategies and geopolitical consequences for Africa.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 160 PZ -Decolonization from Below

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Hearing the demands and desires of those “from below,” those blocked from social mobility, introduces
    students to decolonizing practices developed not by activists from the global north but by subalterns. We will
    encounter both rural illiterate residents of the global south in history and fiction from India and North Africa to
    the Americas, and also the subaltern as the erasure by modern universalized generalizations through their
    inevitable exclusions. Refusing these exclusions makes the subaltern recognizable under Eurocentric modernity
    and gives their demands traction, opening ways to decolonization as responsibility to those who generally go
    unheard in the society and academy of the global north.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 167 PZ -Theory and Practice of Resistance to Monoculture: Gender, Spirituality, and Power

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: In this course we will examine theoretically and experientially models of historical and contemporary resistance to monocultural patterns of knowledge and social relations. This resistance historically has been and continues to be produced and/or molded in large measure by imperial and capitalist relations and by selected European scientific systems.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Note(s): (Preparation for China Program).

  • CGS 190 PZ -Senior Seminar

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The course will introduce students to critical thinking and emerging methods for understanding the world in a way that is less bound by the 20th century Euro-American academy and more oriented to justice. The course develops skills at recognizing the socio-political and cultural effects produced by certain key categories and terms, such as nation, race, gender, culture, or by approaching the world through a particular discipline or emphasizing a particular geographic area. The course will also examine alternative categories and terms that are being developed in emerging fields of study, such as critical development studies, postcolonial studies, discourse studies, queer studies, and cultural studies. By taking the course the student will explore their interests while gaining an awareness of interdisciplinary approaches to global and local political and cultural relations.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CGS 199 PZ -Senior Thesis

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • JPNT 177 PO -Japanese and Japanese American Women Writers

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • JPNT 178 PO -Japanese and Japanese American Autobiography

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • LATN 001 PO -Introductory Latin

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS008A PO

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 001 SC -Introductory Latin

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 002 PO -Introductory Latin

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS008B PO

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 002 SC -Introductory Latin

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 022 PO -Introductory Latin Accelerated

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS032 PO

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 022 SC -Introductory Latin Accelerated

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 033 PO/SC -Intermediate Latin

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS110 PO and CLAS112 PO

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 033 SC -Intermediate Latin

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 044 PO/SC -Advanced Latin Readings

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS181B PO

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 044 SC -Advanced Latin Readings

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS181A SC

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 057 SC -Intermediate/Advanced Readings in Latin

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps Collge catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LATN 103 PO -Readings in Medieval Latin (half-credit)

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: CLAS103 PO

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • LGCS 010 PZ -Introduction to the Study of Language

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: For students wishing to learn about the nature of language, including: How is language structured at the levels of sound, form and meaning? Does the language we speak determine our thoughts, our perception of the world? Can animals learn to talk? How does our language reflect our culture, gender, ethnicity?

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 011 PO -Introduction to Cognitive Science

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 082 PZ -Racial Politics of Teaching

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This class examines how race and ethnicity are constructed in schooling from sociological, linguistic, and ethnic studies standpoints. Specifically, we will discuss how race and ethnicity are constructed in schooling and ways teachers/educators may refine their pedagogies in relation to race and ethnicity. Students will do a research project.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: ASAM 082 PZ, SOC 082 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 101 PO -Comparative and Historical Linguistics

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 104 PO -Phonetics

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 105 PO -Syntax

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 106 PO -Semantics

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 107 PO -Pragmatics

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 108 PO -Phonology

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 109 PO -Morphology

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • LGCS 110 PZ -Language and Gender

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The relation between cultural attitudes and language. The course will investigate how gender socialization is reflected in the structure of language at all levels and the extent to which male/female patterns of language use might contribute to the creation and/or maintenance of given structures of power, solidarity, etc. Students will be expected to develop their own fieldwork-based project.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

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