Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog 
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • CHNT 168 PO -Gender in Modern Chinese Literature

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • CLAS 001 PO -Introduction to the Ancient Greeks and Romans

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 010 PO -The Epic Tradition

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 012 SC -Greek Tragedy

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 014 SC -Ancient Comedy

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 018 SC -The Ancient Novel and Romance

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 019 SC -The Ancient World in Film

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 020 PZ -Fantastic Archaeology: Modern Myths, Pseudo-Science, and the Study of the Past

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An exploration of popular and fantastic interpretations of archaeological sites and finds. This course investigates pseudoscientific explanations of archaeological questions and the biases that underlie them.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 060 SC -Greek Civilization

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 061 SC -Roman Life and Literature

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 114 SC -Female and Male in Ancient Greece

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 121 JT -Classical Mythology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An exploration of Greek and Roman mythology through both literature (in translation) and visual material (ancient art, architecture, and other material culture).

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 125 PZ -Ancient Spectacle

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Spectacles offered ancient Greeks and Romans countless opportunities to define and present themselves to others-as individuals, as communities, even as kings and emperors. Using archaeological and literary evidence, this course will explore topics such as ancient theater and other types of performance, parades and triumphs, athletic competitions, gladiatorial contexts and wild beast games, mock battles, and even public protests. We will also look at domestic spectacles, from pleasure boats and county houses to fantastic dinner parties.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 130 SC -Roman Decadence

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 141 PZ -Egyptian Art & Archaeology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introductory survey to the art, architecture, and archaeology of ancient Egypt, from the prehistoric cultures of the Nile Valley to the Greco-Roman period.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 145 PZ -Archaeology Seminar

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Explores the archaeology of the early Mediterranean, including evidence for prehistoric societies, ancient trade networks, and early complex societies.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 150 PZ -Special Topics in Ancient Studies

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A research seminar that focuses on specific historical periods, societies, problems, or themes. In 2014, the seminar will focus on archaeology and urbanism in the ancient Mediterranean

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 161 PZ -Greek Art and Archaeology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to the art, architecture, and other material culture of the ancient Greek world, from the Bronze Age through the rise of Alexander the Great.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 162 PZ -Roman Art and Archaeology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to the art and architecture of the ancient Roman world, from the late Republic through the High Empire and up until the reign of Constantine. The course will include discussion of material both from the city of Rome and around the empire.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 164 PZ -Pompeii and the Cities of Vesuvius

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Explores the archaeology, history, and art and architecture of the ancient Roman towns of the Bay of Naples buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79CE, including Pompeii and Herculaneium, as well as the villas and estates in the area. Examines the evidence for daily life in an ancient Roman city through the unusually well preserved remains of these sites and considers them in the context of the wider Roman world.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 175 PZ -International Cultural Heritage

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Cultural heritage can be defined as physical signs of the human past that exist in the present. This course focuses on cultural heritage as part of the built environment and its role in the effort to create a sustainable future. Students will be introduced to key concepts and examine theories and methods In the field today, particularly how these intersect with scholarship, international law, and policy.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 190 PZ -Senior Seminar in Classics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course consists of an intensive study of selected topics within the larger field of classical studies leading to significant independent research. Required of majors in the senior year.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CLAS 191 SC -Senior Thesis

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

Creative Studies

  • CREA 018 PZ -A History of the Creative Process

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The course examines the history of the creative process from an interdisciplinary perspective. As a consequence, the history creative process will be theorized from the vantage point of the combination of intellectual history and performance studies. The knowledge area that will be looked at will stretch from natural history (Big Bang Theory) to human history (abstract art). The coordinates of time and space will be the parameters in this study of the human imagination.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 025 PZ -World in a Nutshell: The Short Story

