Oct 24, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2020-21 
Faculty Handbook 2020-21 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



A. Paychecks
B. Insurance
C. Tuition Reimbursement Program
D. Faculty Housing Loan Policy
E. Computer Loan Policy for Faculty and Staff

Paychecks are issued to the exempt employees of the Claremont Colleges on the 26th of each month.

Salary Advances
The policy of the Claremont Colleges regarding salary advances is as follows:

a. Salary advances will be closely restricted to major and urgent emergencies and to terminal salary payments.

b. Such advances, if made, will normally be restricted to payment of a single month’s salary.

c. Such advances will be made only upon written authorization from the President or the Dean of Faculty.

1. Group Medical Insurance: Various options for health plan coverage are available to full- time faculty and continuing part-time faculty (employed at least half-time) by the Claremont Colleges. These include pre-paid health plans (Health Maintenance Organizations), which provide comprehensive medical and hospital benefits to you and your dependents. You must enroll within 31 days of becoming eligible. There is usually an annual open enrollment period during which you may either enroll in a plan for the first time or change from one plan to another. Explanation of benefits are obtainable from the Benefits Department, Pendleton Business Office (x18049). Pitzer’s Director of Human Resources (x18243) or personnel in the Insurance Department can answer questions you have after reading the information.

2. Group Retirement Insurance: Faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor or above and non-academic senior administrators on at least half-time appointments are eligible to participate in the program. The College contributes 12% of the stated salary and the employee contributes nothing. Benefit coverage is not automatic and eligible employees who wish to participate in the program must enroll through the CUC Administrative Campus Center, x18151.

3. Group Disability Insurance: In cases of disability resulting in a faculty member’s not performing his/her teaching functions, the College will normally continue the faculty member’s full salary, although it reserves the right to deduct the expenses of replacement in whole or in part if necessitated by extreme budgetary consideration. Such an obligation on the part of the College shall not extend beyond the first six months of disability. Whenever possible, continuing salary payments will be coordinated with short-term disability benefits payments.

It is highly recommended that every faculty member elect the TIAA long-term disability policy, which will cover 60% of the employee’s salary after the first six months of total disability. (Employees are automatically covered by a short-term policy during the first months of disability.) Faculty and non-academic staff become eligible for TIAA long-term disability policy after two years of full-time service, regardless of rank.

3. Personal Liability Insurance: Faculty members acting in an official capacity in the governance of the College are covered by the general liability policy of the Claremont Colleges which is administered centrally by Financial Services Personnel.

4. Domestic Partners Policy:  The overall objective of the plan is to assist in providing, to the extent permitted by law, a measure of health expense protection to employees in domestic partner arrangements that is comparable to that provided to employees in statutorily recognized family/dependent arrangements. In administering this plan, the College will recognize for spousal equivalency status an unmarried, unrelated partner of any gender whose emotional and financial relationship to an employee qualifies them to be considered domestic partners. In addition, the College will recognize for dependent equivalency status an unmarried dependent child, under age 19, of a qualifying domestic partner. An employee wishing to participate in this plan will be required to complete an application. The application will require the employee to certify that a committed relationship of shared emotional and financial responsibility currently exists. Upon acceptance of the application by a designated representative of the College, the domestic partner will be granted spousal equivalency status and the employee will be eligible for benefits. For application materials and a full explanation of the policy and benefits, see the Pitzer Director of Human Resources (x18243).

Eligibility: All benefit-eligible employees in regular positions at Pitzer College who qualify under the following guidelines, will be covered under this Tuition Reimbursement Plan. Staff in temporary positions and faculty in non-tenure track appointments are not eligible. Full-time employment for staff is defined as working 12 months, 40 hours per week. Part- time is defined as any regular employment, less than 12 months but at least 20 hours per week, and excludes temporary or on-call status.

1. Full-Time Employee Coverage: After l2 months of full-time continuous employment at Pitzer College, employees shall be eligible to receive: (a) full tuition support for up to four courses per academic year (summer inclusive), when enrolled as degree candidates in good standing at Pitzer College; or (b) up to two courses per academic year (summer inclusive), when enrolled as degree candidates at any one of The Claremont Colleges.

2. Dependent Children of Full-Time Employees:  After l2 months of full-time continuous employment at Pitzer College, the dependent children of employees shall be eligible to receive half-tuition support, not to exceed one-half the cost of Pitzer tuition, when enrolled as degree candidates in good academic standing at any one of the undergraduate Claremont Colleges.

3. Part-Time Employee Coverage: After four years of continuous employment at Pitzer College, regular part-time staff working at least 20 hours per week are eligible to receive full tuition support for up to four courses per academic year (summer Inclusive) at Pitzer College when enrolled as degree candidates in good standing.

