Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog 
2013-2014 Pitzer Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • PHYS 199 KS -Independent Study in Physics

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

Political Studies

  • POLI 102 SC -Cooperation and Rivalry in the European Union

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 119 SC -Public Policy in the European Union

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 010A PZ -Introduction to Political Studies: Political Philosophy and U.S. Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to the study of politics and its subfields of political philosophy and U.S. politics. Concepts examined include human nature and power, community and the state, citizenship and rights, authority and legitimacy, freedom and equality, democracy and justice. Required of Political Studies majors; also serves as an appropriate course for other students interested in politics.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 010B PZ -Introduction to Political Studies: Global and Comparative

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to the study of politics and its sub fields of comparative politics and international and global affairs. The course explores how different peoples, classes, cultures and nations organize themselves politically for common purposes and for addressing conflicts. Required of Political Studies majors; also serves as an appropriate course for other students interested in politics.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 020 PZ -Congress and the Presidency

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The major goal of the course is to provide a detailed introduction to how the U.S. national government works. Congressional topics include the committee system, constituent relations, policy-making, the budget and recent reforms. Presidential topics include the rise of the modern presidency and its problems, presidential character, domestic and foreign policymaking and leadership.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 030 PZ -Comparative Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This introductory course focuses on explaining political events and processes- like civil war, regime change, revolution, and development- that we regularly read and hear about in the news. Empirically, the course deals with a variety of countries, including those in which Pitzer has study aborad and international exchange programs.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 040 PZ -Global Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The course offers an introduction to the history and theory of international politics in three parts; first, debates in international relations theory; second, international political history from 1500 to 1990; and third, various issues in contemporary international politics.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 050 PZ -Political Thought East and West: Introduction to Political Philosophy

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The study of political philosophy focuses on broad assumptions concerning human nature and the character of community organizations that regulate activities and seek to promote happiness. These assumptions, structures and goals vary through time and across cultures. This class examines the texts of major theorists representing European, Chinese, Islamic, and Indian political thought and compares their arguments concerning the nature of freedom, justice, equality, authority and responsibility among other fundamental concepts.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 060 PZ -Introduction to Public Policy

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course provides an overview of the processes and politics of policy-making in the United States. We will explore normative issues of equity and efficiency, consider advantages and disadvantages of policy-making in different venues (courts, legislatures, bureaucracies) and explore the different perspectives on the policy-making held by various actors.

    Prerequisite(s): POST 010A PZ or equivalent. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 070 PZ -Research Methods in Political Studies

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores the methods employed in political studies research. The two primary goals of the course are: 1) to provide new analytic tools that will help in the critical evaluation of social science material; and 2) to improve students’ ability to pose and answer research questions on their own.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 091 PZ -Statistics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An introduction to the statistical tools used in the quantitative analysis of economic and political relationships. Topics include probability theory, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing and regression analysis.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 098A CH -Applied Urban Politics I

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Applied Urban Politics I (fall semester) and Applied Urban Politics II (spring semester) are sequenced courses designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of city/urban politics through course content and internships with government agencies in Pomona, California.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 098B CH -Applied Urban Politics II

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Applied Urban Politics I (fall semester) and Applied Urban Politics II (spring semester) are sequenced courses designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of city/urban politics through course content and internships with government agencies in Pomona, California.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 101 PZ -Voting, Campaigns, and Elections

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This class addresses why individuals participate in U.S. elections, the factors that influence their voting decisions, and the role of campaigns in this process. You will learn to work with election data, develop a campaign strategy for a candidate, and design a get out the vote drive.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 102 PZ -Seminar on Women in Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The course treats the role of gender in politics and policy-making in the United States. The class is divided into four sections. In the first section, we examine women’s movements and developments in women’s rights from legal, historical, and political perspectives. The second section explores women’s political behavior including attitudes, voting patterns, and campaign strategies. The third section addresses women as political office holders and includes discussions of how women approach representation and policy formation. In this section, we consider “women’s issues” and investigate how certain policies affect women. The final section consists of student presentations on their term paper research. Throughout the course, we will explore such themes as the relationship (or lack thereof) between substantive and descriptive representation, the intersections between gender politics and racial and ethnic politics, and the status of women under law (de jure) and in practice (de facto). This course is cross-listed with Gender and Feminist Studies.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 103 PZ -Power and Participation in American Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores problems at the forefront of American politics, with an emphasis on active political participation. Questions include: How sould young people practice politics? Has civic participation become debilitated? Should we just poll people instead of holding elections? Should there be a military draft? Why are corporations so powerful?