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: authors as Hawthorne, James, Hemingway, Joyce, Porter, Faulkner, O’Connor, Elkin, Roth, Olsen, Malamud, and Updike. In addition to reading and writing about the stories of others, students will be writing and revising stories of their own. Recommended for first-year students and sophomores.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 031 PZ -Creative Writing and Creative Thought

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: We shall be studying and writing short stories and poems with an eye to their relation to other disciplines that generate ideas and are in return enriched by creative writing. Students will share what they have learned from their readings of assigned authors in return for the favor of workshop responses and suggestions to their own efforts during class.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 105 PZ -Pictures in Text-Texts in Pictures

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will focus on a selected number of representations (from Shakespeare to our time) distinguished by a specific combination or mixture of text and image. The texts include such fascinating poems as Blake’s “The Tyger”, Shelley’s Ozymandias, Melville’s Moby Dick, Cormac McCarthy’s The Crossing; and the pictures include paintings from the 18th through the early 20th centuries.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 110 PZ -Science and Creativity

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the nature of creativity in the context of traditional Western science. Topics include the uniqueness of science, does it uncover “universal truths” in ways other disciplines do not? How is science influenced by culture and gender? Does scientific creativity always yield progress and benefit human kind, or does science need to be subject to ethical constraints?

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 120 PZ -Greek Tragedy in Translation

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Concentrating on the Greeks, we shall attempt to understand the characteristics of the “tragic,” that unique vision of the human condition which seems to cross cultural and temporal boundaries to unite a vast range of “serious” dramatic literature. May be repeated with different content for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 124 PZ -The Bible and Homer

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A literary study of the twin fountainhead of Western literature: Homer and the Hebrew bible. Prereq: a college-level course in literature, religion, or classics or permission of the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 159B PZ -Shakespeare: Tragedy and Beyond

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course is devoted to the evolution of Shakespearean tragedy from the last years of his period of high romantic comedy to the end of his tragic period. We will be concerned also with Shakespeare’s reception and interpretation in Germany.

    Prerequisite(s): One of the following or the equivalent-ENGL 010A PZ or ENGL 010B PZ or ENLG 011A PZ or ENGL 011B PZ, or some lower or upper division literature course. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 159C PZ -Shakespeare and Film

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: At best a director’s work is a form of literary analysis. We shall be using texts of Shakespeare plays as the sticking point from which to proceed to comparative analyses of film productions of the plays.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 188 PZ -Hogarth and 18th Century Culture & Literature

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: We’ll be studying visual satires, pictures with humor that also bite, by the English artist William Hogarth (1697-1764), a pioneer of (post)modern comics and picture stories. Hogarth was the “author” of narrative satires like A HARLOT’S PROGRESS and A RAKE’S PROGRESS, often imitated but never rivaled for their satirical and technical excellence. His most important series will be discussed in detail, including the cultural and literary background that inspired his satirical visual narratives.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 193A PZ -Fictions of James Joyce

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: We shall be studying the evolution of form and content in Joyce’s works from his first major efforts at the turn of the century through the completion of Ulysses. Our guiding questions will be why Joyce presents his material as he does and how his work relates to the literary and extraliterary intellectual concerns of our time.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • CREA 199 PZ -Senior Thesis or Exhibition

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Exceptional students may apply to the field group to write a thesis or participate in a senior exhibition. Applications are due before the end of the previous semester. This course will be taken in addition to the other requirements for the major. (This course will be offered as needed on an independent study basis).