4. Dependent Children of Part-Time Employees: After four years of continuous employment at Pitzer College, the dependent children of part-time employees shall be eligible to receive half-tuition support, not to exceed one-half the cost of Pitzer tuition, when enrolled as degree candidates in good academic standing at Pitzer College.

5. Payments: Tuition reimbursement will be made to the student’s account only upon successful completion of coursework. It is the responsibility of the student and/or employee to submit an application form to the Director of Human Resources at the beginning of each semester. Forms will be forwarded to the College Registrar for verification of course completion at the end of each semester.

6. Auditing: With the agreement of the instructor, any Pitzer College employee may audit courses at any of The Claremont Colleges.

7. Class Attendance for Full-Time Employees: Full-time employees may be granted up to three hours leave per week at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor to attend classes conducted during the traditional work hours of the College.

8. Death Benefit: Half-tuition will be paid by Pitzer College for dependent children when enrolled at any one of the undergraduate Claremont Colleges as degree candidates in good academic standing up to five years from the date of death of any employee who has served the College for five or more years. Where death occurs between two and five years, the College shall adjudicate the half tuition privilege.

9. Unpaid Leave Status: Employees on unpaid leave status are not normally eligible to receive tuition reimbursement benefits for themselves during the period of their leave.


STEP 1: AN APPLICATION FORM IS REQUIRED AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH SEMESTER Forms are available in the Human Resources Office, McConnell 312.

STEP 2: During MARCH of each year, REGISTER YOUR INTENT to use tuition reimbursement benefits during the next fiscal year by notifying the Office of Human Resources in McConnell 312. This will allow for more accurate budget projections, and provide a time to discuss any questions you may have.

STEP 3: Taxability of Benefits: For determination of individual tax liability, participants in this program are encouraged to consult a qualified tax advisor for applicability of Internal Revenue or State of California Tax Code.

Tuition is defined as such, and may not be applied to any other fees, e.g. room and board, lab fees, doctoral study fee, continuing education fee, community fees, off campus fees, etc.

The Financial Services Office at Pendleton reminds us that some tuition reimbursement benefits are considered taxable income. We advise you to check with your own tax consultant regarding taxation questions, however the following information summarizes the current law:

GRADUATE Level Course Work:
Tuition remission payments for graduate level degree work is a taxable fringe benefit, subject to all employment taxes, unless the coursework is required to keep your job. (This is a more recent change in tax law from former wording which specified coursework could be tax-free when “job-related”.)

Under current Internal Revenue regulations, tuition reimbursement payments for undergraduate work for employees and/or their dependents (as defined by the IRS) are excludable from gross income under section 117(d) of the code. This benefit is not taxed.

REGISTER YOUR INTENT TO USE THIS BENEFIT: Each  year you will be asked to register your intent to use undergraduate or graduate level tuition reimbursement benefits during the next fiscal year by contacting the Office of Human Resources. This will enable us to prepare more accurate budget projections to account for the cost.

TURN IN AN APPLICATION FORM EACH SEMESTER: A new application form is required at the beginning of every semester. Please refer to the copy of our tuition reimbursement policy on the back of this memo for complete information.
A report on the amount of tuition reimbursement paid to Pitzer employees will be sent to Pendleton each semester. The payroll department will calculate appropriate taxes.

In order to recruit and commit to the College qualified faculty members, the administration of Pitzer College recommends the adoption of a loan policy to help faculty members purchase their first home and to help new faculty members relocate to Pitzer.  The proposed loan policy contains the following provisions:

1. Loans are restricted to faculty members who are appointed to full-time tenure track positions.

2. Loans are restricted to homes within a ten-mile radius of the campus.

3. The maximum amount of a loan is $50,000.  Second trust deed loans made by the College including the present principal balances of the existing  first trust deed will not exceed 100% of the sale price of the property.

4.The interest rate on Pitzer housing loans is 2 percent below the current market rate in Claremont on the date the borrower signs final loan documents.  The market rate is to be calculated by taking the average interest rate offered on second trust deed loans or on home improvement loans by three lending institutions which make such loans in the Claremont area.  Said institutions are to be chosen by Pitzer College.

5. The Borrower will pay all customary costs for obtaining a real estate loan: the title policy, fire insurance and extended coverage, tax service, escrow charges, if any, and any other charges in connection with making the loan.  Pitzer College will not charge points for the making of a loan.  The College reserves the right to approve a title report.  The Borrower may pay additional payments against the principal balance of the loan at any time or pay the loan in full and, in such cases, the College will not charge a prepayment penalty.