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 105 PZ -American Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course covers a variety of issues at the forefront of political debate in the United States. It is a reading and writing intensive course. Readings come predominantly from leading intellectual journals and recent books. Students will be expected to write several short essays on the issues covered in the course such as the southernization of national politics, the privatization of the social safety net, the militarization of U.S. foreign policy, corporate and political corruption, economic polarization, the erosion of civil and human rights, the promise and limits of deliberative democracy, the state of the environment, the political influence of religious fundamentalists, homophobia in U.S. political culture, the aftermath of campaign finance reform, increasing government secrecy, polarization of the electorate, the rightward drift of the federal courts, and the “Texasization” of the U.S. education policy.

    Prerequisite(s): An introductory course in politics or American Studies is recommended, but not required. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 106 PZ -Law and Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the intersection of law, politics, and policy in the American context. Combining normative and empirical approaches, we will investigate theories of statutory interpretation, the opportunities and pitfalls of legal advocacy, the relationship between litigation and legislation, and the nature of judicial policy-making.

    Prerequisite(s): POST 060 PZ or POST 010A PZ (or other intro policy or intro to American politics course) or permission of instructor. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 107 CH -Latino Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The role of Latinos in the American political process will be examined. Latino political empowerment movements will be analyzed, with a focus on political culture/voter participation; organizational development in the different Latino sub-groups; leadership patterns, strategy and tactics; and other issues impacting the Latino community.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 108 PZ -California Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores state and local politics in California. Topics include racial/ethnic diversity, campaigns and electoral politics, redistricting, legislative professionalization and term limits, initiatives, referendums and recall elections, the organization of the executive branch, fiscal politics in the era of Prop 13, and regional policy and local governance.

    Prerequisite(s): POST 060 PZ or POST 010A PZ or equivalent. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 109 PZ -Public Opinion

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course is concerned with understanding what public opinion is, how one measures it, the forces that influence it, and how this relates to democracy. We will look at opinions across a range of policy areas, and learn how to design surveys and do basic analyses of public opinion data.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 110 PZ -Government and Politics of the EU

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course aims to cover the historical development, political institutions, and philosophical underpinnings of the European Union. topics include federalism, different notions of sovereignty, studies of contemporary decision-making in the Union, and assessments of democratic institutions in Europe. Prominent points of debate, such as monetary union, trade policies, environmental policies, enlargement policies, and defense policies are discussed. Particular attention will be paid to the contemporary debates on changes to the decision-making institutions in the Union and the euro crisis and Its potential effect on US institutions and the world.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 112 PZ -Old Living in an Old Country: British National Identies since 1945

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: In the seventy years since the end of WWII, Britain has undergone a turbulent transition from global empire to a second-rank European power, from a United Kingdom to an often divided nation. This course examines Britain’s kaleidoscopic national identities - European, British, English, Scottish, Irish and  Welsh - through their representation  in popular  culture and their place in the nations’ politics.

    The course has three components. First it provides a broad historical sweep through state and identity formation in the British Isles. This that covers the key moments from the formation of the Union in the early eighteenth century, through the creation of the British Empire in the nineteenth century to the emergence of a more democratic  Britishness during and immediately after the Second World War. Second, the course examines how the notions of Britishness established over the previous two centuries were challenged and transformed by the politics of nationalism and unionism in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales,; the social and cultural impact of mass migration first from the Empire and then from post cold war European Union; Third, cutting across both of the pervious course themes, students will look at key elements of British popular culture  -sport, television, cinema, comedy, music - since the Second World War, examining their role in the making and unmaking of British national identities

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 114 HM -Comparative Environmental Politics

    Institution: Harvey Mudd

    Description: For course info, please see Harvey Mudd College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 121 PZ -Religion, Conflict & Violence

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This is a course about the possible connections between religion and violence, focused particularly on organized armed conflict. This is a topic that has received, surprisingly, very little sustained attention from social science literatures and the main purpose of the course is to explore what the contours of a theory of religion and violence would like. The course is organized around major historical and theoretical monographs (a book a week) designed to structure class discussions and the course is, therefore, reading intensive. The readings have been designed to give students a sense of what answers historians and social scientists have given to the puzzle of religion and violence while stimulating the participants to ask provocative questions.
    This is a course in the historical sociology of religion and violence. Given the vastness of the subject I have had to be extremely selective in the time and places that we will be examining. The overall geographical bias of the course is Western Eurasia with equal time dedicated to the modern and premodern periods. We will also, in the interests of context, consider the case of 19th and 20th century South Asia.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 127 PZ -The Rise of Brazil