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • DANC 010 PO -Beginning Modern Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 012 PO/PPO -Beginning Ballet I

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 050 PO/PPO -Intermediate Modern Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 051 PO/PPO -Intermediate Ballet Technique

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 073 CH -Pre-Columbian Dance

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 076A SC -Modern Dance I

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 076B SC -Modern Dance I

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 078A SC -Ballet I

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 078B SC -Ballet I

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 101 SC -History of Dance Western Culture

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 102 SC -Dynamics of Human Movement

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 103 SC -Laban Movement Analysis

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 119 PO -Modern Dance Technique and Theory III

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 120 PO/PPO -Modern Dance III: Visiting Artists

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 121 PO -Modern Technique and Theory IV

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 122 PO/PPO -Modern Dance IV: Visiting Artists

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 123 PO -Advanced Ballet Technique and Theory

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 124 PO/PPO -Advanced Ballet Technique

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 130 PO -Language of the Body

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 135 PO -Traditions of World Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 136 PO -A History of Social Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 137 PO -Performing Art: Issues of Sexuality and Gender in Music, Theatre, and Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 140 PO -Composition I. Beginning Creative Movement Exploration

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 150C PO -Music and Dance of Bali

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 150D PO -Indian Classical Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 150E PPO -Cultural Styels: Middle East

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 151 PO/PPO -Exploration of Cultural Styles: African Aesthetics

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 152 PO/PPO -Hip-Hop Dance

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 153 PO/PPO -Beginning/Intermediate Jazz Technique

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 159 SC -Dance Composition I

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 160 PO -Anatomy and Kinesiology

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 160 SC -Dance Composition II

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 165 PO -Somatic Movement Techniques

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 166 PO -Somatic Movement Techniques

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 170 PO -The Mind in Motion

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 175 PO -Alexander Technique in Motion

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 176 PO/PPO -Alexander Technique in Motion

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 180 PO/PPO -Repertory- 2 Pieces

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 181 PO/PPO -Repertory- 1 Piece

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • DANC 192 PO -Senior Project

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • ECON 051 PZ -Principles of Macroeconomics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Introduction to the determination of national income and output including an examination of fiscal policy and monetary policy. Within this framework, such problems as budget deficits, inflation and unemployment will be studied, as well as international economic issues such as trade deficits and exchange rates. Basic economic principles will be applied to current policy questions.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 052 PZ -Principles of Microeconomics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A study of the operation of the market system (wherein relative prices and quantities are determined by supply and demand); application of analytical tools (including algebraic and geometric) to current economic policy problems; and an examination of the conditions under which the market system will, or will not, optimally allocate resources. The determination of wages, profit and allocation of resources will be discussed as well as the problems arising from various forms of monopoly. The course includes a demonstration of the interdependence of all forms of economic activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 086 CM -Accounting for Decision Making

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

  • ECON 087 PZ -Accounting & Finanicial Analysis

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Examines the role of accounting information in decision making with a focus on developing student ability to critically analyze financial statements and related documents. It also addresses the policies and procedures that compose the accounting information system. It serves as an overview to the accounting discipline with introduction to the subdisciplines of financial, managerial, accounting systems, tax, and auditing. This course is the equivalent of ECON 117 PO.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 091 PZ -Statistics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to the statistical tools used in the quantitative analysis of economic and political relationships. Topics include probability theory, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing and regression analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 020 PZ or equivalent. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 104 PZ -Macroeconomic Theory

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Advanced analysis of the determination of national income, employment and prices in an open economy. Theories of consumption, investment, business cycles and the effectiveness of government stabilization policy are examined. Various schools of thought are considered.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 105 PZ -Microeconomic Theory

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Theories of consumer behavior, demand, production, costs, the firm, market organization, resource use, general equilibrium and income distribution in a modern market economy.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 052 PZ; MATH 030 PZ or equivalent Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 115 PZ -Labor Economics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will use economic analysis to study the behavior of and relationship between employers and employees. Provides an introduction to the characteristics of the labor market and analysis of wage and employment problems, with a strong emphasis on policy issues. Among topics studied are job-seeking and employment practices, the determination of wages and benefits, worker mobility and immigration, discrimination, unionization, inequality, and unemployment.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 124 PO -Water Resource Economics and Management

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 125 PZ -Econometrics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Introduction to techniques and pitfalls in the statistical analysis of economic data. The classical linear regression model, method of least squares and simultaneous-equation models are developed. The computer is used, but prior programming experience is not required.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 091 PZ or equivalent Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 127 PO -Environmental and Natural Resource Policy