6. The maximum loan period is 30 years from loan origination.

7. In regard to repayment, the loan will be fully amortized over the term of the loan.

8. Payment will be deducted automatically from payroll checks by the CUC Financial Services Office.

9. The loan is secured in the form of a second trust deed on the property.

10. In the event a faculty member with a faculty housing loan is terminated or resigns from the College, his or her loan can remain in effect for up to 1 year from the date of termination while he or she owns the property on which the loan was made.  The interest rate, however, will be raised to the rate prevailing for second mortgage loans in the Claremont area.  The principal and any accrued interest will be due and payable in full to the College no later than one year from the date of termination. If the property is sold or no longer occupied by the Borrower as the principal residence, the loan becomes due and payable immediately.

11. In the event of death of a faculty member holding a faculty housing loan, the Pitzer College faculty loan will continue in effect for the benefit of the surviving co-borrower for a period of three years from the date of the borrower/employee’s death, providing the co-borrower continues to own and occupy the property.  At the end of the three year period the remaining principal balance and accrued interest thereon shall become all due and payable to the College.  In the event the surviving co-borrower vacates, sells, transfers, conveys or alienates the property in any manner, the entire principal sum together with interest due thereon shall become all due and payable.

12. The loan application will be reviewed by the appropriate administrative staff, including the Treasurer and Dean of Faculty who will make recommendations to the President. The President shall have authority to approve loans in conformance with the policy.  The President also shall have authority to approve exceptions to the policy subject to ratification by the Trustee Budget Committee.  The Trustee Budget Committee shall receive an annual report on the status of the Pitzer faculty housing loan program.

13. The total funds available for this purpose will be limited to $200,000.  If this amount is used up, the policy will be reviewed by the Trustee Budget Committee before additional funds are made available.


Pitzer College

Eligible faculty and staff members may apply for an interest-free loan not to exceed $2,000 for the purchase of one computer. Only one loan is allowed per faculty or staff member. This loan may not be used for the purchase of peripherals or additional components. The purchase of an extended warranty is allowed. Loans must be repaid within 18 months. Loan payments will be made in equal monthly installments through automatic payroll deduction. If a faculty or staff member’s employment terminates with the College before the loan is repaid in full, the balance of the loan amount will be immediately due.

All loan applicants must meet benefits-eligibility requirements.
Faculty in tenured or tenure-track positions.
Staff in positions classified as “regular” employment.   Must first complete one year of full-time employment or four years of continuous part-time employment.  Full-time employment for staff is defined as working 12 months, 40 hours per week.  Part-time is defined as any regular employment, less than 12 months but at least 20 hours per week. This policy excludes temporary or on-call staff status, or visiting/adjunct faculty status.

Each year, the pool of available loan funds will be allocated 50% to faculty and 50% to staff.  Loans are granted on a first-come first-serve basis. Once the maximum number of loans for the year has been granted, a waiting list will be established.

Faculty: apply through the Dean of Faculty. Staff: apply through the Director of Human Resources.
After obtaining approval from the Dean of Faculty or the Director of Human Resources, the faculty/staff member can purchase one computer.

The faculty/staff member must complete the computer purchase within four weeks of notification that the funds are available to avoid delaying the availability of funds to others on the waiting list.
After the purchase, the faculty/staff member meets with the Associate Treasurer or assigned designee to sign a promissory note. Loan payments will begin the month the promissory note is signed.
Note: The computer purchased by the employee is the sole responsibility of the employee, including support, maintenance, repairs, and all other ownership responsibilities.

1. Application for a Computer Loan H:computer loan policy _Revised May 2011.doc
Effective 06/01/2011

Pitzer College APPLICATION FOR A COMPUTER LOAN Faculty & Staff

I,                                                    hereby request and make application for a personal loan from Pitzer College.  I understand that this loan will be for the sole purpose of purchasing one computer, and that approval is contingent upon my meeting all the requirements outlined in the policy and the availability of funds.  I further understand that this loan will not exceed $2,000 (to be applied toward said purchase), it shall be interest free, and repayable in equal monthly installments within a 18-month period  I also understand that if my employment with the College ends, the loan balance will become immediately due.  Maintenance, repairs and insurance are my sole responsibility.

Employee Signature:                                                                           Date            


The above named applicant meets the Computer Loan Policy eligibility requirements:


For Faculty:                                                                                                                         

Allen Omoto, Vice President/Dean of Faculty                          Date

For Staff:                                                                                                                              

Deanna Caballero, Director of Human Resources                        Date

Application Receive - Date:                                           Time:                      am / pm




Pamela Mader, Assistant Vice President for Finance or  Assigned Designee from Treasurer’s Office                        Date



cc : Allen Omoto, VP/Dean of Faculty (for Faculty) Deanna Caballero, Director of Human Resources (for Staff) H:computer loan policy_Revised May 2011.doc