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The emergence of Brazil as a regional power may be altering the foundations of the economic and political order throughout the western hemisphere. This course will explore the rise of the newly assertive Brazil- and its consequences for politics and policy in the Americas.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 128 PZ -The War on Terror

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: What is the War on Terror? And what does it mean to fight a war against a strategy? This course examines the War from a variety of vantage points, including history, religion, foreign policy, psychology, gender, media, the law, human security, and political economy.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: IIS 128 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 129 PZ -Politics in Nation States

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course offers students a comprehensive introduction to the topics of comparative politics in nation states. Students will learn to analyze the internal or domestic politics of nation-states and make valid comparisons across states. Core topics include democracy and democratization, authoritarianism, power, ideology, nationalism, mass behavior, political economy, and other defining aspects of comparative politics. This course explores the political diversity of the world through a series of ten theoretically informed case studies. We will cover politics in Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, Japan, Mexico, Iran, India, and Nigeria.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 131 PZ -U.S. Foreign Policy: The U.S. as a Global Power

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course focuses on U.S. foreign policy since World War II. This course will employ various decision making models such as the rational actor, bureaucratic politics, governmental politics, groupthink and imperialistic models to examine various cases including U.S. relations with Vietnam, Iran, Guatemala, Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Angola, Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, and Iraq. In the process of exploring these cases we will trace the evolution of U.S. policy from Containment to Preventive War.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 133 PZ -Film, Politics and the Cold War

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: For nearly 50 years the Cold War influenced nearly all aspects of American political and culture life. This course examine Cold War genre films in an effort to understand how Americans perceived the Soviet threat and how these popular perceptions influenced international and domestic politics.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 135 PZ -Mapping Global Cultures

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: People, ideas, artefacts and images appear to be circulating the globe in ever greater numbers. Buit does this make a global culture, is this the end for the local,, is the cultural diversity of humanity declining or is it enriched. This course places culture at the heart of the globalization debate, maps the historical and contemporary geography of global cultural power and examines some of its key forms, from mass migration to world religions, from global mega events to social movements.

    First students will actively map four key elements of cultural globalization - the pattern of global migrations, the geography of global cultural infrastructures from language to the internet, the economic geography and functioning of the global culture industries and the use of soft power and cultural strategies by nation states. In the second part of the course, students will deploy these ideas to investigate the emergence and impact of global mega event from the world’s fairs to the Olympic Games, looking closely at the interplay of global and local actors in the production and circulation of meanings and ideas. In the third part of the course students will investigate three areas of contemporary cultural globalization - music and the visual arts, regional and consumerism, and new social movements.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 136 PZ -Race in Brazil and the U.S.

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course comparatively analyzes the social construction of racein Brazil and the United States. We draw on popular media, and interdisciplinary research to examine how race is constructed and contested in these societies. This course exploresthe conditions that may make racial democracies in both societies a reality.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Cross-listing: ANTH 136 PZ

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 140 HM -Global Environmental Politics

    Institution: Harvey Mudd

    Description: For course info, please see Harvey Mudd College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 141 PZ -International Political Economy

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Course examines the politics of international economic relations with a special focus on globalization. Covers the evolution and operations of the international political economy from the late-18th century to the 21st. Focuses on four areas: international trade, international monetary policy, capital flows, and the structure of global production.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 142 PZ -The Third World and the Global Economy

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An examination of the impact of international economic systems on the wealth and welfare of Third World countries. Early weeks treat the origins of the gap between rich and poor countries. Attention is then directed to problems raised by the contemporary global economic order and strategies to overcome the gap between rich and poor. The course addresses aid, trade, finance, foreign investment, and technology transfer.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 143 PZ -Global Governance

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores efforts to address global issues with institutions and organizations that transcend the nation-state. International Organizations, regional associations, nongovernmental organizations, regimes, collective action strategies, epistemic communities, and government networks are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 144 PZ -Global Security

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines the debate over security in a global era. Is traditional national security obsolete, and should “human security” replace it? A partial list of topics covered includes: great power competition, terrorism, crime, cyber-warfare, economic instability, failed-states, and security of/for society’s vulnerable.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 150 PZ -Political and Social Justice

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: From the beginnings of Western Civilization either in the Bible or Plato’s Republic, there has been a continual dialogue among political philosophers concerning the nature of justice. What is a just regime? What is the relationship between justice and compassion or between justice and utility? How do we know the nature of justice? The course will examine key philosophers in this dialogue from the ancients to present thinkers on this subject.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: History of Political Philosophy