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 128 PO -Energy, Economics and Policy

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 132 PZ -Macroeconomic Policy: Case Studies

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An exploration of case studies and issues in macroeconomics from the perspective of the policy maker. Topics will include the U.K. gold standard, 1930 depression, Kennedy tax cuts, Nixon flexible exchange rates, Volcker interest rates, Mexican debt crisis, Thatcher monetary policies, Reaganomics, Japanese financial liberalization, Europe 1992.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 135 PZ -Money, Banking and Financial Markets

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Discussion of various financial markets such as money, bond and stock markets and various financial institutions, banking and non-banking. Introduction to the relevant basic monetary and financial theories. The course will also cover the banking system and the money supply process of the Federal Reserve, as well as the conduct of monetary policy such as its tools, goals and transmission mechanisms.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 140 PZ -Development Economics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will cover topics that analyze the process of economic development from many perspectives, including economic growth, inequality, characteristics of rural economies, market frictions in low-income countries and some of the international aspects of development. The course aims to offer an overview of economic development themes and debates.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 141 PZ -The Chinese Economy

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The course examines the development experience and current issues of the Chinese economy. It will review the historical legacies of the central planning from 1949 to 1978, and analyze the economic reform and transition to a market economy from 1978 to the present time. The course will also discuss the current problems and future challenges facing the Chinese economy and its relationship with the rest of the world in the context of globalization.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 145 PZ -International Economics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A study of the fundamental principles of international economic relations. Subjects covered include the economic basis for international specialization and trade, economic gains from trade, commercial policy and its effects, foreign exchange markets, the balance of international payments and international monetary problems.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 147 PZ -International Money and Finance

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Intermediate level course study for the study of the monetary and financial aspects of international economics. Subjects covered include balance of payments, international finance markets, theories of exchange rate determination, fundamental international parity conditions, history and current issues of the international monetary system, and macroeconomic policies in the open economy under different exchange rate arrangements.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 151 CM -Strategic Cost Management

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 163 PZ -Economics of Poverty and Discrimination

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the phenomenon of poverty and the role of discrimination as a potential contributing cause. The course has a strong policy focus including examination of recent policy debates on welfare reform and affirmative action. The course begins with a discussion of the definition and measurement of the poor in the US and in developing economies. This discussion is followed by an examination of differing views of the causes of poverty. Next, the role of racial, class, and sex discrimination in both education and the labor market is considered. The remainder of the class focuses on policy options including welfare programs, employment policies, and equal opportunity policies.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 171 CM -Environmental Economics

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 172 PZ -Environmental Economics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The theory and practice of environmental economic policy. This course applies tools of economic theory including externalities, public goods and cost-benefit analysis to the study of environmental issues, with a strong emphasis on policy issues. Topics include pollution control, water policy, global warming and biological diversity. We consider alternative public policy instruments for environmental improvement, including the use of direct controls versus market controls.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 176 PZ -Economics of the Public Sector

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course focuses on the role of government in the market economy, including consideration of the rationale for government intervention and interactions across levels of government. Current policies issues examined include budgeting, taxation, income redistribution, social insurance, education, and health care.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 180 PZ -Finance

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This is an introductory course in finance. It gives students an overview of the entire discipline and discusses its general principles and main concepts, including: the time value of money; asset pricing; risk management; capital budgeting; market efficiency; options; and derivatives. Particular attention will be given to some of the esoteric instruments relevant to the 2008 Financial Meltdown, such as collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps.

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 051 PZ & ECON 052 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • ECON 181 PZ -Agricultural Economics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores the supply and demand side of markets for agricultural goods both in the United States and internationally. Topics include farm production decisions, demand for agricultural goods, price dynamics, international trade in agricultural goods and the interactions between agricultural production and the environment, public health and economic development.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

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