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 151 PZ -Conquest of Nature & the Rise of the Modern State

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course takes a critical look at the sharp change in understanding of Nature and its relationship to the historical beginnings and development of the modern state that originates during the Renaissance. We will examine modern philosophical tests that argue for new forms of democratic governments that promote the securing of individual freedoms, happiness and progress as well as those that raise concerns about the success of the modern project.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    Formerly: History of Political Philosophy

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 155 PZ -Anarchist History and Thought

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course provides an introduction to the history and theory of anarchism. Major theorists covered include Godwin, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman and others. The course will also add to materials available online at Anarchy Archives.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 156 PZ -Critical Race Theory

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This upper-level course approaches problems in critical race theory, broadly conceived, from the distinctive perspectives of legal theory, social theory, and political theory. Our readings will include Derrick Bell, Ian Haney Lopez, Howard Winart, Michael Omi, Lisa Lowe, Carole Pateman, and Charles Mills. A background in critical theory is helpful but not required.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 159 PZ -Crime and Punishment

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This class will explore the root causes of crime and the reasons for punishment.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 161 PZ -Religion and Liberalism

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 163 PZ -Feminist Theory

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An overview of various traditional feminist philosophies serves as a background for a critical engagement with contemporary issues of intersectionality of race, gender, class and sexual orientation, generational history, transnational movements, and epistemological debates regarding new ways of thinking and defining fundamental concepts of power, authority, rights and the nation-state.

    Prerequisite(s): A course in GFS or Political Philosophy. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 172 PZ -The Battle over Birth Control: The Politics of Contraception Policy

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will examine contraception policy, and the debate surrounding it. In the interests of breadth I will situate this discussion in the context of other policies related to reproductive health policies including sex education, breastfeeding, abortion and pregnancy.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 174 CH -U.S. Immigration Policy and Transnational Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Examines the factors shaping the size and composition of past and contemporary immigration flows to the U.S. Areas examined include the role of economics, social networks, policy and politics in shaping immigration flows and the process by which immigrants simultaneously participate in the politics of sending and receiving countries.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 175 CH -Immigration and Race in America

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: America has long prided itself in being a nation of immigrants and in its ability to assimilate persons with distinct religious cultures and national origins. Far from being color-blind, the United States has been and remains a color-conscious society. The purpose of this course is to examine immigration and the formation of racial ideologies, hierarchies, and identities in America.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 180 PZ -Secularism and Public Opinion

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The purpose of this course Is to analyze research and carry-out projects that examine the causes and consequences of secularism among individuals from different societies and ethnicities. The course lays the foundation for understanding the philosophical roots of secularism, debates over its meaning, and it’s application across different societies.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 181 PZ -Agriculture & Political Rebellion

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course explores agrarianism as a foundation of consequential political life. To do so, it focuses on thinking beyond “food politics,” the theory and practice of the farm, politically momentous large-scale agrarian movements across the world, and the rise of a new agrarian politics in southern California and beyond.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 185 PZ -Political Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The discipline of political psychology evolved as psychological theories were employed in the analysis of the political process. Today the discipline includes how political processes impact psychological functioning. This course surveys the foundations of political psychology including group dynamics and decision-making, gender differences in cognitive and political behavior, authoritarianism, Machiavellianism, violence and aggression, psychohistory, and the analysis of belief systems.

    Prerequisite(s): POST 010A/B PZ or PSYC 010 PZ recommended, but not required. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 187 PZ -The History and Political Economy of World Soccer

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course examines topics in the history and politics of world soccer. We will see how culture, politics, economics and history play themselves out upon the stage of stadium and field. And we will try to understand the game as others, in different times and places, have seen it: a game freighted with meaning and beauty.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 189 PZ -Neoliberalism: IGLAS Seminar

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 190 PZ -Science, Politics and Alternative Medicine

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This seminar will study healing practices from around the world. It will include three aspects: 1) the philosophical, historical and political dimensions; 2) the local knowledge and theories of healing and illness in four traditions-Amerindian and Chinese and two from among the following: Mayan, African, Santeria, Curindera, Brazilian spiritualists, etc.; and 3) a review of the clinical efficacy of these complementary and alternative medicines provided by the Western biomedical sciences, as well as their political acceptance within the U.S.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 194 PZ -International Studies Workshop

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course is a workshop for students applying for fellowships to undertake international research or teaching. Focused primarily on the Fulbright, the workshop will guide students through the development of proposals, personal statements and other items required for a nomination. The course is designed to be an encompassing and flexible vehicle to manage the large number of students applying for international fellowships. The class will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm during the first half of the semester. Students may take it for a half-course credit, pass/no credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 194B PZ -International Studies Teaching Workshop

    Institution: Pitzer

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 195 PZ -Senior Seminar: Technology and Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This seminar investigates the intersection of technology and politics. We will study how political forces shape the development of new technologies–through government policy, social movements, and cultural values; and how technologies shape politics–elections and campaigning, surveillance and privacy, political economy, and warfare.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 196 PZ -Senior Seminar: Gender and Politics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: See course description for POST 102 PZ 

    Prerequisite(s): POST 060 PZ or POST 010A PZ or equivalent. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 198 CH -God in the Barrio

    Institution: Pitzer College

    Description: This course examines the role of religion in shaping Latino socio-political incorporation. Historically, religious organizations have been critical institutions serving immigrant communities and assisting their integration into the United States. Do contemporary religious organizations play this role in Latino communities? Are certain churches more actively promoting civic engagement among Latinos?

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POST 199 PZ -Senior Thesis

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Students who choose to write a senior thesis must present a proposal or paper to the Political Studies/Economics Field Group at the end of the prior semester for approval. Students will work closely with their faculty thesis advisers.

    Prerequisite(s): a senior seminar in Political Studies and field group approval. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

Pomona Politics

  • POLI 035 PO -City of Angels, City of Quartz

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 036 PO -Urban Politics & Public Policy

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 060 PO -Global Politics of Food and Agriculture

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 061 PO -The Global Politics of Water

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 118 SC -The Politics of Korea

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 128 SC -Race and American Capitalism

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 135 PO -Policy Implementation and Evaluation

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 135 SC -Political Economy of Food

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 136 PO -Politics of Environmental Justice

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 138 PO -Organizational Theory

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 139 PO -Politics of Community Design

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 149 PO -Techno Politics and Policy

    Institution: Pomona College

    Description: For course info, please see the Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and detials, please refer to the PItzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • POLI 178 PO -Political Economy of Development

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.


  • PSYC 010 PZ -Introduction to Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to psychology as it developed from a nonscientific interest to a scientific approach to human behavior. Special attention will be given to some of the major systems, issues and methods involved in contemporary psychology. Students will be expected to serve as participants in experiments.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 012 AF -Introduction to African American Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course provides an introduction to African American Psychology. It includes perspectives, education, community, life span development, gender and related issues. The course emphasizes the critical examination of current research and theory. Students are expected to contribute orally and in writing. Satisfies: D, SOC

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 051 PO -Psych Approaches Study of People

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 084 CH -Psychology of the Chicana/o

    Institution: Pomona

    Description: For course info, please see Pomona College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 091 PZ -Psychological Statistics

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: A pragmatic introduction to experimental design, collection and analysis of data in contemporary psychological research. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be covered. Use of computer programs for data analysis will be emphasized. Intended for psychology concentrators. Cross-registration by permission of instructor only.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ or permission of instructor. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 092 PZ -Introduction to Research Methods

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course provides an overview of issues related to the conduct of psychological inquiry. Topics to be covered include measurement, research design (observational, experimental and survey approaches) and research ethics. PSYC 092 PZ is designed to be taken after PSYC 091 PZ  and is well-suited for sophomores. This course does not replace PSYC 112 PZ , which must be taken by seniors carrying out thesis projects.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ and PSYC 091 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 092L PZ -Research Methods Lab

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This lab course will provide students with hands-on experience in research design and methodology in the field of psychology. Students will get experience in all phases of the research process (i.e., conducting a literature search, designing a study, collecting and analyzing data, and writing up APA-style reports).

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ & PSYC 091 PZ. PSYC 092 PZ must be taken concurrently. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 101 PZ -Brain and Behavior

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course provides an introduction to the biological bases of cognition and behavior. Topics may include basic neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, visual and auditory perception, attention, language, hemispheric specialization, memory, emotion, motor control, and social neuroscience. Satisfies: BIO.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ or permission of instructor. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 102 PZ -Memory

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This laboratory course provides an introduction to the study of human memory, with emphasis on the nature of mental structures and processes underlying memory in everyday life. Topics to be covered include autobiographical memory, eyewitness testimony, amnesia and memory changes in childhood and old age. Satisfies: L, COG.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ, PSYC 091 PZ. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 103 PZ -Social Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: We will examine major areas in social psychology such as attitudes, aggression, conflict, person perception, small group processes, and interpersonal attraction. Satisfies: SOC

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 103 SC -Psychological Statistics

    Institution: Scripss

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 104 PZ -Experimental Social Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: An examination of experimentally-based approaches to social psychology and the conclusions derived from research related to a variety of major questions in this field. This class will present a critical review and evaluation of contemporary work and discuss the connection between experimental findings and other work within and outside the discipline. Satisfies: L, SOC.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ & PSYC 091 PZ. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 104 SC -Research Design in Psychology

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 104L SC -Research Design in Psychology Laboratory

    Institution: Scripps

    Description: For course info, please see Scripps College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 105 PZ -Child Development

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course covers a broad range of topics in developmental psychology.  The course focuses largely on children, but will encompass some discussion of adolescence and early adulthood.  Topics will be covered conceptually as well as chronologically, and will include biological, social, cognitive and societal/cross-cultural aspects of development.  This course requires a 40-hour internship working with children, during the course of the semester. Satisfies: I, DEV.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 107 PZ -Theories of Personality

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will provide an introduction to the major theories of personality. We will trace the development of personality theories beginning with Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis and concluding with recent developments in the field of personality psychology. Satisfies: SOC.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 109 CM -Introduction to Statistics for Psychologists

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 109 PZ -Laboratory in Social Development

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The goal of this course is to expose students to recent works in social and emotional development and to teach students about the unique methodological and ethical issues involved in conducting research in this area. Students will be designing and carrying out independent research projects as part of the course requirements. Satisfies: L, DEV.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ and PSYC 010 PZ 5 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 109L PZ -Lab in Social Development

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The focus of this course is the familiarize students with the research methods, designs, & statistical procedures used in social develpment. Students will conduct two short studies at The Children’s School on CMC campus, and then design & conduct group projects on social develpment. Students will develop the skills of conducting a literature search, designing & carrying out a study, and writing up and framing research.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 110 CM -Research Methods

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 111 PZ -Physiological Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course is designed to provide students with a sophisticated understanding of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology and their relationship with behavioral function. We will also be addressing such issues as the organization and activation of mammalian sexual behavior, sleep regulation, nutrition and auditory processing. Satisfies: L, BIO.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 PZ PZ or NEUR 095 JT or instructor’s permission Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 111L CM -Research Methods Practicum

    Institution: Claremont McKenna

    Description: For course info, please see Claremont McKenna College catalog.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 112 PZ -Senior Research Methods

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course acquaints students with the principles and methods of scientific research in the field of psychology. Theoretical concerns underlying all research, specific designs used in laboratory and field settings and data analysis techniques will be discussed. This course is intended for seniors who are interested in furthering their knowledge concerning research methodologies; it is required of seniors working on an honors thesis.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ , PSYC 091 PZ and one prior laboratory course. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 116 PZ -Children at Risk

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will examine topics such as the risks posed to development by poverty, homelessness, parental mental health issues, domestic violence and abuse. We will also study ways to support resiliency in children in the face of these concerns. Students will be carrying out internships with related community agencies in Ontario that focus on children and families. Satisfies: I, DEV.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ . Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 117 PZ -Children and Families in South Asia

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: The main focus of this course is on the nature of child development and familial relations in the South Asian context. Topics will include family structure, childrearing patterns and philosophies, sibling relationships and the development of gender roles. The impact of social, political and economic forces on children and families will also be discussed. The course is especially recommended for students going to or returning from study abroad in South Asia. Satisfies: D, S, DEV.

    Prerequisite(s): Please check course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 118 PZ -Health Psychology

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: This course will focus on psychological approaches to health and disease. Using theories in health psychology (biopsychosocial model and diathesis-stress model), behavioral components of major illnesses and cause of death and disability will be explored. The course will also cover psychological techniques used to prevent or manage health problems, including changing health habits, coping with stress, and pain management. Satisfies: CLI.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.
  • PSYC 121 PZ -Cognitive Science

    Institution: Pitzer

    Description: Historical and contemporary views of the mind from a multidisciplinary perspective. How does the mind acquire, structure, and make use of knowledge? Topics Include consciousness, language meaning, thinking, decision-making, perception, remembering, and the self. Satisfies: COG.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 010 PZ and PSYC 091 PZ or permission of instructor. Please also check the current course schedule for requirements.

    For up-to-date information on current course offerings and details, please refer to the Pitzer class schedule on MyCampus2 Portal.

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